DUTCH PARLIAMENTARY ELECTION STUDY, 1989 (ICPSR 9950) Principal Investigators H. Anker and E.V. Oppenhuis First ICPSR Release June 1994 Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research P.O. Box 1248 Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106 1 1 BIBLIOGRAPHIC CITATION Publications based on ICPSR data collections should acknowledge those sources by means of bibliographic citations. To ensure that such source attributions are captured for social science bibliographic utilities, citations must appear in footnotes or in the reference section of publications. The bibliographic citation for this data collection is: Anker, H., and E.V. Oppenhuis. DUTCH PARLIAMENTARY ELECTION STUDY, 1989 [Computer file]. Amsterdam, the Netherlands: Dutch Electoral Research Foundation and Netherlands Central Bureau of Statistics [producers], 1993. Amsterdam, the Netherlands: Steinmetz Archive/Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributors], 1994. REQUEST FOR INFORMATION ON USE OF ICPSR RESOURCES To provide funding agencies with essential information about use of archival resources and to facilitate the exchange of information about ICPSR participants' research activities, users of ICPSR data are requested to send to ICPSR bibliographic citations for each completed manuscript or thesis abstract. Please indicate in a cover letter which data were used. DATA DISCLAIMER The original collector of the data, ICPSR, and the relevant funding agency bear no responsibility for uses of this collection or for interpretations or inferences based upon such uses. 1 DATA COLLECTION DESCRIPTION H. Anker and E.V. Oppenhuis DUTCH PARLIAMENTARY ELECTION STUDY, 1989 (ICPSR 9950) SUMMARY: This survey, the eighth in a series of election studies from the Netherlands, focuses on the September 6, 1989, elections for the Second Chamber of Parliament. These elections were called early due to the fall of the Lubbers-II cabinet on May 2. The survey was administered in two waves, one conducted before the election and one following the vote. In the first wave, respondents provided information on their interest in politics, what they considered the most important national problem, how they intended to vote in the upcoming election, political party membership and affiliation, attitudes towards government policies and officials, opinions on political and social issues such as abortion, nuclear energy, income differences, and environmental pollution, and on a variety of personal and demographic characteristics. During the second wave, respondents reported the name of the party they had voted for in the election and their reasons for doing so. Other variables recorded voter perceptions of the stance of various political parties on issues such as euthanasia, nuclear weapons, economic concerns, voter knowledge of national politicians, rating of political parties based on a 10-point left-right scale, attitudes toward politics and the effectiveness of government, union membership, and future vote intentions. Respondents were also asked to describe how they would participate in the governing process if they thought that the Second Chamber of Parliament was about to consider a bill that the voter thought unjust, and, in addition, to state which national goals should receive the highest priority. UNIVERSE: Members of the Dutch electorate at the time of the 1989 parliamentary election. SAMPLING: A sample of 4,000 households was drawn from the Geographic Base Register, which is based to a large extent on the national mail delivery register of the Netherlands. From all eligible citizens within each household, one person was randomly selected by interviewing the person whose birthday was first. No substitution by another person was allowed in case of refusal, no- contact, or other factors precluding an interview. EXTENT OF COLLECTION: 1 data file + machine-readable documentation (text) + SAS data definition statements + SPSS data definition statements EXTENT OF PROCESSING: NONNUM/ BLANKS/ CONCHK.PI/ MDATA/ UNDOCCHK.PI 1 DATA FORMAT: Logical Record Length with SAS and SPSS data definition statements Part 1: Data File Part 2: SAS Data Definition File Structure: rectangular Statements Cases: 1,754 Record Length: 76 Variables: 310 Record Length: 699 Records Per Case: 1 RELATED PUBLICATIONS: Anker, H. NORMAL VOTE ANALYSIS. Amsterdam: Spinhuis, 1992. CBS. NATIONAAL KIEZERSONDERZOEK 1989, KERNCIJFERS (3 Vols.). Den Haag: SDU, 1991. Hermsen, A.J.H.M. VOTES AND POLICY PREFERENCES, EQUILIBRIA IN PARTY SYSTEMS. Amsterdam: Thesis Publishers, 1992. 1 1 DUTCH PARLIAMENTARY ELECTION STUDY 1989 AN ENTERPRISE OF THE DUTCH POLITICAL SCIENCE COMMUNITY H. Anker E.V. Oppenhuis Steinmetz Archive/SWIDOC Dutch Electoral Research Foundation (SKON) 1 Page 2 ICPSR 9950 CIP DATA KONINKLIJKE BIBLIOTHEEK, DEN HAAG Anker, H. Dutch Parliamentary Election Study 1989 : an enterprise of the Dutch Political Science Community / H. Anker, E.V. Oppenhuis. - Amsterdam: Steinmetz Archive/SWIDOC, Dutch Electoral Research Foundation ((SKON)), 1993 (Steinmetz Archive Codebooks; P1000)/ ISBN 90 71684 32 6 siso 393.37/UDC (324:328)(492)"1989" Subject heading: elections; The Netherlands. Stichting Kiezersonderzoek Nederland (SKON) 1993 No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission from the copyright owner. Published by Steinmetz Archive/SWIDOC Printed and bound in the Netherlands STEINMETZ ARCHIVE/SWIDOC, HERENGRACHT 410-412, 1017 BX AMSTERDAM, THE NETHERLANDS 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 3 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF ASSISTANCE All manuscripts utilizing the data documented in this codebook should identify the original collectors of the data. All users are urged to include some adaptation of the following statement in their publication (the brackets indicate items which can be inserted or deleted as appropriate): The data (and tabulations) utilized in this (publication) were originally collected for the Dutch Parliamentary Election Study 1989 by the Netherlands Central Bureau of Statistics, in close cooperation with the Dutch Electoral Research Foundation (SKON). This study has been made possible by grants from the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of the Interior, the Social and Cultural Planning Office, the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO), and the Departments of Political Science of the University of Amsterdam and the Catholic University of Nijmegen. The original collectors of the data do not bear any responsibility for the analyses or interpretations published here. The data file has been prepared and documented by skon, with the assistance of CBS. The dataa are distributed by Steinmetz Archive, Amsterdam. In order to provide the funding agencies with essential information about the use of the data that have been collected with their assistance, each user of the data is expected to send two copies of each completed manuscript to the Dutch Electoral Research Foundation: Stichting Kiezersonderzoek Nederland (SKON) c/o Department of Political Science University of Amsterdam Oudezijds Achterburgwal 237 1012 DL Amsterdam The Netherlands e-mail: skon@sara.nl fax: +31205252086 and to the distributor of the data: Steinmetz Archive Heraengracht 410-412 1017 BX Amsterdam The Netherlands e-mail: steinm@swidoc.nl phone: +31206225061 fax: +31206238374 1 Page 4 ICPSR 9950 CONTENTS PART 1 GENERAL INFORMATION 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Funding 1.3 Organization 1.4 Study design 1.5 Sampling information 1.6 Response and nonresponse 1.7 Data processing 1.8 Data files PART 2 DOCUMENTATION OF VARIABLES 2.1 Variable description list 2.2 Guide to the documentation of variables 2.3 Documentation of variables PART 3 QUESTIONNAIRES 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Questionnaire wave 1 3.3 Showcards wave 1 3.4 Questionnaire wave 2 3.5 Showcards wave 2 APPENDICES Appendix 1 Construction of scale scores Appendix 2 Daily newspaper Appendix 3 Most important national problems Appendix 4 Construction of variables on party adherence Appendix 5 Dutch politicians Appendix 6 Education Appendix 7 EGP codings Appendix 8 Typology of household composition Appendix 9 Degree of urbanization and region Appendix 10 Motivation for party choice Appendix 11 Name of candidate respondent voted for Appendix 12 Motivation for not voting Appendix 13 Union membership Appendix 14 Construction of scale scores for postmaterialism Appendix 15 Weighting Appendix 16 Comparability of questions with previous election studies Appendix 17 Context and outcome of the 1989 parliamentary elections Appendix 18 Reported analyses based on the 1989 study Appendix 19 Information about previous parliamentary election studies 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 5 Appendix 20 Information about the micro file 1 Page 6 ICPSR 9950 PART 1 GENERAL INFORMATION 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 7 1.1 INTRODUCTION The Dutch Parliamentary Election Study 1989 is the eighth in a series of national election studies. Previous studies have been conducted around the elections for the Second Chamber of Parliament in 1967, 1971, 1972, 1977, 1981, 1982, and 1986. The 1989 study focuses on the September 6, 1989 elections for the Second Chamber of Parliament. These elections were called early, due to the fall of the Lubbers-II cabinet on May 2nd. This codebook provides information about the organization and design of the Dutch Parliamentary Election Study 1989 and about the contents of the data file. To that end, the book has been divided into four parts. The first part of the book contains all relevant information about the general aspects of the study, such as funding, fieldwork, nonresponse, and data processing. The second part of the book contains all relevant information about the variables in the data file, such as variable numbers, variable labels, frequency distributions, English language question texts, and coding of missing values. The third part of the book contains reproductions of the (electronic) questionnaires and the showcards that were used for the interviews. Finally, the fourth and last part of this codebook consists of twenty appendices with additional information on either specific variables included in the data file or on contextual aspects of the study. 1.2 FUNDING The Dutch Parliamentary Election Study 1989 has been made possible by grants from the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of the Interior, the Social and Cultural Planning Office (SCP) and the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO). Additional personnel as well as computing and printing facilities were contributed by the Department of Political Science (PSCW) of the University of Amsterdam and by the Department of Political Science of the Catholic University of Nijmegen. 1.3 ORGANIZATION The fieldwork of the Dutch Parliamentary Election Study 1989 was carried out by the Netherlands Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS). The interviews were conducted by CBS'S own corps of interviewers. The study coincided with a transition within CBS from paper-and-pencil interviewing to computer-assisted interviewing by means of laptop computers. This study was the first to be conducted solely by means of laptop computers. The interviewers were instructed during two meetings. The first meeting was a technical meeting in which the prospective interviewers 1 Page 8 ICPSR 9950 were taught how to work with the new computers. The second meeting was used to inform the interviewers about more specific aspects of the study, in particular the design and the contents of the questionnaires. After these meetings, the interviewers received printed instructions, which summarized the most important points of both meetings. About one week before the field work started, the interviewers received the electronic questionnaires. This gave the interviewers enough time to become familiar with the questionnaires by administering them to friends or relatives, or by filling them out personally. The questionnaires were designed by the board of the Dutch Electoral Research Foundation, abbreviated as SKON (Stichting Kiezersonderzoek Nederland). SKON is the formal successor of the interuniversity workgroups that were responsible for the Dutch Parliamentary Election Studies in the 1971-1986 period. At the time of the 1989 study, the board of SKON consisted of prof. dr. J.J.A. Thomassen (University of Twente, Chair), dr. B. Niemoller (University of Amsterdam, Secretary and Treasurer), dr. J.W. van Deth (University of Twente), dr. C. van der Eijk (University of Amsterdam), and prof. G.A. Irwin Ph.D. (University of Leiden). The questionnaires have two parts. The first part, the so-called 'fixed part', contains topics that, according to the board, should in general be included in the Dutch Parliamentary Election Studies. This part includes such variables as party choice, party adherence, issues orientations, and candidate evaluations. The second part is known as the 'variable part' of the questionnaire and consists of questions that have been proposed by scholars in the field. This part usually serves rather specific research projects. The board of SKON evaluated the proposed questions and determined whether or not they should be included in the questionnaires. In 1989, the variable part of the questionnaire was somewhat shorter than in previous studies, due to disagreement about the length of the questionnaires between SKON and CBS, and the latter's decision to curtail the questionnaire of the second wave of interviews only days before the fieldwork started. By contract, CBS has the right to add questions to the questionnaires. The organization does so at its own expense and no permission of SKON is needed. In 1989, CBS actually made use of this right by adding several questions to (the end of) the questionnaires. As these questions do not form an integral part of the Dutch Parliamentary Election Study, the data obtained with them have not been included in the data file. 1.4 STUDY DESIGN The 1989 study has been designed as a two wave, short-term panel study, and was carried out on the basis of a representative sample of the Dutch electorate at the time of the parliamentary elections. 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 9 The first wave of interviews was conducted before the election in the period from July 15 until September 5 (one day before the election). This period coincided with the summer vacation period in the western part of the country, which may have had a negative effect on the response rate (refer to section 6 about response and nonresponse). The second wave of interviews started on September 9 (three days after the election) and continued through November 13. By this time all vacations had ended. The fieldwork did not encounter meaningful problems. In addition to the election study documented in this codebook, the Dutch Electoral Research Foundation (SKON) also conducted a new wave of interviews for the 1986-1989 panel study. This panel already had been interviewed twice in 1986 (first and second wave of interviews of the fresh sample), and the interviews conducted in 1989 thus formed the third wave of the panel. The documentation of the panel study is presented in a separate codebook (Van der Eijk, Irwin, and Niemoller 1993). 1.5 SAMPLING INFORMATION To obtain a representative sample of the 1989 electorate, a similar sampling procedure has been employed as in 1981, 1982, and 1986. The sampling procedure is a two-stage procedure, which starts with a sample of households, after which one eligible citizen per household is randomly selected for interviewing. An extensive discussion of the merits of this procedure vis-a-vis other possibilities has been presented by Van der Eijk, Niemoller, and Eggen (1981); also refer to Van der Eijk and Irwin (1988). The sample of households has been drawn from the Geographic base register (Geografisch basisregister). This is an address register maintained by CBS. This register is based to a large extent on the national mail delivery register (postafgiftepuntenbestand). The sample size has been set at 4,000. To keep travel time and therefore costs within acceptable limits, the minimum number of addresses to be sampled for each municipality in the sample (i.e., the cluster size) has been set at sixteen. Thus, municipalities with more than 30,000 inhabitants were automatically included in the sample, as they contained sixteen or more sampled addresses. A random sample was drawn from the remaining municipalities with less than 30,000 inhabitants. Although most mail delivery points coincide with separate households, occasionally two or more households belong to the same mail delivery point. In such cases, each household (to a maximum of three) was included in the sample. Due to this phenome- non, the 4,000 addresses visited by the interviewers produced a total of 4,054 different households. From all eligible citizens within each household, one person was randomly selected by interviewing the person whose birthday was 1 Page 10 ICPSR 9950 first. No substitution by another person was allowed in case of refusal, no-contact or other factors precluding an interview. 1.6 RESPONSE AND NONRESPONSE Several actions were taken to increase the response rate for both waves of interviews. First, a letter of introduction was mailed to all sampled mail delivery points. This letter explained the nature of the study, announced that an interviewer would come along, and contained a telephone number for those persons who would like to have more information about the study. The letter also included the name of the interviewer, his or her telephone number, the intended date of visiting and information about whether the interviewer would show up in the morning, in the afternoon, or in the evening. Second, the interviewers were encouraged to visit the addresses as often as they thought was reasonably possible. The following table contains a summary of the response and nonresponse for the first wave of interviews: Response wave 1: 1,754 (46.1%) Nonresponse wave 1: refusals 1,485 (39.0%) respondent too busy 23 (0.6%) illness 25 (0.7%) no contact 321 (8.4%) no reason registered 111 (2.9%) not approached 39 (1.0%) language barrier 49 (1.3%) _____ ________ Gross sample: Other causes of nonresponse: uninhabited dwelling 177 no eligible citizens 69 _____ Original sample: For the second wave of interviews, the numbers are as follows: Response wave 2: 1,506 (85.9%) Nonresponse wave 2: refusals 170 (9.7%) respondent too busy 20 (1.1%) illness 15 (0.9%) no contact 37 (2.1%) wrong person interviewed 7 (0.4%) 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 11 Number of respondents from _____ ________ wave 1: 1,754 (100.0%) The following tables contain a breakdown of the distribution of nonresponse by various geographical characteristics for both the first and the second wave of interviews. These tables give an impression of the extent to which (non)response is evenly spread over the country. The percentage base used is the number of eligible citizens in the gross sample. Size of municipality: Category Gross sample Response wave 1 Response wave 2 < = 5,000 145 69 (47.6%) 57 (39.3%) 5,000 - 10,000 446 232 (52.0%) 204 (45.7%) 10,000 - 20,000 531 247 (46.5%) 215 (40.5%) 20,000 - 50,000 1,098 528 (48.1%) 461 (42.0%) 50,000 - 100,000 501 253 (50.5%) 219 (43.7%) > = 100,000 575 267 (46.4%) 225 (39.1%) Amsterdam 214 72 (33.6%) 54 (25.2%) Rotterdam 169 50 (29.6%) 41 (24.3%) The Hague 129 36 (27.9%) 30 (23.3%) _____ _____ _____ 3,808 1,754 (46.1%) 1,506 (39.5%) Region: Category Gross sample Response wave 1 Response wave 2 North 414 214 (51.7%) 189 (45.7%) East 738 351 (47.6%) 300 (40.7%) West 1,352 634 (46.9%) 549 (40.6%) South 792 397 (50.1%) 343 (43.3%) Amsterdam, Rotterdam, 512 158 (30.9%) 125 (24.4%) The Hague _____ _____ _____ 3,808 1,754 (46.1%) 1,506 (39.5%) Province: Category Gross sample Response wave 1 Response wave 2 Groningen 154 60 (39.0%) 50 (32.5%) Friesland 149 92 (61.7%) 86 (57.7%) Drenthe 111 62 (55.9%) 53 (47.7%) Overijssel 245 123 (50.2%) 108 (44.1%) Flevoland 48 14 (29.2%) 12 (25.0%) Gelderland 445 214 (48.1%) 180 (40.4%) Utrecht 270 125 (46.3%) 110 (40.7%) Noord-Holland 647 288 (44.5%) 251 (38.8%) 1 Page 12 ICPSR 9950 Zuid-Holland 854 344 (40.3%) 287 (33.6%) Zeeland 93 35 (37.6%) 26 (28.0%) Noord-Brabant 522 263 (50.4%) 235 (45.0%) Limburg 270 134 (49.6%) 108 (40.0%) _____ _____ _____ 3,808 1,754 (46.1%) 1,506 (39.5%) Degree of urbanization (for all practical purposes, the codes run from rural to urbanized; refer to Appendix 9 for a detailed description of the codes): Category Gross sample Response wave 1 Response wave 2 A3 122 58 (47.5%) 49 (41.0%) A4 277 165 (59.6%) 148 (53.4%) B1 272 121 (44.5%) 102 (37.5%) B2 540 260 (48.1%) 219 (40.6%) B3 517 238 (46.0%) 206 (39.8%) C1 119 62 (52.1%) 55 (46.2%) C2 298 130 (43.6%) 117 (39.3%) C3 250 129 (51.6%) 115 (46.0%) C4 387 194 (50.1%) 165 (42.6%) C5 514 239 (46.5%) 205 (39.9%) C6 512 158 (31.4%) 125 (24.4%) _____ _____ _____ 3,808 1,754 (46.1%) 1,506 (39.5%) These tables show that response is not evenly spread over the country. Compared with other parts of the country, response rates tend to be lower in the big cities (Amsterdam, Rotterdam, and The Hague) and in the provinces of Groningen, Flevoland, and Zeeland. 1.7 DATA PROCESSING Data processing and data cleaning have been performed by the authors of this codebook, with two exceptions. The coding of the party choice motivations (refer to Appendix 10) has been performed by drs. J.J.M. van Holsteyn (University of Leiden), while the coding of the most important problems based on the 1986 coding scheme (refer to Appendix 3) was performed by CBS, in particular drs. J.J.G. Schmeets. CBS also provided the information about response and nonresponse. Incorrect data entries were corrected only if it was possible to establish unequivocally that the interviewer or the coder made mistakes in recording or coding the answers. If it was obvious that the interviewer had made a mistake and the correct code could not be established without doubt, the incorrect codes were replaced by missing data codes. 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 13 The data file contains various extra variables that have been added for the convenience of the analyst. The construction of these additional variables is documented partly in section 2.3 of this codebook (documentation of variables), and, when extensive, in separate appendices. The data file has been affected by CBS'S policy to prevent the possible identification of individual respondents. Due to this privacy protection policy, some of the variables have been categorized in terms of cruder categories (as compared to previous Dutch Parliamentary Election Studies), while other variables have been excluded from the data file altogether. In the documentation of variables section of this codebook (section 2.3), the affected categories have been marked by an asterisk (*). The affected variables are the following: -did (not) vote in 1989 European elections; -age of respondent; -education of head of household; -education of respondent; -degree of urbanization; -region; -typology of household composition; The excluded variables are the following: -electoral cohort; -birth date of all members of the household; -sex and marital status of all members of the household other than the respondent; -number of individuals in the household; -number of eligible citizens in the household; -province; -size of municipality; -municipality code; -nodal area code; -verbatim answer to the question on motivation for party choice; -verbatim answer to the question on motivation for not voting; -verbatim answer to the question on motivation for preferential vote; -detailed information on occupational status of respondent; -detailed information on occupational status of head of household; -all information about history of the fieldwork. 1.8 DATA FILES The Dutch Parliamentary Election Study 1989 is available as a 'public documentation file' (which is documented in this codebook) and as a 'micro file.' The latter differs from the former in that it contains some of the information that CBS considers to be privacy sensitive (refer to Appendix 20 for details). The public documentation file is available without restrictions. To obtain the 1 Page 14 ICPSR 9950 micro file, prospective users have to sign a contract with CBS. This contract has to be signed also by the president or director of the institution with which the prospective user is affiliated. The micro file is not accessible to foreign researchers, unless they reside in the Netherlands. Like all previous Dutch Parliamentary Election Studies, the 1989 study (the public documentation file) can be obtained from Steinmetz Archive in Amsterdam (the Netherlands) or from the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) in Ann Arbor (United States). The file contains 1,754 cases and 310 variables. In addition to the data described in this codebook, a small data file exists with 4,054 records, each of which represents one of the cases in the sample of mail delivery points. For each case, the file contains a number of variables by means of which the entire sample history can be reconstructed. This file, however, has not been released by CBS for general use, as it contains information that may possibly lead to the identification of individual respondents. Readers who would like to use this data file should therefore contact CBS directly. 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 15 PART 2 DOCUMENTATION OF VARIABLES 1 Page 16 ICPSR 9950 2.1 VARIABLE DESCRIPTION LIST VAR001 Study number VAR002 Respondent identification number VAR003 Type of interview record FIRST WAVE OF INTERVIEWS POLITICAL INTEREST AND COMMUNICATION VAR004 Reads about national news? VAR005 Talks about national problems? VAR006 Reads about foreign news? VAR007 Interested in politics? VAR008 Political interest score VAR009 Frequency watching tv newscast VAR010 Daily newspaper - first answer VAR011 Daily newspaper - second answer VAR012 Daily newspaper - third answer VAR013 Daily newspaper - fourth answer MOST IMPORTANT NATIONAL PROBLEM VAR014 Most important national problem - first answer VAR015 Most important national problem - second answer VAR016 Most important national problem - third answer VAR017 Most important national problem - fourth answer VAR018 Most important national problem - fifth answer VOTE INTENTION SECOND CHAMBER 1989 VAR019 Intends to vote in 1989 parliamentary elections? VAR020 Vote intention 1989 parliamentary elections VAR021 Vote intention if obliged to vote PARTY ADHERENCE VAR022 Respondent is (not) an adherent to a party VAR023 Party respondent is an adherent to VAR024 Respondent is (not) convinced adherent VAR025 Respondent is not an adherent but attracted to a party VAR026 Party respondent is attracted to VAR027 Strength of adherence VAR028 Direction of adherence PARTY MEMBERSHIP VAR029 Respondent is (not) a member of a party VAR030 Party respondent is a member of VAR031 Has respondent ever been a member of a party? GOVERNMENT POLICY SATISFACTION VAR032 Satisfaction with government VAR033 Effect government policy on economic situation VAR034 Effect government policy on employment VAR035 Policy satisfaction score 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 17 VAR036 Effect government policy on respondent's finances POLITICAL ISSUES - ABORTION VAR037 Abortion - perception of CDA VAR038 Abortion - perception of PvdA VAR039 Abortion - perception of VVD VAR040 Abortion - perception of D66 VAR041 Abortion - respondent's preference POLITICAL ISSUES - NUCLEAR ENERGY VAR042 Nuclear plants - perception of CDA VAR043 Nuclear plants - perception of PvdA VAR044 Nuclear plants - perception of VVD VAR045 Nuclear plants - perception of D66 VAR046 Nuclear plants - respondent's preference VAR047 Closing nuclear plants - yes or no? POLITICAL ISSUES - DIFFERENCES IN INCOME VAR048 Income differences - perception of CDA VAR049 Income differences - perception of PvdA VAR050 Income differences - perception of VVD VAR051 Income differences - perception of D66 VAR052 Income differences - respondent's preference PREVIOUS VOTING BEHAVIOR VAR053 Did (not) vote in 1989 European elections VAR054 Party voted for in 1989 European elections VAR055 Did (not) vote in 1986 parliamentary elections VAR056 Party voted for in 1986 parliamentary elections COALITION PREFERENCE VAR057 D66 preferred in cabinet? VAR058 PvdA preferred in cabinet? VAR059 CDA preferred in cabinet? VAR060 VVD preferred in cabinet? VAR061 Preferred government coalition VAR062 Does it matter who are in the coalition? POLITICAL ISSUES - ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION VAR063 Commuting expenses no longer deductible VAR064 Should car owners pay for pollution? VAR065 Should agriculture pay for pollution? VAR066 Should industry pay for pollution? EVALUATION OF COOPERATION BETWEEN AND WITHIN PARTIES VAR067 CDA and VVD - cooperation in past government VAR068 CDA and PvdA - cooperation in future government VAR069 PvdA and VVD - cooperation in future government VAR070 CDA and VVD - cooperation in future government VAR071 Cooperation of politicians within PvdA VAR072 Cooperation of politicians within VVD 1 Page 18 ICPSR 9950 VAR073 Cooperation of politicians within CDA VAR074 Cooperation of politicians within D66 EVALUATION OF POLITICIANS VAR075 Evaluation of Kok as floor leader VAR076 Evaluation of De Vries as floor leader VAR077 Evaluation of Voorhoeve as floor leader VAR078 Evaluation of Van Mierlo as floor leader VAR079 Evaluation of Lubbers as prime minister VAR080 Evaluation of Korthals Altes as minister VAR081 Evaluation of Deetman as minister VAR082 Evaluation of Nijpels as minister VAR083 Evaluation of Ruding as minister VAR084 Evaluation of De Korte as minister VAR085 Evaluation of Smit-Kroes as minister LEFT AND RIGHT IN POLITICS VAR086 Left-right selfrating (7 point scale) POLITICAL ENVIRONMENT DURING ADOLESCENCE VAR087 Discussed politics at home when adolescent VAR088 Recalls party preference of father? VAR089 Party preference of father during adolescence VAR090 Recalls party preference of mother? VAR091 Party preference of mother during adolescence BACKGROUND DATA VAR092 Age of respondent VAR093 Sex of respondent VAR094 Education of respondent VAR095 Marital status of respondent VAR096 Employment status of respondent VAR097 EGP current occupation of respondent VAR098 EGP former occupation of respondent VAR099 Typology of household composition VAR100 Respondent is (not) head of household VAR101 Education of head of household VAR102 EGP current occupation of head of household VAR103 EGP former occupation of head of household VAR104 Respondent has (not) a partner VAR105 Degree of urbanization VAR106 Region RELIGION OF RESPONDENT VAR107 Is respondent religious? VAR108 Religious denomination of respondent VAR109 Other religious denomination of respondent VAR110 Dutch Reformed denomination of respondent VAR111 Calvinist denomination of respondent VAR112 Respondent's attendance of religious services VAR113 Denomination under which respondent was raised 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 19 VAR114 Other denomination under which respondent was raised RELIGION OF PARTNER VAR115 Religious denomination of partner VAR116 Other religious denomination of partner VAR117 Dutch Reformed denomination of partner VAR118 Calvinist denomination of partner VAR119 Partner's attendance of religious services VAR120 Denomination under which partner was raised VAR121 Other denomination under which partner was raised SUBJECTIVE SOCIAL CLASS VAR122 Social class - self image INCOME VAR123 Income of respondent's household VAR124 Respondent has higher income than partner? VAR125 Health insurance - head of household VAR126 Is respondent or head of household house owner? TRANSPORTATION TO WORK VAR127 Does respondent or partner own a car? VAR128 Distance between respondent's home and work VAR129 Respondent's principal mode of transportation to work VAR130 Distance between head of household's home and work VAR131 Head of household's principal mode of transportation to work INTERVIEW INFORMATION VAR132 Date of first interview (mmdd) VAR133 Start of first interview (hhmmss) VAR134 End of first interview (hhmmss) VAR135 Duration of first interview (hmmss) VAR136 Present at interview - children under 6 years VAR137 Present at interview - children 6 years and over VAR138 Present at interview - spouse or partner VAR139 Present at interview - other relatives VAR140 Present at interview - other adults VAR141 Presence of disturbing influences VAR142 Disturbing influences - first coding VAR143 Disturbing influences - second coding SECOND WAVE OF INTERVIEWS INTEREST IN CAMPAIGN VAR144 Reads about campaign news VAR145 Did (not) watch election debate on tv VOTING BEHAVIOR SECOND CHAMBER 1989 VAR146 Did (not) vote in 1989 parliamentary elections VAR147 Party voted for in 1989 parliamentary elections 1 Page 20 ICPSR 9950 VAR148 Party choice - first reason VAR149 Party choice - second reason VAR150 Party choice - third reason VAR151 Party choice - fourth reason VAR152 Party choice - fifth reason VAR153 Did (not) cast preferential vote VAR154 Did cast preferential vote - first reason VAR155 Did cast preferential vote - second reason VAR156 Name of candidate respondent voted for VAR157 Party choice - when decided VAR158 Previous voting behavior of respondent VAR159 Parties previously voted for - first answer VAR160 Parties previously voted for - second answer VAR161 Parties previously voted for - third answer VAR162 Considered not to vote in 1989 VAR163 Did (not) hesitate about party choice VAR164 Party considered as alternative choice VAR165 Did not vote - reason VAR166 Did not vote - when decided VAR167 Preferred party of nonvoters POLITICAL ISSUES - EUTHANASIA VAR168 Euthanasia - perception of CDA VAR169 Euthanasia - perception of PvdA VAR170 Euthanasia - perception of VVD VAR171 Euthanasia - perception of D66 VAR172 Euthanasia - respondent's preference POLITICAL ISSUES - NUCLEAR WEAPONS VAR173 Nuclear weapons - first item VAR174 Nuclear weapons - second item VAR175 Nuclear weapons - third item VAR176 Nuclear weapons - fourth item VAR177 Nuclear weapons - fifth item VAR178 Nuclear weapons attitude score VAR179 Nuclear weapons - perception of CDA VAR180 Nuclear weapons - perception of PvdA VAR181 Nuclear weapons - perception of VVD VAR182 Nuclear weapons - perception of D66 POLITICAL ISSUES - ECONOMY VAR183 Reduce deficit or reduce unemployment? EXPECTATIONS OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENTS VAR184 Expected effect CDA-VVD government on respondent's finances VAR185 Expected effect CDA-PvdA government on respondent's finances VAR186 Expectation general prosperity in 4 years VAR187 Expected effect CDA-VVD government on general prosperity VAR188 Expected effect PvdA-CDA government on general prosperity POLITICAL KNOWLEDGE 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 21 VAR189 Photo a - Beckers VAR190 Party of Beckers VAR191 Political function of Beckers VAR192 Photo b - Korthals Altes VAR193 Party of Korthals Altes VAR194 Political function of Korthals Altes VAR195 Photo c - Kombrink VAR196 Party of Kombrink VAR197 Political function of Kombrink VAR198 Photo d - De Vries VAR199 Party of De Vries VAR200 Political function of De Vries VAR201 Political knowledge score (4 items) VAR202 Political knowledge score (12 items) FAITH IN PROSPECTIVE PREMIERS VAR203 Faith in Lubbers as premier VAR204 Faith in Kok as premier VAR205 Faith in Voorhoeve as premier LEFT AND RIGHT IN POLITICS VAR206 Left-right selfrating (10 point scale) VAR207 Left-right rating of PvdA VAR208 Left-right rating of VVD VAR209 Left-right rating of D66 VAR210 Left-right rating of PPr VAR211 Left-right rating of cpn VAR212 Left-right rating of CDA VAR213 Left-right rating of Groen Links VAR214 Left-right rating of SGP VAR215 Left-right rating of PSP VAR216 Left-right rating of GPV VAR217 Left-right rating of RPF VAR218 Left-right rating of CD/Centrumpartij POLITICAL EFFICACY VAR219 Political efficacy - first item VAR220 Political efficacy - second item VAR221 Political efficacy - third item VAR222 Political efficacy - fourth item VAR223 Political efficacy score POLITICAL CYNICISM VAR224 Political cynicism - first item VAR225 Political cynicism - second item VAR226 Political cynicism - third item VAR227 Political cynicism score CIVIC COMPETENCE AND CIVIC POLITICAL PARTICIPATION VAR228 Chance of acting against unjust bill VAR229 Did (not) contact cabinet ministers 1 Page 22 ICPSR 9950 VAR230 Did (not) contact member of parliament VAR231 Did (not) sign a petition VAR232 Did (not) try to activate interest group VAR233 Did (not) try to activate radio or tv VAR234 Did (not) try to activate political party VAR235 Did (not) contact mayor or alderman VAR236 Did (not) contact municipal councillor VAR237 Did (not) join civic action group VAR238 Did (not) join demonstration VAR239 Did (not) try to activate newspaper VAR240 Did (not) lodge a complaint VAR241 Did (not) contact department official VAR242 Civic participation score VAR243 Number of campaign activities UNION MEMBERSHIP VAR244 Respondent is (not) a member of a union VAR245 Union of which respondent is a member VAR246 Respondent's union affiliated with FNV or CNV VAR247 Other union member in household VAR248 Respondent is (not) a member of professional organization PROBABILITY OF EVER VOTING FOR VARIOUS PARTIES VAR249 Probability of future vote for PvdA VAR250 Probability of future vote for VVD VAR251 Probability of future vote for D66 VAR252 Probability of future vote for PPR VAR253 Probability of future vote for CPN VAR254 Probability of future vote for CDA VAR255 Probability of future vote for Groen Links VAR256 Probability of future vote for SGP VAR257 Probability of future vote for PSP VAR258 Probability of future vote for GPV VAR259 Probability of future vote for RPF VAR260 Probability of future vote for CD/Centrumpartij CONFESSIONAL ATTITUDE VAR261 Should there be confessional parties? VAR262 Should there be confessional unions? VAR263 Should there be confessional schools? VAR264 Should there be confessional radio or tv? VAR265 Religion is a good guide in politics VAR266 Confessional attitude score POSTMATERIALISM VAR267 Value priorities - first out of four items VAR268 Value priorities - second out of four items VAR269 Value priorities - third out of four items VAR270 Value priorities - fourth out of four items VAR271 Value priorities most important - first answer VAR272 Value priorities most important - second answer 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 23 VAR273 Value priorities most important - third answer VAR274 Value priorities least important - first answer VAR275 Value priorities least important - second answer VAR276 Value priorities least important - third answer SYMPATHY SCORES FOR POLITICIANS VAR277 Sympathy score Lubbers VAR278 Sympathy score Kok VAR279 Sympathy score Voorhoeve VAR280 Sympathy score Van Mierlo VAR281 Sympathy score De Vries VAR282 Sympathy score Korthals Altes VAR283 Sympathy score Deetman VAR284 Sympathy score Nijpels VAR285 Sympathy score Ruding VAR286 Sympathy score De Korte VAR287 Sympathy score Smit-Kroes EGOISM AND ALTRUISM VAR288 Egoism versus altruism - most people VAR289 Egoism versus altruism - selfrating WEIGHTING VARIABLES VAR290 Weighting factor wave 1 VAR291 Weighting factor wave 2 VAR292 Weighting factor CBS INTERVIEW INFORMATION VAR293 Date of second interview (mmdd) VAR294 Start of second interview (hhmmss) VAR295 End of second interview (hmmss) VAR296 Duration of second interview (hhmmss) VAR297 Present at interview - children under 6 years VAR298 Present at interview - children 6 years and over VAR299 Present at interview - spouse or partner VAR300 Present at interview - other relatives VAR301 Present at interview - other adults VAR302 Presence of disturbing influences VAR303 Disturbing influences - first coding VAR304 Disturbing influences - second coding ADDITIONAL VARIABLES - WAVE 1 VAR305 Verbatim answer most important problem question VAR306 Most important problem first answer - 1986 code VAR307 Most important problem second answer - 1986 code VAR308 Most important problem third answer - 1986 code VAR309 Most important problem fourth answer - 1986 code VAR310 Most important problem fifth answer - 1986 code 1 Page 24 ICPSR 9950 2.2 GUIDE TO DOCUMENTATION OF VARIABLES This section serves as a guide to the documentation of variables part of the codebook (section 2.3). It does so by means of two reproductions of variables documented in the codebook, which have been presented below. These reproductions pertain to 'education of head of household' and 'region'. All variables in the data files have been documented in the same format. Thirteen different types of information have been distinguished, and the two reproductions contain at least one example of all thirteen types. Each type is represented by means of a small printed number followed by a parenthesis. These numbers are not printed in the actual documentation of variables part, but are references to the descriptions that follow these reproductions. VAR101 1) EDUCATION OF HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD 2) QUEST 46a 3) The next questions apply to the member of the MD = GE 7 4) household who contributes most to the family income. Did he or she obtain an educational degree after elementary school, that is, with a diploma or certificate? What, then, is his or her highest educational degree? 5) Refer to Appendix 6 for a more detailed description of the codes. 6) *1. 7) elementary education 8) 110 6.3 18.9 9) *2. more than elementary education 471 26.9 81.1 7. DK 10) 3 0.2 MD 8. NA 11) 1 0.1 MD 9. INAP (VAR100, code 1) 12) 1,169 66.6 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR106 REGION QUEST MD = NONE Refer to Appendix 9 for a description of the codes. *1. west 792 45.2 45.2 2. north 214 12.2 12.2 3. east 351 20.0 20.0 *4. south 397 22.6 22.6 _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 25 Note: contents of the codes 'west' and 'south' is different from previous Dutch Parliamentary Studies. 13) 1) Variable name, which in this particular case is equal to VAR101. A variable name is assigned to each of the 310 variables in the data file. 2) Variable label used in the data file. In this case, VAR101 has the label 'Education of head of household.' 3) Question number used in the questionnaire to identify the question by means of which the data for the documented variable were obtained. In this case, the question number is 46a. Information about the particular wave in which this question was asked is contained in the header of the page on which the variable is documented (which, in this case, appears to be wave 1). 4) Missing data definition for the documented variable. This definition contains all the values for the documented variable that have been coded as 'missing' in the data file. In this case, all values equal to or greater than 7 have been coded as missing. 5) English translation of original Dutch question text by means of which the data stored in the documented variable have been collected. The original Dutch question text can be retrieved from the facsimiles of the questionnaires presented in part 3. 6) Additional information about the variable or reference to the place where such information can be found. In this case, the reader is referred to appendix 6 where more detailed information about the documented variable can be found. 7) Values of the codes for each category of the documented variable in the data file. Values marked by an asterisk (*) have been affected by cbs's privacy protection policy (also refer to section 1.7), implying that more detailed information is available but that this information has not been released as it may lead to the possible identification of individual respondents. 8) Labels of the values. Each category has been assigned a different label. In this case, the labels are 'elementary education' and 'more than elementary education'. 9) Absolute and relative frequency of occurrence of each code in the data file. In this case, 110 heads of household have enjoyed no more than elementary education. This amounts to 6.3% of all respondents in the data file, or to 18.9% of all valid responses; that is, the responses that are not coded as missing data (md). 10) This is a frequently used value label, indicating a 'don't know' 1 Page 26 ICPSR 9950 response. In this case, 3 respondents did not know how much education the head of household had enjoyed. 11) This is a frequently used label, indicating that no answer has been ascertained. It is used for all situations in which no response was recorded other than a consequence of routing. In this case, for one respondent no answer has been ascertained. 12) This is a frequently used label, indicating 'inaPPropriate.' This code is assigned when respondents were not presented the question as a consequence of routing. In this case, 1,169 respondents were not asked this question as they had stated earlier that they were actually the head of their household (this information is stored in code 1 of VAR100, hence the extra information '(VAR100, code 1)' in the label of the inap category). 13) Cautionary remark about the variable. In most cases, these remarks pertain to 'hidden' differences with previous Dutch Parliamentary Election Studies that otherwise easily would be missed. 2.3 DOCUMENTATION OF VARIABLES VAR001 STUDY NUMBER ICPSR study number is 9950; STEINMETZ ARCHIVE study number is P1000. VAR002 RESPONDENT IDENTIFICATION NUMBER Respondent identification number ranges from 7202401 to 8309681. VAR003 TYPE OF INTERVIEW RECORD 1. first and second interview 1,506 85.9 85.9 2. only first interview 248 14.1 14.1 _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR004 READS ABOUT NATIONAL NEWS? QUEST 2 MD = none Now a few questions about the news in Dutch newspapers. When there is Dutch news in the newspapers, for example news about governmental problems, how often do you read such news? 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 27 Showcard 1 presented, listing response alternatives. 1. (nearly) always 538 30.7 30.7 2. often 323 18.4 18.4 3. now and then 538 30.7 30.7 4. seldom or never 259 14.8 14.8 5. does not read papers 96 5.5 5.5 _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR005 TALKS ABOUT NATIONAL PROBLEMS? QUEST 3 MD = 7 When there is a discussion in a group about such problems in our country, do you generally join the conversation, do you listen with interest, do you not listen, or are you not interested? 1. joins conversation 874 49.8 49.9 2. listens with interest 677 38.6 38.6 3. does not listen 201 11.5 11.5 7. DK 2 0.1 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR006 READS ABOUT FOREIGN NEWS? QUEST 4 MD = 8 When there is foreign news in the newspaper, for example about tensions or discussions between different countries, how often do you read such news? Showcard 1 used, listing response alternatives. 1. (nearly) always 410 23.4 23.4 2. often 378 21.6 21.6 3. now and then 562 32.0 32.1 4. seldom or never 302 17.2 17.2 5. does not read papers 101 5.8 5.8 8. NA 1 0.1 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR007 INTERESTED IN POLITICS? QUEST 5 MD = none Are you very interested in political topics, fairly interested or not interested? 1. very interested 247 14.1 14.1 2. fairly interested 1,110 63.3 63.3 3. not interested 397 22.6 22.6 1 Page 28 ICPSR 9950 _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR008 POLITICAL INTEREST SCORE QUEST 2-5 MD = none Constructed from VAR004 to VAR007. Refer to Appendix 1 for a description of the test of unidimensionality and the construction of the score. 0. low 163 9.3 9.3 1. 703 40.1 40.1 2. 397 22.6 22.6 3. 337 19.2 19.2 4. high 154 8.8 8.8 _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR009 FREQUENCY WATCHING TV NEWSCAST QUEST 6 MD = none Could you indicate on this card how often you generally watch the NOS television news? Showcard 2 presented, listing response alternatives. 1. almost daily 1,396 79.6 79.6 2. 3 - 4 times per week 221 12.6 12.6 3. 1 - 2 times per week 83 4.7 4.7 4. less than once a week 20 1.1 1.1 5. does not own tv set 34 1.9 1.9 _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR010 DAILY NEWSPAPER - FIRST ANSWER QUEST 65 MD = GE 90 Which newspapers do you read (almost) daily? Refer to Appendix 2 for a description of the codes and frequencies. VAR011 DAILY NEWSPAPER - SECOND ANSWER QUEST 65 MD = GE 95 Refer to VAR010 for complete question text and to Appendix 2 for a description of the codes and frequencies. VAR012 DAILY NEWSPAPER - THIRD ANSWER QUEST 65 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 29 MD = GE 95 Refer to VAR010 for complete question text and to Appendix 2 for a description of the codes and frequencies. VAR013 DAILY NEWSPAPER - FOURTH ANSWER QUEST 65 MD = GE 95 Refer to VAR010 for complete question text and to Appendix 2 for a description of the codes and frequencies. VAR014 MOST IMPORTANT NATIONAL PROBLEM - FIRST ANSWER QUEST 7 MD = GE 90000 And now, I would like to ask you what you think are the most important problems in our country? Refer to Appendix 3 for a description of the codes and frequencies. VAR015 MOST IMPORTANT NATIONAL PROBLEM - SECOND ANSWER QUEST 7 MD = GE 91000 Refer to VAR014 for complete question text and to Appendix 3 for a description of the codes and frequencies. VAR016 MOST IMPORTANT NATIONAL PROBLEM - THIRD ANSWER QUEST 7 MD = GE 91000 Refer to VAR014 for complete question text and to Appendix 3 a for a description of the codes and frequencies. VAR017 MOST IMPORTANT NATIONAL PROBLEM - FOURTH ANSWER QUEST 7 MD = GE 99995 Refer to VAR014 for complete question text and to Appendix 3 for a description of the codes and frequencies. VAR018 MOST IMPORTANT NATIONAL PROBLEM - FIFTH ANSWER QUEST 7 MD = GE 99995 Refer to VAR014 for complete question text and to Appendix 3 for a description of the codes and frequencies. VAR019 INTENDS TO VOTE IN 1989 PARLIAMENTARY ELECTIONS? QUEST 8a 1 Page 30 ICPSR 9950 MD = 7 As you may know, elections for the Second Chamber will be held in September of this year. Do you intend to vote or not, or do you not yet know? 1. yes 1,544 88.0 94.8 2. no 84 4.8 5.2 7. DK 126 7.2 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR020 VOTE INTENTION 1989 PARLIAMENTARY ELECTIONS QUEST 8b MD = GE 90 Which party do you intend to vote for on September 6? Interviewer was instructed to accept Groen Links as a response only if the respondent literally said so. 1. PvdA 429 24.5 32.7 2. CDA 443 25.3 33.8 3. VVD 171 9.7 13.0 4. D66 99 5.6 7.5 5. Groen Links 80 4.6 6.1 6. CPN 4 0.2 0.3 7. PPR 4 0.2 0.3 8. PSP 3 0.2 0.2 9. SGP 30 1.7 2.3 10. GPV 20 1.1 1.5 11. RPF 18 1.0 1.4 12. CD/Centrumpartij 3 0.2 0.2 13. EVP 2 0.1 0.2 14. SP 5 0.3 0.4 18. Vrouwenpartij 1 0.1 0.1 90. blank 12 0.7 MD 97. DK 204 11.6 MD 98. NA 16 0.9 MD 99. INAP (VAR019, codes 2-7) 210 12.0 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR021 VOTE INTENTION IF OBLIGED TO VOTE QUEST 8c MD = GE 90 Suppose that you were obligated by law to vote. For which party would you vote? Interviewer was instructed to accept Groen Links as a response only if the respondent literally said so. 1. PvdA 62 3.5 41.3 2. CDA 39 2.2 26.0 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 31 3. VVD 13 0.7 8.7 4. D66 13 0.7 8.7 5. Groen Links 13 0.7 8.7 6. CPN 2 0.1 1.3 7. PPR 1 0.1 0.7 9. SGP 1 0.1 0.7 11. RPF 3 0.2 2.0 12. CD/Centrumpartij 1 0.1 0.7 70. other 2 0.1 1.3 90. blank 26 1.5 MD 92. invalid 8 0.5 MD 97. DK 25 1.4 MD 98. NA 1 0.1 MD 99. INAP (VAR019, code 1) 1,544 88.0 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR022 RESPONDENT IS (NOT) AN ADHERENT TO A PARTY QUEST 9a MD = GE 7 Many people think of themselves as adherents to a particular political party, but there are also people who do not think of themselves as an adherent to a political party. Do you think of yourself as an adherent or not as an adherent to a political party? 1. adherent 538 30.7 30.8 2. not adherent 1,209 68.9 69.2 7. DK 6 0.3 MD 8. NA 1 0.1 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR023 PARTY RESPONDENT IS AN ADHERENT TO QUEST 9b MD = GE 97 To which party? 1. PvdA 167 9.5 31.4 2. CDA 195 11.1 36.7 3. VVD 76 4.3 14.3 4. D66 21 1.2 3.9 5. Groen Links 7 0.4 1.3 6. CPN 4 0.2 0.8 7. PPR 5 0.3 0.9 8. PSP 7 0.4 1.3 9. SGP 21 1.2 3.9 10. GPV 16 0.9 3.0 11. RPF 10 0.6 1.9 13. EVP 1 0.1 0.2 14. SP 2 0.1 0.4 1 Page 32 ICPSR 9950 97. DK 3 0.2 MD 98. NA 3 0.2 MD 99. INAP (VAR022, Codes 2-8) 1,216 69.3 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR024 RESPONDENT IS (NOT) CONVINCED ADHERENT QUEST 9c MD = GE 7 Would you call yourself a convinced adherent to this party, or do you not consider yourself to be a convinced adherent? 1. convinced adherent 342 19.5 63.8 2. not convinced adherent 194 11.1 36.2 7. DK 2 0.1 MD 9. INAP (VAR022, codes 2-8) 1,216 69.3 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR025 RESPONDENT IS NOT AN ADHERENT BUT ATTRACTED TO A PARTY QUEST 9d MD = GE 7 Is there a party to which you feel more attracted than to other parties? 1. attracted 733 41.8 60.6 2. not attracted 477 27.2 39.4 7. DK 5 0.3 MD 8. NA 1 0.1 MD 9. INAP (VAR022, code 1) 538 30.7 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR026 PARTY RESPONDENT IS ATTRACTED TO QUEST 9e MD = GE 97 Which party is that? 1. PvdA 242 13.8 33.8 2. CDA 192 10.9 26.8 3. VVD 112 6.4 15.6 4. D66 79 4.5 11.0 5. Groen Links 25 1.4 3.5 6. CPN 10 0.6 1.4 7. PPR 10 0.6 1.4 8. PSP 16 0.9 2.2 9. SGP 9 0.5 1.3 10. GPV 2 0.1 0.3 11. RPF 10 0.6 1.4 12. CD/Centrumpartij 3 0.2 0.4 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 33 13. EVP 3 0.2 0.4 14. SP 2 0.1 0.3 15. De Groenen 1 0.1 0.1 18. Vrouwenpartij 1 0.1 0.1 97. DK 3 0.2 MD 98. NA 13 0.7 MD 99. INAP (VAR025, codes 2-9) 1,021 58.2 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR027 STRENGTH OF ADHERENCE QUEST 9a-e MD = GE 8 Constructed from VAR022 to VAR026. Refer to Appendix 4 for details. 0. neither adherent nor attracted 477 27.2 27.5 1. DK whether attracted 6 0.3 0.3 2. attracted, no adherent 712 40.6 41.1 3. attracted, DK adherent 5 0.3 0.3 4. adherent, not convinced 190 10.8 11.0 5. adherent, DK convinced 2 0.1 0.1 6. adherent, convinced 340 19.4 19.6 8. NA1 (adherent, DK party) 6 0.3 MD 9. NA2 (attracted, DK party) 16 0.9 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR028 DIRECTION OF ADHERENCE QUEST 9a-e MD = GE 97 Constructed from VAR022 to VAR026. Refer to Appendix 4 for details. 1. PvdA 409 23.3 32.7 2. CDA 387 22.1 31.0 3. VVD 188 10.7 15.1 4. D66 100 5.7 8.0 5. Groen Links 32 1.8 2.6 6. CPN 14 0.8 1.1 7. PPR 15 0.9 1.2 8. PSP 23 1.3 1.8 9. SGP 30 1.7 2.4 10. GPV 18 1.0 1.4 11. RPF 20 1.1 1.6 12. CD/Centrumpartij 3 0.2 0.2 13. EVP 4 0.2 0.3 14. SP 4 0.2 0.3 15. De Groenen 1 0.1 0.1 18. Vrouwenpartij 1 0.1 0.1 97. DK 6 0.3 MD 1 Page 34 ICPSR 9950 98. NA 16 0.9 MD 99. INAP (VAR025, Codes 2-8) 483 27.5 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR029 RESPONDENT IS (NOT) A MEMBER OF A PARTY QUEST 10a MD = GE 7 ARE YOU A MEMBER OF A PARTY, OR NOT? 1. member 133 7.6 7.6 2. not a member 1,618 92.2 92.4 7. DK 2 0.1 MD 8. NA 1 0.1 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR030 PARTY RESPONDENT IS A MEMBER OF QUEST 10b MD = GE 98 Of which party? 1. PvdA 33 1.9 25.6 2. CDA 40 2.3 31.0 3. VVD 21 1.2 16.3 4. D66 1 0.1 0.8 6. CPN 3 0.2 2.3 7. PPR 1 0.1 0.8 8. PSP 3 0.2 2.3 9. SGP 11 0.6 8.5 10. GPV 8 0.5 6.2 11. RPF 3 0.2 2.3 14. SP 4 0.2 3.1 15. De Groenen 1 0.1 0.8 98. NA 4 0.2 MD 99. INAP (VAR029, codes 2-8) 1,621 92.4 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR031 HAS RESPONDENT EVER BEEN A MEMBER OF A PARTY? QUEST 10c MD = GE 7 Have you ever been a member of a political party? 1. yes 138 7.9 8.5 2. no 1,481 84.4 91.5 7. DK 2 0.1 MD 9. INAP (VAR029, code 1) 133 7.6 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 35 VAR032 SATISFACTION WITH GOVERNMENT QUEST 11 MD = 7 With the help of this card, could you indicate how satisfied you are in general with what the government has done during the past four years? Showcard 3 presented, listing response alternatives. 1. very satisfied 53 3.0 3.1 2. satisfied 566 32.3 32.6 3. not (dis)satisfied 722 41.2 41.6 4. dissatisfied 285 16.2 16.4 5. very dissatisfied 111 6.3 6.4 7. DK 17 1.0 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR033 EFFECT GOVERNMENT POLICY ON ECONOMIC SITUATION QUEST 12a MD = GE 7 I would now like to ask a few questions about what you think of the policies that the government has conducted during the past four years. First, the general economic situation: do you think that the economic situation has been influenced favorably, unfavorably or neither by the past government policies? 1. favorable 929 53.0 55.0 2. unfavorable 192 10.9 11.4 3. not (un)favorable 568 32.4 33.6 7. DK 64 3.6 MD 8. NA 1 0.1 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR034 EFFECT GOVERNMENT POLICY ON EMPLOYMENT QUEST 12b MD = GE 7 And employment: do you think that employment in the Netherlands has been influenced favorably, unfavorably, or neither by the past government policies? 1. favorable 572 32.6 34.1 2. unfavorable 484 27.6 28.8 3. not (un)favorable 623 35.5 37.1 7. DK 74 4.2 MD 8. NA 1 0.1 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR035 POLICY SATISFACTION SCORE 1 Page 36 ICPSR 9950 QUEST 11,12ab MD = NONE Constructed from VAR032 to VAR034. Refer to Appendix 1 for a description of the test of unidimensionality and the construction of the score. 0. low 47 2.7 2.7 1. 666 38.0 38.0 2. 669 38.1 38.1 3. high 372 21.2 21.2 _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR036 EFFECT GOVERNMENT POLICY ON RESPONDENT'S FINANCES QUEST 12c MD = 7 And your personal financial situation: do you think that your personal financial situation has been influenced favorably, unfavorably, or neither by the past government policies? 1. favorable 372 21.2 21.6 2. unfavorable 525 29.9 30.5 3. not (un)favorable 826 47.1 47.9 7. DK 31 1.8 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR037 ABORTION - PERCEPTION OF CDA QUEST 13a MD = GE 97 And now a few questions about a number of political topics that are frequently in the news. First abortion: the voluntary termination of a pregnancy. Some people think that the government should forbid abortion in all circumstances; other people think that every woman should have the right to decide whether she wants an abortion. Of course, there are also people with an intermediate opinion. Suppose we place the people who think that abortion should be forbidden under all circumstances at the beginning of this line (at number 1) and the people who think that every woman has the right to decide for herself at the end of this line (at number 7). First, I shall ask you to indicate the position of a number of political parties on this line. If you do not know what position a party has on this issue, please do not hesitate to tell me] Where would you place the CDA on this line? 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 37 Showcard 4 presented, listing a horizontal line with seven categories numbered 1 to 7, categories 1 and 7 labeled as described in question text. 1. forbid abortion 377 21.5 24.5 2. 400 22.8 26.0 3. 365 20.8 23.7 4. 261 14.9 16.9 5. 80 4.6 5.2 6. 29 1.7 1.9 7. woman decides 29 1.7 1.9 97. DK 211 12.0 MD 98. NA 2 0.1 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR038 ABORTION - PERCEPTION OF PVDA QUEST 13b MD = GE 97 And the PvdA? Refer to VAR037 for complete question text. 1. forbid abortion 38 2.2 2.6 2. 50 2.9 3.4 3. 59 3.4 4.0 4. 166 9.5 11.3 5. 273 15.6 18.7 6. 431 24.6 29.5 7. woman decides 446 25.4 30.5 97. DK 286 16.3 MD 98. NA 5 0.3 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR039 ABORTION - PERCEPTION OF VVD QUEST 13c MD = GE 97 And the VVD? Refer to VAR037 for complete question text. 1. forbid abortion 39 2.2 2.8 2. 84 4.8 6.0 3. 143 8.2 10.2 4. 262 14.9 18.8 5. 262 14.9 18.8 6. 328 18.7 23.5 7. woman decides 278 15.8 19.9 97. DK 355 20.2 MD 98. NA 3 0.2 MD 1 Page 38 ICPSR 9950 _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR040 ABORTION - PERCEPTION OF D66 QUEST 13d MD = GE 97 And D66? Refer to VAR037 for complete question text. 1. forbid abortion 17 1.0 1.3 2. 35 2.0 2.8 3. 75 4.3 6.0 4. 218 12.4 17.3 5. 250 14.3 19.8 6. 388 22.1 30.8 7. woman decides 277 15.8 22.0 97. DK 488 27.8 MD 98. NA 6 0.3 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR041 ABORTION - RESPONDENT'S PREFERENCE QUEST 13e MD = GE 97 And where would you place yourself on this line? Refer to VAR037 for complete question text. 1. forbid abortion 217 12.4 12.5 2. 129 7.4 7.4 3. 93 5.3 5.4 4. 184 10.5 10.6 5. 170 9.7 9.8 6. 285 16.2 16.4 7. woman decides 659 37.6 37.9 97. DK 16 0.9 MD 98. NA 1 0.1 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR042 NUCLEAR PLANTS - PERCEPTION OF CDA QUEST 14a MD = GE 97 Here is another showcard. As you may know, some people fear that within the foreseeable future a shortage of energy will occur in the world. One means of fulfilling this need is to build nuclear power plants. Some people, therefore, believe that the Netherlands should quickly increase the number of such plants. Others, on the other hand, consider the dangers too great and think that no 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 39 nuclear power plants should be built at all. At the beginning of this line are the people who think that additional nuclear plants should be built in the Netherlands (at number 1); at the end of the line are the people who think that no new nuclear plants should be built at all (at number 7). Where would you place the CDA on this line? Showcard 5 presented, listing a horizontal line with seven categories numbered 1 to 7, categories 1 and 7 labeled as described in question text. 1. more nuclear plants 132 7.5 9.4 2. 213 12.1 15.1 3. 370 21.1 26.3 4. 380 21.7 27.0 5. 182 10.4 12.9 6. 78 4.4 5.5 7. no nuclear plants 52 3.0 3.7 97. DK 344 19.6 MD 98. NA 3 0.2 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR043 NUCLEAR PLANTS - PERCEPTION OF PVDA QUEST 14b MD = GE 97 And the PvdA? Refer to VAR042 for complete question text. 1. more nuclear plants 64 3.6 4.5 2. 101 5.8 7.1 3. 102 5.8 7.1 4. 118 6.7 8.3 5. 188 10.7 13.2 6. 409 23.3 28.7 7. no nuclear plants 445 25.4 31.2 97. DK 325 18.5 MD 98. NA 2 0.1 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR044 NUCLEAR PLANTS - PERCEPTION OF VVD QUEST 14c MD = GE 97 And the VVD? Refer to VAR042 for complete question text. 1 Page 40 ICPSR 9950 1. more nuclear plants 238 13.6 17.4 2. 364 20.8 26.7 3. 246 14.0 18.0 4. 200 11.4 14.7 5. 160 9.1 11.7 6. 114 6.5 8.4 7. no nuclear plants 43 2.5 3.2 97. DK 387 22.1 MD 98. NA 2 0.1 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR045 NUCLEAR PLANTS - PERCEPTION OF D66 QUEST 14d MD = GE 97 And D66? Refer to VAR042 for complete question text. 1. more nuclear plants 30 1.7 2.4 2. 70 4.0 5.6 3. 115 6.6 9.2 4. 247 14.1 19.7 5. 246 14.0 19.6 6. 336 19.2 26.8 7. no nuclear plants 208 11.9 16.6 97. DK 499 28.4 MD 98. NA 3 0.2 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR046 NUCLEAR PLANTS - RESPONDENT'S PREFERENCE QUEST 14e MD = GE 97 And where would you place yourself on this line? Refer to VAR042 for complete question text. 1. more nuclear plants 114 6.5 6.7 2. 107 6.1 6.3 3. 133 7.6 7.8 4. 231 13.2 13.5 5. 146 8.3 8.6 6. 224 12.8 13.1 7. no nuclear plants 750 42.8 44.0 97. DK 48 2.7 MD 98. NA 1 0.1 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 41 VAR047 CLOSING NUCLEAR PLANTS - YES OR NO? QUEST 15 MD = GE 7 At the moment, two nuclear power plants are being used in the Netherlands, the one in Dodewaard and the one in Borssele. Do you feel that these nuclear power plants should continue to be used or do you think that they should be shut down? 1. stay in operation 949 54.1 56.5 2. close nuclear plants 731 41.7 43.5 7. DK 71 4.0 MD 8. NA 3 0.2 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR048 INCOME DIFFERENCES - PERCEPTION OF CDA QUEST 16a MD = GE 97 Here is another showcard. Some people think that the differences in incomes in our country should be increased (at number 1). Others think that these differences should be decreased (at number 7). Of course, there are also people whose opinion is somewhere in between. Where would you place the CDA on this line? Showcard 6 presented, listing a horizontal line with seven categories numbered 1 to 7, categories 1 and 7 labeled as described in question text. 1. larger differences 141 8.0 9.1 2. 187 10.7 12.1 3. 398 22.7 25.8 4. 506 28.8 32.8 5. 198 11.3 12.8 6. 75 4.3 4.9 7. smaller differences 36 2.1 2.3 97. DK 212 12.1 MD 98. NA 1 0.1 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR049 INCOME DIFFERENCES - PERCEPTION OF PVDA QUEST 16b MD = GE 97 And the PvdA? Refer to VAR048 for complete question text. 1. larger differences 50 2.9 3.2 2. 56 3.2 3.5 1 Page 42 ICPSR 9950 3. 33 1.9 2.1 4. 61 3.5 3.8 5. 179 10.2 11.3 6. 497 28.3 31.3 7. smaller differences 711 40.5 44.8 97. DK 165 9.4 MD 98. NA 2 0.1 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR050 INCOME DIFFERENCES - PERCEPTION OF VVD QUEST 16c MD = GE 97 And the VVD? Refer to VAR048 for complete question text. 1. larger differences 457 26.1 29.6 2. 470 26.8 30.4 3. 273 15.6 17.7 4. 172 9.8 11.1 5. 75 4.3 4.9 6. 58 3.3 3.8 7. smaller differences 41 2.3 2.7 97. DK 207 11.8 MD 98. NA 1 0.1 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR051 INCOME DIFFERENCES - PERCEPTION OF D66 QUEST 16d MD = GE 97 And D66? Refer to VAR048 for complete question text. 1. larger differences 11 0.6 0.8 2. 46 2.6 3.3 3. 125 7.1 9.0 4. 369 21.0 26.6 5. 377 21.5 27.2 6. 353 20.1 25.5 7. smaller differences 106 6.0 7.6 97. DK 365 20.8 MD 98. NA 2 0.1 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR052 INCOME DIFFERENCES - RESPONDENT'S PREFERENCE QUEST 16e 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 43 MD = GE 97 And where would you place yourself on this line? Refer to VAR048 for complete question text. 1. larger differences 99 5.6 5.7 2. 113 6.4 6.5 3. 166 9.5 9.6 4. 404 23.0 23.4 5. 249 14.2 14.4 6. 252 14.4 14.6 7. smaller differences 444 25.3 25.7 97. DK 26 1.5 MD 98. NA 1 0.1 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR053 DID (NOT) VOTE IN 1989 EUROPEAN ELECTIONS QUEST 17a MD = 7 Did you vote in the election for the European Parliament on June 15th, 1989? 1. voted 996 56.8 56.8 *2. did not vote 757 43.2 43.2 7. DK 1 0.1 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 Note: a small number of respondents was not entitled to vote in the 1989 European elections. Due to the CBS privacy protection policy, these respondents were not assigned a special code, but were coded as 'did not vote' instead. VAR054 PARTY VOTED FOR IN 1989 EUROPEAN ELECTIONS QUEST 17b MD = GE 90 For which party did you vote? 1. PvdA 291 16.6 29.8 2. CDA 322 18.4 33.0 3. VVD 136 7.8 13.9 4. D66 64 3.6 6.6 5. Groen Links 86 4.9 8.8 12. CD/Centrumpartij 2 0.1 0.2 14. SP 5 0.3 0.5 30. SGP/GPV/RPF 68 3.9 7.0 31. God met ons 1 0.1 0.1 32. IED 1 0.1 0.1 90. blank 2 0.1 MD 92. invalid 2 0.1 MD 1 Page 44 ICPSR 9950 97. DK 6 0.3 MD 98. NA 10 0.6 MD 99. INAP (VAR053, codes 2-7) 758 43.2 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 Note: Groen Links participated under the name of Regenboog in the election; the orthodox Protestant parties SGP, GPV, and RPF participated in the election with a single list. VAR055 DID (NOT) VOTE IN 1986 PARLIAMENTARY ELECTIONS QUEST 18a md = 7 The previous elections for the Second Chamber were held in 1986. Did you vote in these elections, or not? 1. voted 1,515 86.4 86.8 2. did not vote 155 8.8 8.9 3. not entitled to vote 75 4.3 4.3 7. DK 9 0.5 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR056 PARTY VOTED FOR IN 1986 PARLIAMENTARY ELECTIONS QUEST 18b MD = GE 97 For which party did you vote then? 1. PvdA 494 28.2 33.5 2. CDA 483 27.5 32.8 3. VVD 235 13.4 16.0 4. D66 106 6.0 7.2 6. CPN 20 1.1 1.4 7. PPR 22 1.3 1.5 8. PSP 24 1.4 1.6 9. SGP 31 1.8 2.1 10. GPV 21 1.2 1.4 11. RPF 19 1.1 1.3 12. CD/Centrumpartij 2 0.1 0.1 13. EVP 2 0.1 0.1 14. SP 8 0.5 0.5 15. De Groenen 2 0.1 0.1 17. Loesje 3 0.2 0.2 19. PvdM 1 0.1 0.1 97. DK 26 1.5 MD 98. NA 16 0.9 MD 99. INAP (VAR055, codes 2-7) 239 13.6 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 45 VAR057 D66 PREFERRED IN CABINET? QUEST 19 MD = GE 7 After the September elections, a new cabinet must be formed. This card contains the names of four parties. Could you indicate which combination of two or more parties you would most like to form the government? Showcard 7 presented, listing, clockwise, starting at the top position: VVD, D66, PvdA, and CDA. The interviewer was instructed to accept only combinations of two or more parties. 0. not mentioned 993 56.6 59.6 1. mentioned 674 38.4 40.4 7. DK 82 4.7 MD 8. NA 5 0.3 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR058 PVDA PREFERRED IN CABINET? QUEST 19 MD = GE 7 Refer to VAR057 for complete question text. 0. not mentioned 629 35.9 37.7 1. mentioned 1,038 59.2 62.3 7. DK 82 4.7 MD 8. NA 5 0.3 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR059 CDA PREFERRED IN CABINET? QUEST 19 MD = GE 7 Refer to VAR057 for complete question text. 0. not mentioned 509 29.0 30.5 1. mentioned 1,158 66.0 69.5 7. DK 82 4.7 MD 8. NA 5 0.3 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR060 VVD PREFERRED IN CABINET? QUEST 19 MD = GE 7 Refer to VAR057 for complete question text. 0. not mentioned 929 53.0 55.7 1. mentioned 738 42.1 44.3 7. DK 82 4.7 MD 8. NA 5 0.3 MD 1 Page 46 ICPSR 9950 _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR061 PREFERRED GOVERNMENT COALITION QUEST 19 md = GE 97 Constructed from VAR057 to VAR060. This variable contains all preferred government coalitions. 1. CDA - VVD 470 26.8 28.2 2. CDA - PvdA 399 22.7 23.9 3. PvdA - D66 323 18.4 19.4 4. CDA - PvdA - D66 127 7.2 7.6 5. PvdA - VVD 105 6.0 6.3 6. CDA - D66 80 4.6 4.8 7. PvdA - VVD - D66 57 3.2 3.4 8. CDA - VVD - D66 55 3.1 3.3 9. VVD - D66 24 1.4 1.4 10. CDA - PvdA - VVD 19 1.1 1.1 11. CDA - PvdA - VVD - D66 8 0.5 0.5 97. DK 82 4.7 MD 98. NA 5 0.3 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR062 DOES IT MATTER WHO ARE IN THE COALITION? QUEST 20 MD = GE 7 Does it make much difference to you, a little, or no difference at all which parties become part of the government? 1. much 1,172 66.8 67.1 2. little 427 24.3 24.5 3. not at all 147 8.4 8.4 7. DK 7 0.4 MD 8. NA 1 0.1 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR063 COMMUTING EXPENSES NO LONGER DEDUCTIBLE QUEST 21 MD = GE 7 At this moment travel expenses from home to work are tax deductible. To fight environmental pollution, it has been proposed to eliminate this possibility. Do you fully agree with this proposal, do you agree with it, disagree or fully disagree? 1. fully agree 257 14.7 15.1 2. agree 497 28.3 29.3 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 47 3. disagree 597 34.0 35.2 4. fully disagree 347 19.8 20.4 7. DK 55 3.1 MD 8. NA 1 0.1 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR064 SHOULD CAR OWNERS PAY FOR POLLUTION? QUEST 22a MD = GE 97 Environmental pollution by cars, agriculture and industry is becoming progressively worse. Reducing this problem costs money. The question is who should pay; the polluter because he directly caused the problem, or the community, because it is a problem of all of us. You can indicate your position by means of a number. The closer to 1, the more the polluter has to pay and the closer to 7, the more the community has to pay. 1 means: the polluter must pay all 7 means: the community must pay all Which number is the best representation of your opinion about the reduction of pollution caused by cars? Showcard 8 presented, listing a horizontal line with seven categories numbered 1 to 7, categories 1 and 7 labeled as described in question text. 1. polluter pays all 519 29.6 29.9 2. 287 16.4 16.6 3. 287 16.4 16.6 4. 311 17.7 17.9 5. 125 7.1 7.2 6. 91 5.2 5.2 7. society pays all 114 6.5 6.6 97. DK 17 1.0 MD 98. NA 3 0.2 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR065 SHOULD AGRICULTURE PAY FOR POLLUTION? QUEST 22b MD = GE 97 And which number is the best representation of your opinion about the reduction of pollution acaused by agriculture? Showcard 8 used. Refer to VAR064 for complete question text. 1 Page 48 ICPSR 9950 1. polluter pays all 319 18.2 18.5 2. 212 12.1 12.3 3. 284 16.2 16.4 4. 433 24.7 25.1 5. 198 11.3 11.5 6. 142 8.1 8.2 7. society pays all 139 7.9 8.0 97. DK 24 1.4 MD 98. NA 3 0.2 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR066 SHOULD INDUSTRY PAY FOR POLLUTION? QUEST 22c MD = GE 97 And which number is the best representation of your opinion about the reduction of pollution caused by industry? Showcard 8 used. Refer to VAR064 for complete question text. 1. polluter pays all 805 45.9 46.3 2. 318 18.1 18.3 3. 180 10.3 10.4 4. 193 11.0 11.1 5. 74 4.2 4.3 6. 70 4.0 4.0 7. society pays all 97 5.5 5.6 97. DK 15 0.9 MD 98. NA 2 0.1 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR067 CDA AND VVD - COOPERATION IN PAST GOVERNMENT QUEST 23a MD = GE 97 And now some questions about the cooperation among political parties. In the past years there was a government of CDA and VVD. How good or how bad do you think the cooperation between CDA and VVD has been in the past period? The numbers on the line indicate how good or how bad: 1 stands for very bad, 7 for very good, and the aother numbers for an opinion somewhere in between. Select the number that best represents your opinion. Showcard 9 presented, listing a horizontal line with seven categories numbered 1 to 7, categories 1 and 7 labeled as described in question text. At the right of this line the number '8' was printed, labeled 'don't know'. 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 49 1. very bad 118 6.7 7.4 2. 148 8.4 9.3 3. 346 19.7 21.8 4. 429 24.5 27.0 5. 385 21.9 24.2 6. 141 8.0 8.9 7. very good 22 1.3 1.4 97. DK 162 9.2 MD 98. NA 3 0.2 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR068 CDA AND PVDA - COOPERATION IN FUTURE GOVERNMENT QUEST 23b MD = GE 97 Suppose that after the elections a government were formed by CDA and PvdA. How good or how abad do you think such a cooperation between CDA and Pvda would be? Showcard 9 used (refer to VAR067 for a description). 1. very bad 96 5.5 6.2 2. 294 16.8 18.9 3. 338 19.3 21.8 4. 419 23.9 27.0 5. 272 15.5 17.5 6. 103 5.9 6.6 7. very good 30 1.7 1.9 97. DK 200 11.4 MD 98. NA 2 0.1 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR069 PVDA AND VVD - COOPERATION IN FUTURE GOVERNMENT QUEST 23c MD = GE 97 Suppose that after the elections a government were formed by PvdA and VVD. How good or how bad do you think such a cooperation between PvdA and VVD would be? Showcard 9 used (refer to VAR067 for a description). 1. very bad 355 20.2 22.8 2. 420 23.9 27.0 3. 327 18.6 21.0 4. 230 13.1 14.8 5. 140 8.0 9.0 6. 65 3.7 4.2 7. very good 17 1.0 1.1 97. DK 198 11.3 MD 98. NA 2 0.1 MD 1 Page 50 ICPSR 9950 _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR070 CDA AND VVD - COOPERATION IN FUTURE GOVERNMENT QUEST 23d MD = GE 97 Suppose that after the elections a government were formed by CDA and VVD. How good or how bad do you think such a cooperation between CDA and VVD would be? Showcard 9 used (refer to VAR067 for a description). 1. very bad 111 6.3 6.9 2. 196 11.2 12.2 3. 293 16.7 18.3 4. 391 22.3 24.4 5. 355 20.2 22.2 6. 218 12.4 13.6 7. very good 37 2.1 2.3 97. DK 151 8.6 MD 98. NA 2 0.1 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR071 COOPERATION OF POLITICIANS WITHIN PVDA QUEST 24a MD = GE 97 And next the cooperation within political parties. The PvdA: how good or how bad do you think the cooperation is among PvdA politicians? Showcard 9 used (refer to VAR067 for a description). 1. very bad 22 1.3 1.7 2. 41 2.3 3.2 3. 156 8.9 12.1 4. 263 15.0 20.3 5. 397 22.6 30.7 6. 353 20.1 27.3 7. very good 62 3.5 4.8 97. DK 456 26.0 MD 98. NA 4 0.2 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR072 COOPERATION OF POLITICIANS WITHIN VVD QUEST 24b MD = GE 97 The VVD: how good or how bad do you think the cooperation is among VVD politicians? 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 51 Showcard 9 used (refer to VAR067 for a description). 1. very bad 151 8.6 10.1 2. 365 20.8 24.5 3. 435 24.8 29.2 4. 291 16.6 19.6 5. 154 8.8 10.3 6. 73 4.2 4.9 7. very good 19 1.1 1.3 97. DK 263 15.0 MD 98. NA 3 0.2 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR073 COOPERATION OF POLITICIANS WITHIN CDA QUEST 24c MD = GE 97 The CDA: how good or how bad do you think the cooperation is among CDA politicians? Showcard 9 used (refer to VAR067 for a description). 1. very bad 28 1.6 1.9 2. 71 4.0 4.7 3. 164 9.4 10.9 4. 327 18.6 21.7 5. 455 25.9 30.2 6. 387 22.1 25.7 7. very good 74 4.2 4.9 97. DK 245 14.0 MD 98. NA 3 0.2 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR074 COOPERATION OF POLITICIANS WITHIN D66 QUEST 24d MD = GE 97 And D66: how good or how bad do you think the cooperation is among D66 politicians? Showcard 9 used (refer to VAR067 for a description). 1. very bad 7 0.4 0.7 2. 24 1.4 2.3 3. 63 3.6 6.0 4. 218 12.4 20.7 5. 290 16.5 27.5 6. 360 20.5 34.1 7. very good 93 5.3 8.8 97. DK 695 39.6 MD 98. NA 4 0.2 MD 1 Page 52 ICPSR 9950 _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR075 EVALUATION OF KOK AS FLOOR LEADER QUEST 25a MD = 98 And now some questions about politicians. First, the floor leaders of the bigger political parties. Please tell me if you don't know, then we will move on to the next question. Wim Kok: how good or how bad do you think Wim Kok has performed for the PvdA as floor leader? Showcard 9 used (refer to VAR067 for a description). Refer to Appendix 5 for further information on politicians. 1. very bad 51 2.9 3.0 2. 85 4.8 5.0 3. 149 8.5 8.8 4. 304 17.3 17.9 5. 369 21.0 21.7 6. 480 27.4 28.2 7. very good 263 15.0 15.5 98. NA 53 3.0 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 Note: due to a programming error, don't know responses could not be entered as such by the interviewer. VAR076 EVALUATION OF DE VRIES AS FLOOR LEADER QUEST 25b MD = GE 97 Bert de Vries: how good or how bad do you think Bert de Vries has performed for the CDA as floor leader? Showcard 9 used (refer to VAR067 for a description). Refer to Appendix 5 for further information on politicians. 1. very bad 38 2.2 2.5 2. 84 4.8 5.6 3. 169 9.6 11.3 4. 322 18.4 21.5 5. 415 23.7 27.7 6. 357 20.4 23.8 7. very good 115 6.6 7.7 97. DK 247 14.1 MD 98. NA 7 0.4 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 53 VAR077 EVALUATION OF VOORHOEVE AS FLOOR LEADER QUEST 25c MD = GE 97 Joris Voorhoeve: how good or how bad do you think Joris Voorhoeve has performed for the VVD as floor leader? Showcard 9 used (refer to VAR067 for a description). Refer to Appendix 5 for further information on politicians. 1. very bad 160 9.1 10.0 2. 245 14.0 15.3 3. 286 16.3 17.8 4. 333 19.0 20.8 5. 287 16.4 17.9 6. 209 11.9 13.0 7. very good 83 4.7 5.2 97. DK 146 8.3 MD 98. NA 5 0.3 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR078 EVALUATION OF VAN MIERLO AS FLOOR LEADER QUEST 25d MD = GE 97 Hans van Mierlo: how good or how bad do you think Hans van Mierlo has performed for D66 as floor leader? Showcard 9 used (refer to VAR067 for a description). Refer to Appendix 5 for further information on politicians. 1. very bad 21 1.2 1.4 2. 40 2.3 2.6 3. 98 5.6 6.5 4. 211 12.0 14.0 5. 356 20.3 23.6 6. 549 31.3 36.3 7. very good 236 13.5 15.6 97. DK 238 13.6 MD 98. NA 5 0.3 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR079 EVALUATION OF LUBBERS AS PRIME MINISTER QUEST 26a MD = GE 97 And now some ministers. Prime minister Lubbers: how good or how bad do you think Lubbers has performed as prime minister? Showcard 9 used (refer to VAR067 for a description). Refer to Appendix 5 for further information on politicians. 1 Page 54 ICPSR 9950 1. very bad 65 3.7 3.8 2. 59 3.4 3.4 3. 94 5.4 5.5 4. 191 10.9 11.1 5. 262 14.9 15.2 6. 553 31.5 32.1 7. very good 499 28.4 29.0 97. DK 30 1.7 MD 98. NA 1 0.1 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR080 EVALUATION OF KORTHALS ALTES AS MINISTER QUEST 26b MD = GE 97 Minister Korthals Altes: how good or how bad do you think Korthals Altes has performed as minister of Justice? Showcard 9 used (refer to VAR067 for a description). Refer to Appendix 5 for further information on politicians. 1. very bad 78 4.4 5.2 2. 116 6.6 7.7 3. 234 13.3 15.6 4. 356 20.3 23.7 5. 422 24.1 28.1 6. 232 13.2 15.4 7. very good 64 3.6 4.3 97. DK 251 14.3 MD 98. NA 1 0.1 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR081 EVALUATION OF DEETMAN AS MINISTER QUEST 26c MD = GE 97 Minister Deetman: how good or how bad do you think that Deetman has performed as minister of Education? Showcard 9 used (refer to VAR067 for a description). Refer to Appendix 5 for further information on politicians. 1. very bad 361 20.6 21.9 2. 377 21.5 22.9 3. 337 19.2 20.5 4. 281 16.0 17.1 5. 184 10.5 11.2 6. 83 4.7 5.0 7. very good 24 1.4 1.5 97. DK 106 6.0 MD 98. NA 1 0.1 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 55 VAR082 EVALUATION OF NIJPELS AS MINISTER QUEST 26d MD = GE 97 Minister Nijpels: how good or how bad do you think that Nijpels has performed as minister of Housing, Planning and the Environment? Showcard 9 used (refer to VAR067 for a description). Refer to Appendix 5 for further information on politicians. 1. very bad 60 3.4 3.6 2. 113 6.4 6.7 3. 180 10.3 10.7 4. 329 18.8 19.6 5. 432 24.6 25.7 6. 434 24.7 25.8 7. very good 133 7.6 7.9 97. DK 72 4.1 MD 98. NA 1 0.1 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR083 EVALUATION OF RUDING AS MINISTER QUEST 26e MD = GE 97 Minister Ruding: how good or how bad do you think Ruding has performed as minister of Finance? Showcard 9 used (refer to VAR067 for a description). Refer to Appendix 5 for further information on politicians. 1. very bad 56 3.2 3.6 2. 80 4.6 5.1 3. 149 8.5 9.6 4. 283 16.1 18.2 5. 335 19.1 21.5 6. 416 23.7 26.7 7. very good 238 13.6 15.3 97. DK 195 11.1 MD 98. NA 2 0.1 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR084 EVALUATION OF DE KORTE AS MINISTER QUEST 26f MD = GE 97 Minister De Korte: how good or how bad do you think De Korte has performed as minister of Economic Affairs? 1 Page 56 ICPSR 9950 Showcard 9 used (refer to VAR067 for a description). Refer to Appendix 5 for further information on politicians. 1. very bad 86 4.9 6.3 2. 152 8.7 11.1 3. 254 14.5 18.6 4. 390 22.2 28.6 5. 327 18.6 24.0 6. 125 7.1 9.2 7. very good 30 1.7 2.2 97. DK 388 22.1 MD 98. NA 2 0.1 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR085 EVALUATION OF SMIT-KROES AS MINISTER QUEST 26g MD = GE 97 And minister Smit-Kroes: how good or how bad do you think that Smit-Kroes has performed as minister of Transportation? Showcard 9 used (refer to VAR067 for a description). Refer to Appendix 5 for further information on politicians. 1. very bad 106 6.0 6.4 2. 163 9.3 9.8 3. 221 12.6 13.3 4. 364 20.8 21.8 5. 378 21.6 22.7 6. 317 18.1 19.0 7. very good 118 6.7 7.1 97. DK 86 4.9 MD 98. NA 1 0.1 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR086 LEFT-RIGHT SELFRATING (7 POINT SCALE) QUEST 27 MD = GE 97 Political beliefs are often described in terms of left or right. When you think of your own political beliefs, where would you place yourself on this line? Please give the number that applies to you. Showcard 10 presented, listing a horizontal line with seven categories numbered 1 to 7, category 1 labeled 'left' and category 7 labeled 'right'. 1. left 132 7.5 7.8 2. 165 9.4 9.8 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 57 3. 254 14.5 15.1 4. 459 26.2 27.2 5. 312 17.8 18.5 6. 216 12.3 12.8 7. right 149 8.5 8.8 97. DK 62 3.5 MD 98. NA 5 0.3 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR087 DISCUSSED POLITICS AT HOME WHEN ADOLESCENT QUEST 28 MD = 7 May I ask you a few questions concerning the period when you were between 10 and 16 years old? Were political topics discussed often, fairly often, not often, or not at all in your home? 1. often 189 10.8 10.9 2. fairly often 310 17.7 17.8 3. not often 756 43.1 43.5 4. not at all 483 27.5 27.8 7. DK 16 0.9 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR088 RECALLS PARTY PREFERENCE OF FATHER? QUEST 29a MD = 7 Do you know which party your father preferred then? 1. yes 1,353 77.1 77.8 2. no 386 22.0 22.2 7. DK 15 0.9 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR089 PARTY PREFERENCE OF FATHER DURING ADOLESCENCE QUEST 29b MD = GE 97 And which party was that? 1. PvdA 371 21.2 27.7 2. CDA 174 9.9 13.0 3. VVD 146 8.3 10.9 4. D66 14 0.8 1.0 6. CPN 26 1.5 1.9 7. PPR 2 0.1 0.1 8. PSP 2 0.1 0.1 9. SGP 34 1.9 2.5 10. GPV 11 0.6 0.8 1 Page 58 ICPSR 9950 11. RPF 7 0.4 0.5 14. SP 1 0.1 0.1 40. KVP 325 18.5 24.3 41. CHU 88 5.0 6.6 42. ARP 100 5.7 7.5 43. SDAP 23 1.3 1.7 44. RKSP 3 0.2 0.2 45. Boerenpartij 6 0.3 0.4 48. VDB 1 0.1 0.1 49. Verenigde Democraten 1 0.1 0.1 50. VHP - Surinam 2 0.1 0.1 51. MSI - Italy 1 0.1 0.1 52. CDU - Germany 1 0.1 0.1 97. DK 3 0.2 MD 98. NA 11 0.6 MD 99. INAP (VAR088, codes 2-7) 401 22.9 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR090 RECALLS PARTY PREFERENCE OF MOTHER? QUEST 30a MD = GE 7 And do you know which party your mother preferred then? 1. yes 1,269 72.3 73.1 2. no 468 26.7 26.9 7. DK 16 0.9 MD 8. NA 1 0.1 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR091 PARTY PREFERENCE OF MOTHER DURING ADOLESCENCE QUEST 30b MD = GE 97 And which party was that? 1. PvdA 317 18.1 25.2 2. CDA 182 10.4 14.5 3. VVD 103 5.9 8.2 4. D66 24 1.4 1.9 6. CPN 14 0.8 1.1 7. PPR 7 0.4 0.6 8. PSP 5 0.3 0.4 9. SGP 34 1.9 2.7 10. GPV 14 0.8 1.1 11. RPF 3 0.2 0.2 12. CD/Centrumpartij 1 0.1 0.1 14. SP 1 0.1 0.1 40. KVP 322 18.4 25.6 41. CHU 94 5.4 7.5 42. ARP 104 5.9 8.3 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 59 43. SDAP 20 1.1 1.6 44. RKSP 2 0.1 0.2 45. Boerenpartij 2 0.1 0.2 46. DS70 1 0.1 0.1 47. Vrijheidsbond 2 0.1 0.2 48. VDB 1 0.1 0.1 50. VHP - Surinam 2 0.1 0.2 53. DC - Italy 1 0.1 0.1 97. DK 1 0.1 MD 98. NA 12 0.7 MD 99. INAP (VAR090, CODES 2-8) 485 27.7 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR092 AGE OF RESPONDENT QUEST BOX 1 MD = none What is your birth date? *1. 17 - 20 years 63 3.6 3.6 *2. 21 - 25 years 127 7.2 7.2 *3. 26 - 30 years 230 13.1 13.1 *4. 31 - 35 years 229 13.1 13.1 *5. 36 - 40 years 216 12.3 12.3 *6. 41 - 45 years 194 11.1 11.1 *7. 46 - 50 years 118 6.7 6.7 *8. 51 - 55 years 93 5.3 5.3 *9. 56 - 60 years 84 4.8 4.8 *10. 61 - 65 years 120 6.8 6.8 *11. 66 - 70 years 106 6.0 6.0 *12. 71 - 75 years 69 3.9 3.9 *13. 76 years and older 105 6.0 6.0 _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 Note: respondents who were 17 years old at the time of interviewing had turned 18 at the time of the election, and were therefore eligible to vote. VAR093 SEX OF RESPONDENT QUEST BOX 1 MD = none Ascertained by interviewer. 1. male 892 50.9 50.9 2. female 862 49.1 49.1 _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR094 EDUCATION OF RESPONDENT QUEST 31a-b MD = none Did you obtain an educational degree after elementary school; that is, with a diploma or certificate? 1 Page 60 ICPSR 9950 So what is your highest educational degree? Refer to Appendix 6 for a description of the codes. *1. low 376 21.4 21.4 *2. 456 26.0 26.0 *3. 586 33.4 33.4 *4. 263 15.0 15.0 *5. high 73 4.2 4.2 _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR095 MARITAL STATUS OF RESPONDENT QUEST BOX 1 MD = GE 7 What is your marital status? 1. married 1,037 59.1 59.2 2. divorced 115 6.6 6.6 3. widow(er) 155 8.8 8.8 4. never married before 445 25.4 25.4 7. DK 1 0.1 MD 8. NA 1 0.1 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR096 EMPLOYMENT STATUS OF RESPONDENT QUEST 32-37, BOX 2-3 MD = 98 Constructed from questions 32 to 37 and the questions from BOX 3. 1. employed - government 199 11.3 11.4 2. employed - private employer 629 35.9 35.9 3. employed - self 103 5.9 5.9 4. employed - elsewhere 49 2.8 2.8 5. was employed - disabled 96 5.5 5.5 6. was employed - unemployed 29 1.7 1.7 7. was employed - retired 127 7.2 7.2 8. was employed - housekeeper 330 18.8 18.8 9. was employed - other 87 5.0 5.0 10. never employed - housekeeper 73 4.2 4.2 11. never employed - other 31 1.8 1.8 98. NA 1 0.1 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR097 EGP CURRENT OCCUPATION OF RESPONDENT QUEST BOX 3 MD = GE 98 Constructed from the questions from BOX 3. Refer to Appendix 7 for a more detailed description of the codes. 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 61 1. higher controller 146 8.3 15.0 2. lower controller 240 13.7 24.6 3. routine manual 201 11.5 20.6 4. selfemployed with employee(s) 12 0.7 1.2 5. selfemployed without employee(s) 31 1.8 3.2 6. selfemployed farmer 16 0.9 1.6 7. manual supervisor 52 3.0 5.3 8. skilled manual 88 5.0 9.0 9. semi-skilled manual 161 9.2 16.5 10. farm labor 27 1.5 2.82 98. NA 6 0.3 MD 99. INAP (VAR096, codes 5-98) 774 44.1 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR098 EGP FORMER OCCUPATION OF RESPONDENT QUEST BOX 2 MD = GE 98 Constructed from the questions from BOX 2. Refer to Appendix 7 for a more detailed description of the codes. 1. higher controller 45 2.6 6.8 2. lower controller 91 5.2 13.7 3. routine manual 185 10.5 27.9 4. selfemployed with employee 9 0.5 1.4 5. selfemployed without employee 20 1.1 3.0 6. selfemployed farmer 10 0.6 1.5 7. manual supervisor 27 1.5 4.1 8. skilled manual 45 2.6 6.8 9. semi-skilled manual 207 11.8 31.3 10. farm labor 23 1.3 3.5 98. NA 7 0.4 MD 99. INAP (VAR096, codes 1-4,10-98) 1,085 61.8 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR099 TYPOLOGY OF HOUSEHOLD COMPOSITION QUEST BOX 1 MD = 98 Constructed from the questions from Box 1 (household box). Refer to Appendix 8 for a description of the codes and frequencies. VAR100 RESPONDENT IS (NOT) HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD QUEST 1 MD = none Could you tell me which of these persons contributes the most to the total household income? A list of birth dates of the members of the household was displayed on the screen of the interviewer's laptop 1 Page 62 ICPSR 9950 computer. 1. head of household 1,169 66.6 66.6 2. not head of household 585 33.4 33.4 _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR101 EDUCATION OF HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD QUEST 46a MD = GE 7 The next questions apply to the member of the household who contributes most to the family income. Did he or she obtain an educational degree after elementary school, that is, with a diploma or certificate? What, then, is his or her highest educational degree? Refer to Appendix 6 for a more detailed description of the codes. *1. elementary education 110 6.3 18.9 *2. more than elementary education 471 26.9 81.1 7. DK 3 0.2 MD 8. NA 1 0.1 MD 9. INAP (VAR100, code 1) 1,169 66.6 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR102 EGP CURRENT OCCUPATION OF HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD QUEST BOX 5 MD = GE 98 Constructed from the questions from BOX 5. Refer to Appendix 7 for a more detailed description of the codes. 1. higher controller 82 4.7 18.2 2. lower controller 89 5.1 19.7 3. routine manual 64 3.6 14.2 4. selfemployed with employee 10 0.6 2.2 5. selfemployed without employee 12 0.7 2.7 6. selfemployed farmer 25 1.4 5.5 7. manual supervisor 38 2.2 8.4 8. skilled manual 69 3.9 15.3 9. semi-skilled manual 57 3.2 12.6 10. farm labor 5 0.3 1.1 98. NA 11 0.6 MD 99. INAP (VAR100, 1; VAR103, 1-10) 1,292 73.7 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 63 VAR103 EGP FORMER OCCUPATION OF HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD QUEST BOX 4 MD = 99 Constructed from the questions from BOX 4. Refer to Appendix 7 for a more detailed description of the codes. 1. higher controller 18 1.0 14.6 2. lower controller 17 1.0 13.8 3. routine manual 14 0.8 11.4 4. selfemployed with employee 2 0.1 1.6 5. selfemployed without employee 1 0.1 0.8 6. selfemployed farmer 5 0.3 4.1 7. manual supervisor 8 0.5 6.5 8. skilled manual 25 1.4 20.3 9. semi-skilled manual 29 1.7 23.6 10. farm labor 4 0.2 3.3 99. INAP (VAR100, 1; VAR102, 1-98) 1,631 93.0 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR104 RESPONDENT HAS (NOT) A PARTNER QUEST BOX 1 MD = none Constructed from a question from BOX 1 (household box). 1. partner 1,133 64.6 64.6 2. not a partner 621 35.4 35.4 _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR105 DEGREE OF URBANIZATION QUEST none MD = none Refer to Appendix 9 for a description of the codes. *1. A1 - A4 223 12.7 12.7 *2. B1 - B2 381 21.7 21.7 3. B3 238 13.6 13.6 *4. C1 - C2 192 10.9 10.9 *5. C3 - C4 344 19.6 19.6 *6. C5 - C6 376 21.4 21.4 _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 Note: due to the CBS privacy protection policy, inhabitants of the city of Groningen were assigned code 5 rather than code 6. VAR106 REGION QUEST none MD = none Refer to Appendix 9 for a description of the codes. 1 Page 64 ICPSR 9950 *1. west 792 45.2 45.2 2. north 214 12.2 12.2 3. east 351 20.0 20.0 *4. south 397 22.6 22.6 _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 Note: contents of the codes 'west' and 'south' is different from previous Dutch Parliamentary Election Studies. VAR107 IS RESPONDENT RELIGIOUS? QUEST 40 MD = GE 7 Do you consider yourself religious? 1. yes 1,079 61.5 61.7 2. no 669 38.1 38.3 7. DK 3 0.2 MD 8. NA 3 0.2 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR108 RELIGIOUS DENOMINATION OF RESPONDENT QUEST 41 MD = GE 7 Do you consider yourself a member of a particular church or religious community, and if so, which one? 1. Roman Catholic 511 29.1 29.2 2. Dutch Reformed 254 14.5 14.5 3. Calvinist 144 8.2 8.2 4. other 94 5.4 5.4 5. no religion 749 42.7 42.8 7. DK 1 0.1 MD 8. NA 1 0.1 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR109 OTHER RELIGIOUS DENOMINATION OF RESPONDENT QUEST 41 MD = GE 98 Refer to VAR108 for complete question text. 1. Apostolic 3 0.2 3.4 2. Baptist 5 0.3 5.7 3. Christian 5 0.3 5.7 4. Mennonite 6 0.3 6.8 5. Lutheran 3 0.2 3.4 6. Free Evangelical Congregation 7 0.4 8.0 7. Jewish 3 0.2 3.4 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 65 8. Jehovah's Witness 2 0.1 2.3 9. Mormon 4 0.2 4.5 10. Remonstrant 4 0.2 4.5 11. Pentecostal 3 0.2 3.4 12. Protestant 4 0.2 4.5 13. Oecumenical 2 0.1 2.3 14. Seven-Day Adventist 1 0.1 1.1 15. Theosophical 1 0.1 1.1 17. Old Catholic 1 0.1 1.1 18. Humanist 19 1.1 21.6 19. Salvation Army 1 0.1 1.1 20. Hare-Krishna 1 0.1 1.1 23. Hindu 3 0.2 3.4 24. Islamic 5 0.3 5.7 25. Russian Orthodox 1 0.1 1.1 60. other 4 0.2 4.5 98. NA 6 0.3 MD 99. INAP (VAR108, codes 1-3, 5-8) 1,660 94.6 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR110 DUTCH REFORMED DENOMINATION OF RESPONDENT QUEST 42 MD = GE 7 Do you belong to a specific group within the Dutch Reformed Church, and if so, which one? 1. Vrijzinnige Richting 42 2.4 16.7 2. Midden Orthodox 26 1.5 10.4 3. Gereformeerde Bond 28 1.6 11.2 4. Confessioneel 24 1.4 9.6 5. other 4 0.2 1.6 6. none 127 7.2 50.6 7. DK 3 0.2 MD 9. INAP (VAR108, codes 1, 3-8) 1,500 85.5 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR111 CALVINIST DENOMINATION OF RESPONDENT QUEST 43 MD = GE 7 To which of the Reformed (Calvinist) churches, communities, or denominations do you belong? 1. Synodaal 89 5.1 62.7 2. Vrijgemaakt (art.31) 17 1.0 12.0 3. Buiten Verband 5 0.3 3.5 4. Christelijk Gereformeerde Kerk 13 0.7 9.2 5. Gereformeerde Gemeenten 17 1.0 12.0 6. other 1 0.1 0.7 7. DK 1 0.1 MD 1 Page 66 ICPSR 9950 8. NA 1 0.1 MD 9. INAP (VAR108, codes 1-2, 4-8) 1,610 91.8 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR112 RESPONDENT'S ATTENDANCE OF RELIGIOUS SERVICES QUEST 44 MD = 9 How often do you attend religious services? 1. at least once a week 312 17.8 31.1 2. 2 or 3 times a month 94 5.4 9.4 3. once a month 110 6.3 11.0 4. several times a year 231 13.2 23.0 5. (almost) never 256 14.6 25.5 9. INAP (VAR108, codes 5-8) 751 42.8 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 Note: the routing was not part of the original questionnaire, but has been implemented by the authors of this codebook to maintain comparability with previous Dutch Parliamentary Election Studies. VAR113 DENOMINATION UNDER WHICH RESPONDENT WAS RAISED QUEST 45 MD = 8 Were you brought up in a particular religion or denomination, and if so, which one? 1. Roman Catholic 717 40.9 40.9 2. Dutch Reformed 361 20.6 20.6 3. Calvinist 212 12.1 12.1 4. other 70 4.0 4.0 5. no religion 393 22.4 22.4 8. NA 1 0.1 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR114 OTHER DENOMINATION UNDER WHICH RESPONDENT WAS RAISED QUEST 45 MD = GE 98 Refer to VAR113 for complete question text. 1. Apostolic 6 0.3 8.7 2. Baptist 4 0.2 5.8 3. Christian 2 0.1 2.9 4. Mennonite 8 0.5 11.6 5. Lutheran 10 0.6 14.5 6. Free Evangelical Congregation 7 0.4 10.1 7. Jewish 1 0.1 1.4 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 67 8. Jehovah's Witness 1 0.1 1.4 10. Remonstrant 5 0.3 7.2 12. Protestant 4 0.2 5.8 17. Old Catholic 1 0.1 1.4 18. Humanist 3 0.2 4.3 19. Salvation Army 2 0.1 2.9 20. Hare-Krishna 1 0.1 1.4 21. Anglican 1 0.1 1.4 23. Hindu 3 0.2 4.3 24. Islamic 3 0.2 4.3 25. Russian Orthodox 1 0.1 1.4 26. Greek Orthodox 1 0.1 1.4 60. other 5 0.3 7.2 98. NA 1 0.1 MD 99. INAP (VAR113, codes 1-3, 5-8) 1,684 96.0 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR115 RELIGIOUS DENOMINATION OF PARTNER QUEST 55 MD = GE 8 Does your partner belong to a particular church or religious community, and if so, to which one? 1. Roman Catholic 392 22.3 34.7 2. Dutch Reformed 186 10.6 16.5 3. Calvinist 106 6.0 9.4 4. other 43 2.5 3.8 5. no religion 403 23.0 35.7 8. NA 3 0.2 MD 9. INAP (VAR104, code 2) 621 35.4 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR116 OTHER RELIGIOUS DENOMINATION OF PARTNER QUEST 55 MD = 99 Refer to VAR115 for complete question text. 1. Apostolic 3 0.2 7.0 2. Baptist 2 0.1 4.7 3. Christian 1 0.1 2.3 4. Mennonite 3 0.2 7.0 5. Lutheran 3 0.2 7.0 6. Free Evangelical Congregation 5 0.3 11.6 7. Jewish 1 0.1 2.3 8. Jehovah's Witness 1 0.1 2.3 9. Mormon 1 0.1 2.3 10. Remonstrant 3 0.2 7.0 11. Pentecostal 3 0.2 7.0 12. Protestant 2 0.1 4.7 1 Page 68 ICPSR 9950 16. Antroposophic 1 0.1 2.3 18. Humanist 3 0.2 7.0 20. Hare-Krishna 1 0.1 2.3 22. Buddhist 1 0.1 2.3 23. Hindu 1 0.1 2.3 24. Islamic 5 0.3 11.6 60. other 3 0.2 7.0 99. INAP (VAR115, codes 1-3, 4-9) 1,711 97.5 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR117 DUTCH REFORMED DENOMINATION OF PARTNER QUEST 56 MD = GE 7 Does your partner belong to a particular group within the Dutch Reformed Church, and if so, to which one? 1. Vrijzinnige Richting 27 1.5 14.8 2. Midden Orthodox 23 1.3 12.6 3. Gereformeerde Bond 24 1.4 13.1 4. Confessioneel 14 0.8 7.7 5. other 1 0.1 0.5 6. none 94 5.4 51.4 7. DK 3 0.2 MD 9. INAP (VAR115, codes 1, 3-9) 1,568 89.4 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR118 CALVINIST DENOMINATION OF PARTNER QUEST 57 MD = GE 7 To which of the Reformed (Calvinist) churches, communities, or denominations does your partner belong? 1. Synodaal 64 3.6 61.5 2. Vrijgemaakt (art.31) 16 0.9 15.4 3. Buiten Verband 5 0.3 4.8 4. Christelijk Gereformeerde Kerk 7 0.4 6.7 5. Gereformeerde Gemeenten 11 0.6 10.6 6. other 1 0.1 1.0 7. DK 2 0.1 MD 9. INAP (VAR115, codes 1-2, 4-9) 1,648 94.0 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR119 PARTNER'S ATTENDANCE OF RELIGIOUS SERVICES QUEST 58 MD = 9 How often does your partner attend religious services? 1. at least once a week 196 11.2 27.0 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 69 2. 2 or 3 times a month 79 4.5 10.9 3. once a month 75 4.3 10.3 4. several times a year 175 10.0 24.1 5. (almost) never 202 11.5 27.8 9. INAP (VAR119, codes 5-9) 1,027 58.6 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 Note: the routing was not part of the original questionnaire, but has been implemented by the authors of this codebook to maintain comparability with previous Dutch Parliamentary Election Studies. VAR120 DENOMINATION UNDER WHICH PARTNER WAS RAISED QUEST 59 MD = GE 7 Was your partner raised in a particular religion or denomination, and if so, which one? 1. Roman Catholic 493 28.1 43.7 2. Dutch Reformed 228 13.0 20.2 3. Calvinist 117 6.7 10.4 4. other 39 2.2 3.5 5. no religion 252 14.4 22.3 7. DK 1 0.1 MD 8. NA 3 0.2 MD 9. INAP (VAR104, code 2) 621 35.4 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR121 OTHER DENOMINATION UNDER WHICH PARTNER WAS RAISED QUEST 59 MD = GE 98 Refer to VAR120 for complete question text. 1. Apostolic 3 0.2 8.1 2. Baptist 2 0.1 5.4 4. Mennonite 7 0.4 18.9 5. Lutheran 5 0.3 13.5 6. Free Evangelical Congregation 3 0.2 8.1 7. Jewish 1 0.1 2.7 8. Jehovah's Witnesses 1 0.1 2.7 10. Remonstrant 5 0.3 13.5 12. Protestant 2 0.1 5.4 17. Old Catholic 1 0.1 2.7 22. Buddhist 1 0.1 2.7 23. Hindu 1 0.1 2.7 24. Islamic 4 0.2 10.8 60. other 1 0.1 2.7 98. NA 2 0.1 MD 99. INAP (VAR120, codes 1-3, 5-9) 1,715 97.8 MD 1 Page 70 ICPSR 9950 _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR122 SOCIAL CLASS - SELF IMAGE QUEST 60 MD = GE 7 One sometimes speaks of the existence of various social classes and groups. If you were to assign yourself to a particular social class, which one would that be? Showcard 12 presented, listing response alternatives. 1. upper class 37 2.1 2.2 2. upper middle class 231 13.2 13.6 3. middle class 884 50.4 52.0 4. upper working class 141 8.0 8.3 5. working class 407 23.2 23.9 7. DK 33 1.9 MD 8. NA 21 1.2 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR123 INCOME OF RESPONDENT'S HOUSEHOLD QUEST 61 MD = GE 97 On this card are some income levels. Could you indicate in which of the categories the net income of your household falls? Please indicate the total net income of all of the family members together, after deduction of taxes and the like. Extra income from overtime and income of children must be included. Child payments, welfare payments, social security, and pensions also count as income. In case respondent complains or hesitates: This question is very important for this research. I can guarantee you that this remains absolutely secret, but for scientific research it is important that the information from all respondents be collected. Could you indicate which of the situations on this card apply to you and your partner? Please indicate the letter that applies to you. Showcard 13 presented, listing response alternatives. 1. less than 21,000 308 17.6 18.6 2. 21,000 - 23,999 188 10.7 11.3 3. 24,000 - 29,999 228 13.0 13.7 4. 30,000 - 35,999 239 13.6 14.4 5. 36,000 - 43,999 270 15.4 16.3 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 71 6. 44,000 - 54,000 203 11.6 12.2 7. more than 54,000 223 12.7 13.4 97. DK 57 3.2 MD 98. NA 38 2.2 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR124 RESPONDENT HAS HIGHER INCOME THAN PARTNER? QUEST 62 MD = GE 97 Could you tell me which of these situations shown on this card apply to you and your partner? Please tell me the aPPropriate letter. Showcard 14 presented, listing response alternatives, preceded by letters. 1. respondent nor partner has income 14 0.8 1.3 2. only respondent has income 283 16.1 25.3 3. only partner has income 239 13.6 21.4 4. partner's income >>> respondent's 184 10.5 16.4 5. partner's income > respondent's 77 4.4 6.9 6. partner's income = respondent's 70 4.0 6.3 7. partner's income <<< respondent's 179 10.2 16.0 8. partner's income < respondent's 73 4.2 6.5 97. DK 6 0.3 MD 98. NA 8 0.5 MD 99. INAP (VAR104, code 2) 621 35.4 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR125 HEALTH INSURANCE - HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD QUEST 63 MD = none If respondent is head of household: are you required by law to have health insurance? If respondent is not head of household: is the head of household required by law to have health insurance? 1. yes 1,096 62.5 62.5 2. no 658 37.5 37.5 _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 Note: in the Netherlands, privately employed wage earners under a certain level of income are by law required to 1 Page 72 ICPSR 9950 have health insurance via a 'ziekenfonds.' For privately employed persons, then, this question yields a simple dichotomy of income. The relevant gross income level at the time of interviewing was 50,150 Dutch guilders. VAR126 IS RESPONDENT OR HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD HOUSE OWNER? QUEST 64 MD = GE 7 If respondent is head of household: do you own the house in which you live? If respondent is not head of household: does the head of household own the house in which you live? 1. yes 850 48.5 48.5 2. no 902 51.4 51.5 7. DK 1 0.1 MD 8. NA 1 0.1 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR127 DOES RESPONDENT OR PARTNER OWN A CAR? QUEST 66 MD = 7 Do you (if respondent has partner: or does your partner) own a car? 1. yes 1,226 69.9 69.9 2. no 527 30.0 30.1 7. DK 1 0.1 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR128 DISTANCE BETWEEN RESPONDENT'S HOME AND WORK QUEST 38 MD = GE 996 What is the aPProximate distance between your house and your work? Could you please give an indication of the number of kilometers? The distance ranges from 0 (i.e., less than 1 kilometer) to 250 kilometers. Code 996 has been assigned to those who work at home. 996. works at home 997. DK 998. NA 999. INAP (VAR096, codes 5-98) VAR129 RESPONDENT'S PRINCIPAL MODE OF TRANSPORTATION TO WORK QUEST 39 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 73 MD = GE 7 How do you generally go to work? Is that predominantly by walking, by bicycle or moped, by car, by public transportation, or what? 1. walking 72 4.1 7.7 2. bicycle or moped 291 16.6 31.2 3. car 481 27.4 51.6 4. public transportation 63 3.6 6.8 5. other 26 1.5 2.8 7. DK 1 0.1 MD 9. INAP (VAR128, codes 996-999) 820 46.8 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR130 DISTANCE BETWEEN HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD'S HOME AND WORK QUEST 53 MD = GE 996 What is the aPProximate distance between your house and his or her work? Could you please give an indication of the number of kilometers? The distance ranges from 0 (i.e., less than 1 kilometer) to 150 kilometers. Code 996 has been assigned to those who work at home. 996. works at home 997. DK 998. NA 999. INAP (VAR096, codes 1-4; VAR102, codes 98-99) VAR131 HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD'S PRINCIPAL MODE OF TRANSPORTATION TO WORK QUEST 54 MD = GE 8 How does he or she generally go to work? Is that predominantly by walking, by bicycle or moped, by car, by public transportation, or what? 1. walking 14 0.8 7.1 2. bicycle or moped 62 3.5 31.6 3. car 107 6.1 54.6 4. public transportation 7 0.4 3.6 5. other 6 0.3 3.1 8. NA 1 0.1 MD 9. INAP (VAR130, codes 996-999) 1,557 88.8 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR132 DATE OF FIRST INTERVIEW (MMDD) QUEST none MD = none Registered by built-in calendar in laptop computer. 1 Page 74 ICPSR 9950 First two digit indicate month; last two digits indicate day. Date of first interview ranges from 715 (July 15) to 905 (September 5). VAR133 START OF FIRST INTERVIEW (HHMMSS) QUEST none MD = none Registered by built-in clock in laptop computer. First two digits indicate hour (24 hour clock used); next two digits indicate minute; last two digits indicate seconds. Start of first interview ranges from 82954 (8 hours, 29 minutes, and 54 seconds a.m.) to 214225 (9 hours, 42 minutes, and 25 seconds p.m.). VAR134 END OF FIRST INTERVIEW (HHMMSS) QUEST none MD = 999998 Registered by built-in clock in laptop computer. First two digits indicate hour (24 hour clock used); next two digits indicate minutes; last two digits indicate seconds. End of first interview ranges from 92248 (9 hours, 22 minutes, and 48 seconds a.m.) to 222531 (10 hours, 25 minutes, and 31 seconds p.m.). 999998. NA VAR135 DURATION OF FIRST INTERVIEW (HMMSS) QUEST none Constructed from VAR133 & VAR134. First digit indicates number of hours; next two digits indicate number of minutes; last two digits indicate number of seconds: Duration of first interview ranges from 948 (9 minutes and 48 seconds) to 2556 (2 hours, 55 minutes, and 56 seconds) 999999. INAP (VAR134, code 999998) VAR136 PRESENT AT INTERVIEW - CHILDREN UNDER 6 YEARS QUEST 67 MD = none Would you indicate who besides the respondent was present during the interview? Would you also indicate: - if they followed the conversation completely or in part; that is, listened actively. - if they intruded into the interview; that is, offered an own opinion, corrected the respondent, offered suggestions, etc.? Children under 6 years Completed by interviewer. 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 75 1. not present 1,616 92.1 92.1 2. did not listen 113 6.4 6.4 3. did listen 18 1.0 1.0 4. did participate 7 0.4 0.4 _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR137 PRESENT AT INTERVIEW - CHILDREN 6 YEARS AND OVER QUEST 68 MD = none Children over 6 years Completed by interviewer. Refer to VAR137 for complete question text. 1. not present 1,570 89.5 89.5 2. did not listen 102 5.8 5.8 3. did listen 75 4.3 4.3 4. did participate 7 0.4 0.4 _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR138 PRESENT AT INTERVIEW - SPOUSE OR PARTNER QUEST 69 MD = none Husband, wife, or partner Completed by interviewer. Refer to VAR137 for complete question text. 1. not present 1,188 67.7 67.7 2. did not listen 183 10.4 10.4 3. did listen 317 18.1 18.1 4. did participate 66 3.8 3.8 _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR139 PRESENT AT INTERVIEW - OTHER RELATIVES QUEST 70 MD = none Other relatives Completed by interviewer. Refer to VAR137 for complete question text. 1. not present 1,643 93.7 93.7 2. did not listen 44 2.5 2.5 3. did listen 54 3.1 3.1 4. did participate 13 0.7 0.7 _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 1 Page 76 ICPSR 9950 VAR140 PRESENT AT INTERVIEW - OTHER ADULTS QUEST 71 MD = none Other adults Completed by interviewer. Refer to VAR137 for complete question text. 1. not present 1,674 95.4 95.4 2. did not listen 38 2.2 2.2 3. did listen 35 2.0 2.0 4. did participate 7 0.4 0.4 _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR141 PRESENCE OF DISTURBING INFLUENCES QUEST 72a MD = none Were there any disturbing influences during the interview, such as a television set or radio that was on, other people arriving for a visit, etc.? Completed by interviewer. 1. present 143 8.2 8.2 2. not present 1,611 91.8 91.8 _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR142 DISTURBING INFLUENCES - FIRST CODING QUEST 72b MD = GE 8 The disturbing factors were .... Completed by interviewer. 1. visitors 5 0.3 3.7 2. tv, radio or music 75 4.3 55.6 3. children 21 1.2 15.6 4. telephone 1 0.1 0.7 5. other 33 1.9 24.4 8. NA 8 0.5 MD 9. INAP (VAR141, code 2) 1,611 91.8 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR143 DISTURBING INFLUENCES - SECOND CODING QUEST 72b MD = GE 6 Completed by interviewer. Refer to VAR142 for complete question text. 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 77 1. visitors 2 0.1 14.3 3. children 3 0.2 21.4 4. telephone 3 0.2 21.4 5. other 6 0.3 42.9 6. no second coding 121 6.9 MD 9. INAP (VAR142, codes 8-9) 1,619 92.3 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,754 100.0 100.0 VAR144 READS ABOUT CAMPAIGN NEWS QUEST 1 MD = 9 I would like to begin with a question about the election campaign for the parliamentary election on September 6. If there was news about the campaign in the newspaper, how often did you read such news? Showcard 1 presented, listing response alternatives. 1. (nearly) always 296 19.7 19.7 2. often 303 20.1 20.1 3. now and then 572 38.0 38.0 4. seldom or never 248 16.5 16.5 5. does not read papers 87 5.8 5.8 _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 9. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR145 DID (NOT) WATCH ELECTION DEBATE ON TV QUEST 2 MD = GE 7 During the evening before the election a television debate was held in which the leaders of the three largest political parties participated. Did you watch this debate, or parts of it? 1. watched 740 49.1 49.2 2. did not watch 765 50.8 50.8 7. DK 1 0.1 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 9. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR146 DID (NOT) VOTE IN 1989 PARLIAMENTARY ELECTIONS QUEST 3 MD = 9 Did you vote in the parliamentary election on September 6, or not? 1 Page 78 ICPSR 9950 1. voted 1,395 92.6 92.6 2. did not vote 111 7.4 7.4 _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 9. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR147 PARTY VOTED FOR IN 1989 PARLIAMENTARY ELECTIONS QUEST 4 MD = GE 91 For which party? 1. PvdA 449 29.8 32.4 2. CDA 454 30.1 32.8 3. VVD 192 12.7 13.9 4. D66 144 9.6 10.4 5. Groen Links 69 4.6 5.0 9. SGP 24 1.6 1.7 10. GPV 20 1.3 1.4 11. RPF 17 1.1 1.2 12. CD/Centrumpartij 5 0.3 0.4 14. SP 5 0.3 0.4 15. De Groenen 5 0.3 0.4 16. VCN 1 0.1 0.1 91. uncodable 1 0.1 MD 98. NA 9 0.6 MD 99. INAP (VAR146, code 2) 111 7.4 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 99. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR148 PARTY CHOICE - FIRST REASON QUEST 5a-b MD = GE 910 Why did you vote (party mentioned by respondent, VAR147)? Could you further explain this? Refer to Appendix 10 for a description of the codes and frequencies. 910. uncodable 997. DK 998. NA 999. INAP (VAR146, code 2) 999. INAP (panel attrition) VAR149 PARTY CHOICE - SECOND REASON QUEST 5a-b MD = GE 995 Refer to Appendix 10 for a description of the codes and 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 79 frequencies. 995. no second answer 999. INAP (VAR148, codes 997-999) 999. INAP (panel attrition) VAR150 PARTY CHOICE - THIRD REASON QUEST 5a-b MD = GE 995 Refer to Appendix 10 for a description of the codes and frequencies. 995. no third answer 999. INAP (VAR149, codes 995-999) 999. INAP (panel attrition) VAR151 PARTY CHOICE - FOURTH REASON QUEST 5a-b MD = GE 995 Refer to Appendix 10 for a description of the codes and frequencies. 995. no fourth answer 999. INAP (VAR150, codes 995-999) 999. INAP (panel attrition) VAR152 PARTY CHOICE - FIFTH REASON QUEST 5a-b MD = GE 995 Refer to Appendix 10 for a description of the codes and frequencies. 995. no fifth answer 999. INAP (VAR151, codes 995-999) 999. INAP (panel attrition) VAR153 DID (NOT) CAST PREFERENTIAL VOTE QUEST 6 MD = GE 7 When casting a vote, one can choose from a list of candidates. Did you vote for the candidate on the top of the list or for another candidate? 1. preferential vote 205 13.6 14.8 2. no preferential vote 1,176 78.1 85.2 7. DK 5 0.3 MD 9. INAP (VAR147, codes 98-99) 120 8.0 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 9. INAP (panel attrition) 248 1 Page 80 ICPSR 9950 VAR154 DID CAST PREFERENTIAL VOTE - FIRST REASON QUEST 7a-b MD = 99 What was your reason to vote for another candidate than the one on the top of the list? Could you further explain this? 1. female candidate 62 4.1 30.2 2. male candidate 4 0.3 2.0 3. acquainted with candidate 15 1.0 7.3 4. represents interests 26 1.7 12.7 5. local candidate 31 2.1 15.1 6. good candidate 37 2.5 18.0 7. other reason 30 2.0 14.6 99. INAP (VAR153, codes 2-9) 1,301 86.4 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 99. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR155 DID CAST PREFERENTIAL VOTE - SECOND REASON QUEST 7a-b MD = GE 95 Refer to VAR154 for complete question text. 3. acquainted with candidate 1 0.1 10.0 4. represents interests 3 0.2 30.0 5. local candidate 3 0.2 30.0 6. good candidate 2 0.1 20.0 7. other reason 1 0.1 10.0 95. no second reason 195 12.9 MD 99. INAP (VAR154, code 99) 1,301 86.4 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 99. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR156 NAME OF CANDIDATE RESPONDENT VOTED FOR QUEST 8 MD = GE 97 What is the name of the candidate for whom you voted? Refer to Appendix 11 for a description of the codes and frequencies. 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 81 97. DK 98. NA 99. INAP (VAR147, codes 98-99) 99. INAP (panel attrition) VAR157 PARTY CHOICE - WHEN DECIDED QUEST 9 MD = GE 7 When did you decide to vote for (party mentioned by respondent, VAR147)? Was this during the last days before the election, the last weeks before the election, a few months beforehand, or did you know even longer beforehand for which party you would vote? 1. last days 243 16.1 17.5 2. last weeks 154 10.2 11.1 3. last few months 120 8.0 8.7 4. much earlier 868 57.6 62.7 7. DK 1 0.1 MD 9. INAP (VAR147, codes 98-99) 120 8.0 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 9. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR158 PREVIOUS VOTING BEHAVIOR OF RESPONDENT QUEST 10 MD = GE 7 Have you always voted for (party mentioned by respondent) or have you at times voted for (another party or a party)? 1. always this party 631 41.9 45.6 2. sometimes other party 724 48.1 52.3 3. did not vote 9 0.6 0.7 4. not entitled to vote 20 1.3 1.4 7. DK 2 0.1 MD 9. INAP (VAR147, codes 98-99) 120 8.0 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 9. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR159 PARTIES PREVIOUSLY VOTED FOR - FIRST ANSWER QUEST 11 MD = GE 97 For which other party (or parties) have you voted? 1. PvdA 135 9.0 19.0 2. CDA 128 8.5 18.0 1 Page 82 ICPSR 9950 3. VVD 140 9.3 19.7 4. D66 122 8.1 17.2 5. Groen Links 4 0.3 0.6 6. CPN 13 0.9 1.8 7. PPR 38 2.5 5.3 8. PSP 39 2.6 5.5 9. SGP 8 0.5 1.1 10. GPV 4 0.3 0.6 11. RPF 11 0.7 1.5 12. CD/centrumpartij 1 0.1 0.1 13. EVP 3 0.2 0.4 14. SP 4 0.3 0.6 15. De Groenen 1 0.1 0.1 17. Loesje 2 0.1 0.3 33. Frysk Nasjonale Partij 2 0.1 0.3 34. Gemeentebelangen 2 0.1 0.3 40. KVP 24 1.6 3.4 41. CHU 9 0.6 1.3 42. ARP 10 0.7 1.4 43. SDAP 1 0.1 0.1 45. Boerenpartij 8 0.5 1.1 46. DS70 2 0.1 0.3 97. DK 9 0.6 MD 98. NA 4 0.3 MD 99. INAP (VAR158, codes 1, 3-9) 782 51.9 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 99. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR160 PARTIES PREVIOUSLY VOTED FOR - SECOND ANSWER QUEST 11 MD = GE 95 Refer to VAR159 for complete question text. 1. PvdA 16 1.1 12.2 2. CDA 16 1.1 12.2 3. VVD 25 1.7 19.1 4. D66 27 1.8 20.6 5. Groen Links 1 0.1 0.8 6. CPN 5 0.3 3.8 7. PPR 7 0.5 5.3 8. PSP 12 0.8 9.2 9. SGP 5 0.3 3.8 10. GPV 2 0.1 1.5 13. EVP 1 0.1 0.8 15. De Groenen 1 0.1 0.8 40. KVP 4 0.3 3.1 41. CHU 5 0.3 3.8 42. ARP 1 0.1 0.8 46. DS70 3 0.2 2.3 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 83 95. no second answer 580 38.5 MD 99. INAP (VAR159, codes 97-99) 795 52.8 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 99. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR161 PARTIES PREVIOUSLY VOTED FOR - THIRD ANSWER QUEST 11 MD = GE 95 Refer to VAR159 for complete question text. 1. PvdA 4 0.3 21.1 2. CDA 2 0.1 10.5 3. VVD 3 0.2 15.8 4. D66 4 0.3 21.1 7. PPR 1 0.1 5.3 8. PSP 2 0.1 10.5 11. RPF 1 0.1 5.3 14. SP 1 0.1 5.3 41. CHU 1 0.1 5.3 95. no third answer 112 7.4 MD 99. INAP (VAR160, codes 97-99) 1,375 91.3 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 99. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR162 CONSIDERED NOT TO VOTE IN 1989 QUEST 12a MD = 9 Did you seriously consider not voting at the parliamentary elections of September 6? 1. yes 71 4.7 5.1 2. no 1,324 87.9 94.9 9. INAP (VAR146, code 2) 111 7.4 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 9. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR163 DID (NOT) HESITATE ABOUT PARTY CHOICE QUEST 12b MD = GE 7 And did you seriously consider voting for (a different party than party mentioned by respondent or a party) at the parliamentary elections of September 6? 1. yes 349 23.2 25.0 2. no 1,045 69.4 75.0 1 Page 84 ICPSR 9950 7. DK 1 0.1 MD 9. INAP (VAR146, code 2) 111 7.4 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 9. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR164 PARTY CONSIDERED AS ALTERNATIVE CHOICE QUEST 13 MD = GE 97 Which one? 1. PvdA 55 3.7 16.3 2. CDA 70 4.6 20.8 3. VVD 37 2.5 11.0 4. D66 94 6.2 27.9 5. Groen Links 57 3.8 16.9 7. PPR 1 0.1 0.3 8. PSP 1 0.1 0.3 9. SGP 4 0.3 1.2 10. GPV 6 0.4 1.8 11. RPF 2 0.1 0.6 12. CD/Centrumpartij 2 0.1 0.6 13. EVP 1 0.1 0.3 14. SP 5 0.3 1.5 15. De Groenen 1 0.1 0.3 17. Loesje 1 0.1 0.3 97. DK 6 0.4 MD 98. NA 6 0.4 MD 99. INAP (VAR163, codes 2-9) 1,157 76.8 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 99. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR165 DID NOT VOTE - REASON QUEST 14 MD = GE 910 Why did you not vote? Refer to Appendix 12 for a description of the codes and frequencies. 910. uncodable 997. DK 998. NA 999. INAP (VAR146, code 1) 999. INAP (panel attrition) VAR166 DID NOT VOTE - WHEN DECIDED QUEST 15 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 85 MD = GE 7 When did you decide that you definitely would not vote? Was that during the last days before the election, the last weeks before the election, a few months beforehand or did you know even longer beforehand that you would not vote? 1. last days 52 3.5 48.1 2. last weeks 18 1.2 16.7 3. last few months 8 0.5 7.4 4. much earlier 30 2.0 27.8 7. DK 3 0.2 MD 9. INAP (VAR146, code 1) 1,395 92.6 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 9. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR167 PREFERRED PARTY OF NONVOTERS QUEST 16 MD = GE 90 Suppose that you had in fact voted, for which party would you have voted? 1. PvdA 43 2.9 44.3 2. CDA 31 2.1 32.0 3. VVD 9 0.6 9.3 4. D66 6 0.4 6.2 5. Groen Links 3 0.2 3.1 6. CPN 1 0.1 1.0 7. PPR 1 0.1 1.0 9. SGP 1 0.1 1.0 12. CD/Centrumpartij 1 0.1 1.0 13. EVP 1 0.1 1.0 90. blank 1 0.1 MD 97. DK 10 0.7 MD 98. NA 3 0.2 MD 99. INAP (VAR146, code 1) 1,395 92.6 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 99. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR168 EUTHANASIA - PERCEPTION OF CDA QUEST 17a MD = GE 97 Now a few questions about political affairs that are regularly in the news. When a doctor ends the alife of a person at the latter's request, this is called euthanasia. At the moment, euthanasia is forbidden by law and some people feel it should stay that way. Others feel that a doctor should always be allowed to end a life, if the 1 Page 86 ICPSR 9950 patient makes that request. Of course, there are also people whose opinions lie somewhere in between. Suppose that the people who would like euthanasia to be forbidden are at the beginning of this line (at number 1), and the people who feel that a doctor should always be allowed to end life upon a patient's request are at the end of the line (at number 7). So beginning of the line: euthanasia should always be forbidden; end of the line: euthanasia is allowed. I will ask you first to place some political parties on the line. If you have no idea at all which position a party has, then please feel free to say so. Where would you place the CDA on this line? Showcard 2 presented, listing a horizontal line with seven categories numbered 1 to 7, categories 1 and 7 labeled as described in question text. 1. forbid euthanasia 369 24.5 26.8 2. 453 30.1 32.9 3. 268 17.8 19.5 4. 180 12.0 13.1 5. 66 4.4 4.8 6. 24 1.6 1.7 7. allow euthanasia 15 1.0 1.1 97. DK 131 8.7 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 99. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR169 EUTHANASIA - PERCEPTION OF PVDA QUEST 17b MD = GE 97 And where the PvdA? Refer to VAR168 for complete question text. 1. forbid euthanasia 32 2.1 2.4 2. 42 2.8 3.1 3. 72 4.8 5.4 4. 170 11.3 12.7 5. 321 21.3 24.0 6. 460 30.5 34.4 7. allow euthanasia 241 16.0 18.0 97. DK 167 11.1 MD 98. NA 1 0.1 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 99. INAP (panel attrition) 248 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 87 VAR170 EUTHANASIA - PERCEPTION OF VVD QUEST 17c MD = GE 97 And where the VVD? Refer to VAR168 for complete question text. 1. forbid euthanasia 41 2.7 3.3 2. 61 4.1 5.0 3. 124 8.2 10.1 4. 204 13.5 16.6 5. 265 17.6 21.6 6. 361 24.0 29.4 7. allow euthanasia 171 11.4 13.9 97. DK 279 18.5 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 99. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR171 EUTHANASIA - PERCEPTION OF D66 QUEST 17d MD = GE 97 And where D66? Refer to VAR168 for complete question text. 1. forbid euthanasia 19 1.3 1.6 2. 43 2.9 3.6 3. 62 4.1 5.2 4. 139 9.2 11.8 5. 216 14.3 18.3 6. 397 26.4 33.6 7. allow euthanasia 305 20.3 25.8 97. DK 324 21.5 MD 98. NA 1 0.1 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 99. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR172 EUTHANASIA - RESPONDENT'S PREFERENCE QUEST 17e MD = GE 97 And where would you place yourself on the line? Refer to VAR168 for complete question text. 1 Page 88 ICPSR 9950 1. forbid euthanasia 155 10.3 10.4 2. 104 6.9 7.0 3. 79 5.2 5.3 4. 185 12.3 12.4 5. 209 13.9 14.0 6. 371 24.6 24.8 7. allow euthanasia 390 25.9 26.1 97. DK 12 0.8 MD 98. NA 1 0.1 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 99. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR173 NUCLEAR WEAPONS - FIRST ITEM QUEST 18a MD = GE 7 The Netherlands must simply fulfill her existing tasks within NATO, and others feel that the nuclear arsenal should be strengthened. I shall read you a number of statements and ask you to indicate on this card to what extent you agree or disagree with the statement: Whatever other countries do, the Netherlands must remove all nuclear weapons from her territory. Showcard 3 presented, listing response alternatives. 1. fully agree 311 20.7 20.9 2. agree 324 21.5 21.8 3. do not (dis)agree 245 16.3 16.5 4. disagree 447 29.7 30.0 5. fully disagree 161 10.7 10.8 7. DK 18 1.2 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 9. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR174 NUCLEAR WEAPONS - SECOND ITEM QUEST 18b MD = GE 7 The Netherlands must, if necessary independently from the other NATO countries, set a good example and reduce the number of nuclear weapons on her territory. Refer to VAR173 for introduction of question text. 1. fully agree 319 21.2 21.5 2. agree 636 42.2 42.8 3. do not (dis)agree 168 11.2 11.3 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 89 4. disagree 300 19.9 20.2 5. fully disagree 63 4.2 4.2 7. DK 20 1.3 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 9. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR175 NUCLEAR WEAPONS - THIRD ITEM QUEST 18c MD = GE 7 The Netherlands must strive to have NATO reduce its nuclear weapons, regardless of whether the Soviet Union does so also. Refer to VAR173 for introduction of question text. 1. fully agree 270 17.9 18.3 2. agree 617 41.0 41.8 3. do not (dis)agree 206 13.7 13.9 4. disagree 343 22.8 23.2 5. fully disagree 41 2.7 2.8 7. DK 28 1.9 MD 8. NA 1 0.1 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 9. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR176 NUCLEAR WEAPONS - FOURTH ITEM QUEST 18d MD = GE 7 The Netherlands must strive to have NATO reduce its nuclear weapons only if the Soviet Union does so also. Refer to VAR173 for introduction of question text. 1. fully agree 193 12.8 13.0 2. agree 490 32.5 33.1 3. do not (dis)agree 174 11.6 11.8 4. disagree 516 34.3 34.9 5. fully disagree 107 7.1 7.2 7. DK 26 1.7 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 9. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR177 NUCLEAR WEAPONS - FIFTH ITEM QUEST 18e 1 Page 90 ICPSR 9950 MD = GE 7 The Netherlands must strive to have NATO increase its nuclear arsenal in order to be able to negotiate with the Soviet Union from a favorable position. Refer to VAR173 for introduction of question text. 1. fully agree 28 1.9 1.9 2. agree 136 9.0 9.2 3. do not (dis)agree 159 10.6 10.8 4. disagree 714 47.4 48.4 5. fully disagree 439 29.2 29.7 7. DK 30 2.0 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 9. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR178 NUCLEAR WEAPONS ATTITUDE SCORE QUEST 18a-e MD = 9 Constructed from VAR173 to VAR177. Refer to Appendix 1 for a description of the test of unidimensionality and the construction of the score. 0. not anti nukes 271 18.0 18.0 1. 261 17.3 17.3 2. 260 17.3 17.3 3. 286 19.0 19.0 4. 240 15.9 15.9 5. anti nukes 188 12.5 12.5 _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 9. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR179 NUCLEAR WEAPONS - PERCEPTION OF CDA QUEST 19a MD = GE 7 The statements that I just read to you are listed on this card. Which of these statements best represents the position of the CDA? Showcard 4 presented, listing text of five statements in the same order as described in VAR173 to VAR177. 1. first statement 51 3.4 4.1 2. second statement 157 10.4 12.7 3. third statement 192 12.7 15.5 4. fourth statement 721 47.9 58.3 5. fifth statement 115 7.6 9.3 7. DK 270 17.9 MD 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 91 _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 9. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR180 NUCLEAR WEAPONS - PERCEPTION OF PVDA QUEST 19b MD = GE 7 And of the PvdA? Refer to VAR179 for complete question text. 1. first statement 434 28.8 34.4 2. second statement 417 27.7 33.0 3. third statement 283 18.8 22.4 4. fourth statement 92 6.1 7.3 5. fifth statement 37 2.5 2.9 7. DK 243 16.1 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 9. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR181 NUCLEAR WEAPONS - PERCEPTION OF VVD QUEST 19c MD = GE 7 And of the VVD? Refer to VAR179 for complete question text. 1. first statement 35 2.3 3.1 2. second statement 101 6.7 8.9 3. third statement 135 9.0 11.9 4. fourth statement 506 33.6 44.5 5. fifth statement 360 23.9 31.7 7. DK 369 24.5 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 9. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR182 NUCLEAR WEAPONS - PERCEPTION OF D66 QUEST 19d MD = GE 7 And of D66? Refer to VAR179 for complete question text. 1. first statement 218 14.5 20.7 2. second statement 341 22.6 32.4 3. third statement 286 19.0 27.2 1 Page 92 ICPSR 9950 4. fourth statement 170 11.3 16.2 5. fifth statement 36 2.4 3.4 7. DK 454 30.1 MD 8. NA 1 0.1 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 9. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR183 REDUCE DEFICIT OR REDUCE UNEMPLOYMENT? QUEST 20 MD = GE 7 Two big problems in the Dutch economy are unemployment and the fact that the government spends more money than it takes in, the so-called government budget deficit. Many people feel that it is not possible to solve these two problems simultaneously. Which should, in your opinion, take precedence during the coming four years: the reduction of unemployment, or the reduction of the budget deficit? 1. reduce unemployment 1,073 71.2 73.5 2. reduce deficit 387 25.7 26.5 7. DK 45 3.0 MD 8. NA 1 0.1 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 9. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR184 EXPECTED EFFECT CDA-VVD GOVERNMENT ON RESPONDENT'S FINANCES QUEST 21a MD = GE 7 Now a few questions concerning economic problems. If you consider the next four years and think about your own financial situation during this period, do you think that a cabinet consisting of CDA and VVD would have a favorable influence, an unfavorable influence or neither a favorable nor an unfavorable influence on your own financial situation? 1. favorable 413 27.4 28.2 2. unfavorable 349 23.2 23.8 3. not (un)favorable 704 46.7 48.0 7. DK 40 2.7 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 9. INAP (panel attrition) 248 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 93 VAR185 EXPECTED EFFECT CDA-PVDA GOVERNMENT ON RESPONDENT'S FINANCES QUEST 21b MD = GE 7 And do you think that a cabinet consisting of CDA and PvdA in the next four years would have a favorable influence, an unfavorable influence or neither a favorable nor an unfavorable influence on your own financial situation? 1. favorable 379 25.2 25.9 2. unfavorable 356 23.6 24.3 3. not (un)favorable 730 48.5 49.8 7. DK 41 2.7 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 9. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR186 EXPECTATION GENERAL PROSPERITY IN 4 YEARS QUEST 22a MD = GE 7 Do you think that general prosperity in the Netherlands will be larger in four years than it is now, smaller, or about the same? 1. larger 365 24.2 25.5 2. smaller 179 11.9 12.5 3. about the same 888 59.0 62.0 7. DK 72 4.8 MD 8. NA 2 0.1 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 9. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR187 EXPECTED EFFECT CDA-VVD GOVERNMENT ON GENERAL PROSPERITY QUEST 22b MD = GE 7 Do you think that a cabinet consisting of CDA and VVD would have a favorable influence, an unfavorable influence or neither a favorable nor an unfavorable influence on the development of general prosperity in the Netherlands? 1. favorable 608 40.4 42.2 2. unfavorable 267 17.7 18.5 3. not (un)favorable 566 37.6 39.3 7. DK 64 4.2 MD 8. NA 1 0.1 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 9. INAP (panel attrition) 248 1 Page 94 ICPSR 9950 VAR188 EXPECTED EFFECT PVDA-CDA GOVERNMENT ON GENERAL PROSPERITY QUEST 22c MD = GE 7 And do you think a cabinet consisting of CDA and PvdA would have a favorable influence, an unfavorable influence, or neither a favorable nor an unfavorable influence on the development of general prosperity in the Netherlands? 1. favorable 482 32.0 33.7 2. unfavorable 327 21.7 22.9 3. not (un)favorable 620 41.2 43.4 7. DK 77 5.1 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 9. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR189 PHOTO A - BECKERS QUEST 23 MD = GE 7 Here are the photographs of a number of politicians. Could you tell me the name, the party and the function within this party for each one? Interviewer was instructed to provide the name of the politician in case of a don't know answer, after which the interview continued with questions about party and political function. Showcard 5a presented, containing picture of Beckers. Refer to Appendix 5 for further information on politicians. 1. correct 1,157 76.8 96.3 2. incorrect 45 3.0 3.7 7. DK 304 20.2 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 9. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR190 PARTY OF BECKERS QUEST 23 MD = GE 7 Party? 1. correct 1,034 68.7 82.1 2. incorrect 225 14.9 17.9 7. DK 247 16.4 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 95 9. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR191 POLITICAL FUNCTION OF BECKERS QUEST 23 MD = GE 7 Function? 1. correct 829 55.0 76.3 2. incorrect 257 17.1 23.7 7. DK 420 27.9 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 9. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR192 PHOTO B - KORTHALS ALTES QUEST 23 MD = GE 7 Name? Showcard 5b presented, containing picture of Korthals Altes. Refer to VAR189 for complete question text and to Appendix 5 for further information on politicians. 1. correct 973 64.6 94.6 2. incorrect 56 3.7 5.4 7. DK 477 31.7 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 9. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR193 PARTY OF KORTHALS ALTES QUEST 23 MD = GE 7 Party? 1. correct 702 46.6 61.3 2. incorrect 443 29.4 38.7 7. DK 361 24.0 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 9. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR194 POLITICAL FUNCTION OF KORTHALS ALTES QUEST 23 MD = GE 7 Function? 1. correct 1,079 71.6 92.9 1 Page 96 ICPSR 9950 2. incorrect 82 5.4 7.1 7. DK 345 22.9 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 9. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR195 PHOTO C - KOMBRINK QUEST 23 MD = GE 7 Name? Showcard 5c presented, containing picture of Kombrink. Refer to VAR189 for complete question text and to Appendix 5 for further information on politicians. 1. correct 298 19.8 83.5 2. incorrect 59 3.9 16.5 7. DK 1,149 76.3 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 9. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR196 PARTY OF KOMBRINK QUEST 23 MD = GE 7 Party? 1. correct 542 36.0 74.5 2. incorrect 186 12.4 25.5 7. DK 778 51.7 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 9. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR197 POLITICAL FUNCTION OF KOMBRINK QUEST 23 MD = GE 7 Function? 1. correct 396 26.3 84.6 2. incorrect 72 4.8 15.4 7. DK 1,038 68.9 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 9. INAP (panel attrition) 248 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 97 VAR198 PHOTO D - DE VRIES QUEST 23 MD = GE 7 Name? Showcard 5d presented, containing picture of De Vries. Refer to VAR189 for complete question text and to Appendix 5 for further information on politicians. 1. correct 1,160 77.0 98.1 2. incorrect 22 1.5 1.9 7. DK 324 21.5 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 9. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR199 PARTY OF DE VRIES QUEST 23 MD = GE 7 Party? 1. correct 1,279 84.9 95.9 2. incorrect 55 3.7 4.1 7. DK 172 11.4 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 9. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR200 POLITICAL FUNCTION OF DE VRIES QUEST 23 MD = GE 7 Function? 1. correct 704 46.7 65.2 2. incorrect 376 25.0 34.8 7. DK 426 28.3 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 9. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR201 POLITICAL KNOWLEDGE SCORE (4 ITEMS) QUEST 23 MD = 9 Constructed from VAR189 to VAR200. Refer to Appendix 1 for a description of the test of unidimensionality and the construction of the score. 0. low 488 32.4 32.4 1. 351 23.3 23.3 1 Page 98 ICPSR 9950 2. 333 22.1 22.1 3. 222 14.7 14.7 4. high 112 7.4 7.4 _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 9. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR202 POLITICAL KNOWLEDGE SCORE (12 ITEMS) QUEST 23 MD = 99 Constructed from VAR189 to VAR200. Refer to Appendix 1 for a description of the test of unidimensionality and the construction of the score. 0. low 81 5.4 5.4 1. 58 3.9 3.9 2. 83 5.5 5.5 3. 78 5.2 5.2 4. 102 6.8 6.8 5. 107 7.1 7.1 6. 152 10.1 10.1 7. 144 9.6 9.6 8. 192 12.7 12.7 9. 143 9.5 9.5 10. 129 8.6 8.6 11. 125 8.3 8.3 12. high 112 7.4 7.4 _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 99. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR203 FAITH IN LUBBERS AS PREMIER QUEST 24a MD = GE 97 I will give you, one by one, the name of a possible candidate for the position of prime minister. Could you indicate how much faith you have in this person as prime minister? Please mention the number that applies to the candidate. Showcard 6 presented, listing a horizontal line with seven categories numbered 1 to 7, category 1 labeled 'no faith at all' and category 7 labeled 'very much faith'. Refer to Appendix 5 for further information on politicians. 1. no faith at all 61 4.1 4.1 2. 69 4.6 4.6 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 99 3. 107 7.1 7.1 4. 144 9.6 9.6 5. 228 15.1 15.2 6. 408 27.1 27.2 7. very much faith 481 31.9 32.1 97. DK 8 0.5 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 99. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR204 FAITH IN KOK AS PREMIER QUEST 24b MD = GE 97 Kok? Refer to VAR203 for complete question text and to Appendix 5 for further information on politicians. 1. no faith at all 109 7.2 7.3 2. 162 10.8 10.8 3. 195 12.9 13.0 4. 283 18.8 18.9 5. 327 21.7 21.9 6. 262 17.4 17.5 7. very much faith 158 10.5 10.6 97. DK 10 0.7 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 99. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR205 FAITH IN VOORHOEVE AS PREMIER QUEST 24c MD = GE 97 Voorhoeve? Refer to VAR203 for complete question text and to Appendix 5 for further information on politicians. 1. no faith at all 297 19.7 20.1 2. 317 21.0 21.5 3. 377 25.0 25.5 4. 255 16.9 17.3 5. 147 9.8 10.0 6. 62 4.1 4.2 7. very much faith 21 1.4 1.4 97. DK 30 2.0 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 1 Page 100 ICPSR 9950 99. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR206 LEFT-RIGHT SELFRATING (10 POINT SCALE) QUEST 25 MD = GE 97 It is often said of political beliefs that they are leftist or rightist. When you think of your own political beliefs, where would you place yourself on this line? Please mention the number that applies to you. Showcard 7 presented, listing a horizontal line with ten categories numbered 1 to 10, category 1 labeled 'left' and category 10 labeled 'right'. 1. left 77 5.1 5.3 2. 77 5.1 5.3 3. 204 13.5 13.9 4. 179 11.9 12.2 5. 230 15.3 15.7 6. 180 12.0 12.3 7. 196 13.0 13.4 8. 187 12.4 12.8 9. 49 3.3 3.3 10. right 84 5.6 5.7 97. DK 41 2.7 MD 98. NA 2 0.1 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 99. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR207 LEFT-RIGHT RATING OF PVDA QUEST 26a MD = GE 97 It is also said of political parties that they are leftist or rightist. Would you please indicate the degree to which you think that a party is leftist or rightist? The PvdA? Showcard 8 presented, listing 12 horizontal lines (one for each party) with ten categories numbered 1 to 10, category 1 labeled 'left' and category 10 labeled 'right'. 1. left 237 15.7 16.4 2. 239 15.9 16.6 3. 500 33.2 34.6 4. 275 18.3 19.0 5. 101 6.7 7.0 6. 27 1.8 1.9 7. 33 2.2 2.3 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 101 8. 19 1.3 1.3 9. 5 0.3 0.3 10. right 8 0.5 0.6 97. DK 60 4.0 MD 98. NA 2 0.1 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 99. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR208 LEFT-RIGHT RATING OF VVD QUEST 26b MD = GE 97 And the VVD? Refer to VAR207 for complete question text. 1. left 14 0.9 1.0 2. 18 1.2 1.3 3. 36 2.4 2.5 4. 51 3.4 3.5 5. 110 7.3 7.7 6. 158 10.5 11.0 7. 238 15.8 16.6 8. 411 27.3 28.6 9. 233 15.5 16.2 10. right 168 11.2 11.7 97. DK 68 4.5 MD 98. NA 1 0.1 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 99. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR209 LEFT-RIGHT RATING OF D66 QUEST 26c MD = GE 97 And D66? Refer to VAR207 for complete question text. 1. left 51 3.4 3.6 2. 120 8.0 8.5 3. 259 17.2 18.3 4. 381 25.3 26.9 5. 381 25.3 26.9 6. 141 9.4 10.0 7. 53 3.5 3.7 8. 21 1.4 1.5 9. 7 0.5 0.5 10. right 2 0.1 0.1 1 Page 102 ICPSR 9950 97. DK 89 5.9 MD 98. NA 1 0.1 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 99. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR210 LEFT-RIGHT RATING OF PPR QUEST 26d MD = GE 97 And the PPr? Refer to VAR207 for complete question text. 1. left 329 21.8 25.6 2. 457 30.3 35.6 3. 240 15.9 18.7 4. 116 7.7 9.0 5. 69 4.6 5.4 6. 29 1.9 2.3 7. 20 1.3 1.6 8. 12 0.8 0.9 9. 7 0.5 0.5 10. right 6 0.4 0.5 97. DK 220 14.6 MD 98. NA 1 0.1 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 99. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR211 LEFT-RIGHT RATING OF CPN QUEST 26e MD = GE 97 And the CPN? Refer to VAR207 for complete question text. 1. left 836 55.5 61.7 2. 284 18.9 21.0 3. 74 4.9 5.5 4. 39 2.6 2.9 5. 30 2.0 2.2 6. 22 1.5 1.6 7. 23 1.5 1.7 8. 20 1.3 1.5 9. 14 0.9 1.0 10. right 12 0.8 0.9 97. DK 151 10.0 MD 98. NA 1 0.1 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 99. INAP (panel attrition) 248 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 103 VAR212 LEFT-RIGHT RATING OF CDA QUEST 26f MD = GE 97 And the CDA? Refer to VAR207 for complete question text. 1. left 11 0.7 0.8 2. 13 0.9 0.9 3. 20 1.3 1.4 4. 39 2.6 2.7 5. 200 13.3 13.9 6. 288 19.1 20.1 7. 280 18.6 19.5 8. 268 17.8 18.7 9. 161 10.7 11.2 10. right 156 10.4 10.9 97. DK 69 4.6 MD 98. NA 1 0.1 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 99. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR213 LEFT-RIGHT RATING OF GROEN LINKS QUEST 26g MD = GE 97 And Groen Links? Refer to VAR207 for complete question text. 1. left 554 36.8 39.2 2. 514 34.1 36.4 3. 176 11.7 12.5 4. 83 5.5 5.9 5. 55 3.7 3.9 6. 14 0.9 1.0 7. 8 0.5 0.6 8. 3 0.2 0.2 9. 4 0.3 0.3 10. right 2 0.1 0.1 97. DK 92 6.1 MD 98. NA 1 0.1 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 99. INAP (panel attrition) 248 1 Page 104 ICPSR 9950 VAR214 LEFT-RIGHT RATING OF SGP QUEST 26h MD = GE 97 And the SGP? Refer to VAR207 for complete question text. 1. left 26 1.7 2.1 2. 39 2.6 3.1 3. 62 4.1 5.0 4. 50 3.3 4.0 5. 81 5.4 6.5 6. 70 4.6 5.6 7. 126 8.4 10.2 8. 243 16.1 19.6 9. 293 19.5 23.6 10. right 250 16.6 20.2 97. DK 265 17.6 MD 98. NA 1 0.1 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 99. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR215 LEFT-RIGHT RATING OF PSP QUEST 26i MD = GE 97 And the PSP? Refer to VAR207 for complete question text. 1. left 406 27.0 32.1 2. 401 26.6 31.7 3. 186 12.4 14.7 4. 89 5.9 7.0 5. 84 5.6 6.7 6. 28 1.9 2.2 7. 23 1.5 1.8 8. 21 1.4 1.7 9. 15 1.0 1.2 10. right 10 0.7 0.8 97. DK 242 16.1 MD 98. NA 1 0.1 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 99. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR216 LEFT-RIGHT RATING OF GPV QUEST 26j MD = GE 97 And the GPV? 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 105 Refer to VAR207 for complete question text. 1. left 17 1.1 1.4 2. 17 1.1 1.4 3. 33 2.2 2.7 4. 41 2.7 3.3 5. 87 5.8 7.0 6. 69 4.6 5.6 7. 147 9.8 11.8 8. 276 18.3 22.2 9. 313 20.8 25.2 10. right 243 16.1 19.5 97. DK 262 17.4 MD 98. NA 1 0.1 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 99. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR217 LEFT-RIGHT RATING OF RPF QUEST 26k MD = GE 97 And the RPF? Refer to VAR207 for complete question text. 1. left 21 1.4 1.9 2. 24 1.6 2.1 3. 40 2.7 3.6 4. 41 2.7 3.6 5. 85 5.6 7.5 6. 83 5.5 7.4 7. 123 8.2 10.9 8. 220 14.6 19.5 9. 288 19.1 25.6 10. right 201 13.3 17.9 97. DK 378 25.1 MD 98. NA 2 0.1 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 99. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR218 LEFT-RIGHT RATING OF CD/CENTRUMPARTIJ QUEST 26l MD = GE 97 And the Centrumpartij? Refer to VAR207 for complete question text. 1. left 258 17.1 20.5 1 Page 106 ICPSR 9950 2. 65 4.3 5.2 3. 37 2.5 2.9 4. 28 1.9 2.2 5. 61 4.1 4.9 6. 21 1.4 1.7 7. 19 1.3 1.5 8. 39 2.6 3.1 9. 99 6.6 7.9 10. right 629 41.8 50.1 97. DK 228 15.1 MD 98. NA 22 1.5 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 99. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR219 POLITICAL EFFICACY - FIRST ITEM QUEST 27a MD = GE 7 I shall now read you a number of statements. Would you tell me for each statement if, according to you, it is true or false? Members of parliament do not care about the opinions of people like me. Showcard 9 presented, listing response alternatives. 1. agree 577 38.3 39.2 2. disagree 895 59.4 60.8 7. DK 33 2.2 MD 8. NA 1 0.1 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 9. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR220 POLITICAL EFFICACY - SECOND ITEM QUEST 27b MD = GE 7 Political parties are only interested in my vote and not in my opinions. Showcard 9 used. Refer to VAR219 for introduction of question text. 1. agree 641 42.6 43.2 2. disagree 843 56.0 56.8 7. DK 21 1.4 MD 8. NA 1 0.1 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 9. INAP (panel attrition) 248 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 107 VAR221 POLITICAL EFFICACY - THIRD ITEM QUEST 27c MD = GE 7 People like me have absolutely no influence on governmental policy. Showcard 9 used. Refer to VAR219 for introduction of question text. 1. agree 692 45.9 46.5 2. disagree 795 52.8 53.5 7. DK 19 1.3 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 9. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR222 POLITICAL EFFICACY - FOURTH ITEM QUEST 27d MD = GE 7 So many people vote in elections that my vote does not matter. Showcard 9 used. Refer to VAR219 for introduction of question text. 1. agree 118 7.8 7.9 2. disagree 1,384 91.9 92.1 7. DK 4 0.3 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 9. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR223 POLITICAL EFFICACY SCORE QUEST 27a-d MD = 9 Constructed from VAR219 to VAR222. Refer to Appendix 1 for a description of the test of unidimensionality and the construction of the score. 0. low 66 4.4 4.4 1. 321 21.3 21.3 2. 256 17.0 17.0 3. 368 24.4 24.4 4. high 495 32.9 32.9 _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 9. INAP (panel attrition) 248 1 Page 108 ICPSR 9950 VAR224 POLITICAL CYNICISM - FIRST ITEM QUEST 28a MD = GE 7 Some people say that there is much to criticize in politics, others say that it is not so bad. Could you say to what extent you agree or disagree with the following statements? Although they know better, politicians promise more than they can deliver. Showcard 10 presented, listing response alternatives. 1. fully agree 308 20.5 20.6 2. agree 960 63.7 64.3 3. disagree 215 14.3 14.4 4. fully disagree 10 0.7 0.7 7. DK 13 0.9 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 9. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR225 POLITICAL CYNICISM - SECOND ITEM QUEST 28b MD = GE 7 Ministers and state secretaries are primarily concerned about their personal interests. Showcard 10 used. Refer to VAR224 for introduction of question text. 1. fully agree 107 7.1 7.2 2. agree 349 23.2 23.5 3. disagree 933 62.0 62.9 4. fully disagree 95 6.3 6.4 7. DK 22 1.5 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 9. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR226 POLITICAL CYNICISM - THIRD ITEM QUEST 28c MD = GE 7 One is more likely to become a member of parliament because of one's political friends than because of one's 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 109 abilities. Showcard 10 used. Refer to VAR224 for introduction of question text. 1. fully agree 108 7.2 7.6 2. agree 432 28.7 30.2 3. disagree 807 53.6 56.5 4. fully disagree 82 5.4 5.7 7. DK 76 5.0 MD 8. NA 1 0.1 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 9. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR227 POLITICAL CYNICISM SCORE QUEST 28a-c MD = 9 Constructed from VAR224 to VAR227. Refer to Appendix 1 for a description of the test of unidimensionality and the construction of the score. 0. low 178 11.8 11.8 1. 644 42.8 42.8 2. 432 28.7 28.7 3. high 252 16.7 16.7 _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 9. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR228 CHANCE OF ACTING AGAINST UNJUST BILL QUEST 29 MD = GE 7 Suppose the Second Chamber were considering a bill that you felt was extremely unjust or wrong. How great is the chance that you would attempt to do something about it? Is this chance very great, great, small, or very small? 1. very great 30 2.0 2.0 2. great 167 11.1 11.1 3. small 656 43.6 43.6 4. very small 650 43.2 43.2 7. DK 2 0.1 MD 8. NA 1 0.1 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 9. INAP (panel attrition) 248 1 Page 110 ICPSR 9950 VAR229 DID (NOT) CONTACT CABINET MINISTERS QUEST 30a MD = 9 This card lists what you could do if the Second Chamber were to consider a bill that you felt to be unjust or wrong. Could you tell me for each of these possibilities whether or not you have ever used them? You can mention one of the numbers at the bottom of the card. Contacted a minister Showcard 11 presented, listing 13 possible forms of political participation. The response alternatives were listed at the bottom of the showcard. 1. used 67 4.4 4.4 2. not used 1,439 95.6 95.6 _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 9. INAP (panel attrition) 248 Note: users should be aware that these questions are different from those used in previous Dutch Parliamentary Election Studies in that the set of possible forms of political participation was no longer presented at once to the respondents, but that the questions were asked one by one. Refer to Van der Eijk, Pennings, and Wille (1992) for details. VAR230 DID (NOT) CONTACT MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT QUEST 30b MD = 9 Contacted a member of the Second Chamber Refer to VAR229 for introduction of question text. 1. used 121 8.0 8.0 2. not used 1,385 92.0 92.0 _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 9. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR231 DID (NOT) SIGN A PETITION QUEST 30c MD = GE 7 Participated in a petition drive Refer to VAR229 for introduction of question text. 1. used 930 61.8 61.9 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 111 2. not used 573 38.0 38.1 7. DK 3 0.2 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 9. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR232 DID (NOT) TRY TO ACTIVATE INTEREST GROUP QUEST 30d MD = GE 7 Sought assistance from an organization Refer to VAR229 for introduction of question text. 1. used 290 19.3 19.3 2. not used 1,215 80.7 80.7 7. DK 1 0.1 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 9. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR233 DID (NOT) TRY TO ACTIVATE RADIO OR TV QUEST 30e MD = 9 Sought assistance from radio, television Refer to VAR229 for introduction of question text. 1. used 78 5.2 5.2 2. not used 1,428 94.8 94.8 _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 9. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR234 DID (NOT) TRY TO ACTIVATE POLITICAL PARTY QUEST 30f MD = 9 Tried to get assistance from a political party Refer to VAR229 for introduction of question text. 1. used 166 11.0 11.0 2. not used 1,340 89.0 89.0 _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 9. INAP (panel attrition) 248 1 Page 112 ICPSR 9950 VAR235 DID (NOT) CONTACT MAYOR OR ALDERMAN QUEST 30g MD = 9 Contacted the mayor or alderman Refer to VAR229 for introduction of question text. 1. used 218 14.5 14.5 2. not used 1,288 85.5 85.5 _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 9. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR236 DID (NOT) CONTACT MUNICIPAL COUNCILLOR QUEST 30h MD = 9 Contacted a member of the municipal council Refer to VAR229 for introduction of question text. 1. used 286 19.0 19.0 2. not used 1,220 81.0 81.0 _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 9. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR237 DID (NOT) JOIN CIVIC ACTION GROUP QUEST 30i MD = 9 Participated in an action group Refer to VAR229 for introduction of question text. 1. used 302 20.1 20.1 2. not used 1,204 79.9 79.9 _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 9. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR238 DID (NOT) JOIN DEMONSTRATION QUEST 30j MD = 9 Participated in a demonstration Refer to VAR229 for introduction of question text. 1. used 402 26.7 26.7 2. not used 1,104 73.3 73.3 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 113 _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 9. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR239 DID (NOT) TRY TO ACTIVATE NEWSPAPER QUEST 30k MD = 9 Sought assistance from a newspaper Refer to VAR229 for introduction of question text. 1. used 131 8.7 8.7 2. not used 1,375 91.3 91.3 _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 9. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR240 DID (NOT) LODGE A COMPLAINT QUEST 30l MD = 9 Sent a letter of appeal Refer to VAR229 for introduction of question text. 1. used 250 16.6 16.6 2. not used 1,256 83.4 83.4 _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 9. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR241 DID (NOT) CONTACT DEPARTMENT OFFICIAL QUEST 30m MD = 9 Contacted someone from a ministry Refer to VAR229 for introduction of question text. 1. used 110 7.3 7.3 2. not used 1,396 92.7 92.7 _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 9. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR242 CIVIC PARTICIPATION SCORE QUEST 30a-m 1 Page 114 ICPSR 9950 MD = 99 Constructed from VAR229 to VAR241. Refer to Appendix 1 for a description of the test of unidimensionality and the construction of the score. 0. low 449 29.8 29.8 1. 330 21.9 21.9 2. 231 15.3 15.3 3. 160 10.6 10.6 4. 84 5.6 5.6 5. 85 5.6 5.6 6. 48 3.2 3.2 7. 44 2.9 2.9 8. 20 1.3 1.3 9. 18 1.2 1.2 10. 18 1.2 1.2 11. 10 0.7 0.7 12. 7 0.5 0.5 13. high 2 0.1 0.1 _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 99. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR243 NUMBER OF CAMPAIGN ACTIVITIES QUEST 31 MD = 9 During the campaign that precedes an election, parties undertake all sorts of activities. We have here a list of such activities. Would you say how many different kinds of activities you have been involved in during the campaign for the parliamentary election of September 6? Showcard 12 presented, listing: - displayed window posters or campaign boards - distributed folders and the like - engaged in conversation to gain votes for the party - helped actively to organize an election rally or special meeting - contributed money to a party's election campaign - attended election rallies and the like 0. no activities 1,102 73.2 73.2 1. one activity 255 16.9 16.9 2. two activities 84 5.6 5.6 3. three activities 44 2.9 2.9 4. four activities 8 0.5 0.5 5. five activities 10 0.7 0.7 6. six activities 3 0.2 0.2 _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 115 9. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR244 RESPONDENT IS (NOT) A MEMBER OF A UNION QUEST 32a MD = GE 7 Are you a member of a labor union? 1. member 299 19.9 19.9 2. not a member 1,206 80.1 80.1 7. DK 1 0.1 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 9. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR245 UNION OF WHICH RESPONDENT IS A MEMBER QUEST 32b MD = GE 97 Of which one? Refer to Appendix 13 for a description of the codes and frequencies. 97. DK 98. NA 99. INAP (VAR244, codes 2-7) 99. INAP (panel attrition) VAR246 RESPONDENT'S UNION AFFILIATED WITH FNV OR CNV QUEST 32c MD = GE 7 Is this union affiliated with the FNV, the CNV, or with neither? 1. FNV 175 11.6 61.2 2. CNV 53 3.5 18.5 3. neither FNV nor CNV 58 3.9 20.3 7. DK 14 0.9 MD 9. INAP (VAR244, code 2) 1,206 80.1 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 9. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR247 OTHER UNION MEMBER IN HOUSEHOLD QUEST 33 MD = GE 7 Are other members of your household members of a union? 1. member 216 14.3 14.5 2. no member 1,278 84.9 85.5 1 Page 116 ICPSR 9950 7. DK 12 0.8 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 9. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR248 RESPONDENT IS (NOT) A MEMBER OF PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATION QUEST 34 MD = GE 7 Are you a member of a professional or business organization? 1. member 164 10.9 10.9 2. not a member 1,337 88.8 89.1 7. DK 5 0.3 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 9. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR249 PROBABILITY OF FUTURE VOTE FOR PVDA QUEST 35a MD = GE 97 Some people are quite certain that they will always vote for the same party. Others reconsider in each case to which party they will give their vote. I shall mention a number of parties. Would you indicate for each party how probable it is that you will ever vote for that party? Mention to me the number that applies to the party. If you do not know a party or if you have no answer, feel free to say so and we shall continue with the next party. The PvdA? Showcard 13 presented, listing a horizontal line with ten categories numbered 1 to 10, category 1 labeled 'I will certainly never vote for this party' and category 10 labeled 'I will vote for this party some time certainly'. 1. certainly never 365 24.2 24.4 2. 98 6.5 6.5 3. 110 7.3 7.3 4. 89 5.9 5.9 5. 94 6.2 6.3 6. 62 4.1 4.1 7. 85 5.6 5.7 8. 147 9.8 9.8 9. 97 6.4 6.5 10. some time certainly 350 23.2 23.4 97. DK 8 0.5 MD 98. NA 1 0.1 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 99. INAP (panel attrition) 248 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 117 VAR250 PROBABILITY OF FUTURE VOTE FOR VVD QUEST 35b MD = GE 97 And the VVD? Refer to VAR249 for complete question text. 1. certainly never 521 34.6 34.8 2. 140 9.3 9.3 3. 145 9.6 9.7 4. 103 6.8 6.9 5. 104 6.9 6.9 6. 92 6.1 6.1 7. 91 6.0 6.1 8. 89 5.9 5.9 9. 81 5.4 5.4 10. some time certainly 132 8.8 8.8 97. DK 7 0.5 ISSIN 98. NA 1 0.1 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 99. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR251 PROBABILITY OF FUTURE VOTE FOR D66 QUEST 35c MD = GE 97 And D66? Refer to VAR249 for complete question text. 1. certainly never 279 18.5 18.7 2. 78 5.2 5.2 3. 116 7.7 7.8 4. 99 6.6 6.6 5. 178 11.8 11.9 6. 162 10.8 10.9 7. 176 11.7 11.8 8. 180 12.0 12.1 9. 124 8.2 8.3 10. some time certainly 99 6.6 6.6 97. DK 14 0.9 MD 98. NA 1 0.1 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 99. INAP (panel attrition) 248 1 Page 118 ICPSR 9950 VAR252 PROBABILITY OF FUTURE VOTE FOR PPR QUEST 35d MD = GE 97 And the PPR? Refer to VAR249 for complete question text. 1. certainly never 674 44.8 47.5 2. 202 13.4 14.2 3. 138 9.2 9.7 4. 74 4.9 5.2 5. 73 4.8 5.1 6. 67 4.4 4.7 7. 59 3.9 4.2 8. 64 4.2 4.5 9. 37 2.5 2.6 10. some time certainly 30 2.0 2.1 97. DK 86 5.7 MD 98. NA 2 0.1 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 99. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR253 PROBABILITY OF FUTURE VOTE FOR CPN QUEST 35e MD = GE 97 And the CPN? Refer to VAR249 for complete question text. 1. certainly never 1,029 68.3 70.5 2. 150 10.0 10.3 3. 66 4.4 4.5 4. 51 3.4 3.5 5. 48 3.2 3.3 6. 31 2.1 2.1 7. 30 2.0 2.1 8. 20 1.3 1.4 9. 16 1.1 1.1 10. some time certainly 18 1.2 1.2 97. DK 46 3.1 MD 98. NA 1 0.1 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 99. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR254 PROBABILITY OF FUTURE VOTE FOR CDA QUEST 35f MD = GE 97 And the CDA? 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 119 Refer to VAR249 for complete question text. 1. certainly never 331 22.0 22.1 2. 82 5.4 5.5 3. 83 5.5 5.5 4. 69 4.6 4.6 5. 118 7.8 7.9 6. 105 7.0 7.0 7. 113 7.5 7.5 8. 143 9.5 9.5 9. 167 11.1 11.1 10. some time certainly 289 19.2 19.3 97. DK 5 0.3 MD 98. NA 1 0.1 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 99. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR255 PROBABILITY OF FUTURE VOTE FOR GROEN LINKS QUEST 35g MD = GE 97 And Groen Links? Refer to VAR249 for complete question text. 1. certainly never 596 39.6 40.3 2. 168 11.2 11.4 3. 137 9.1 9.3 4. 91 6.0 6.2 5. 102 6.8 6.9 6. 99 6.6 6.7 7. 75 5.0 5.1 8. 96 6.4 6.5 9. 57 3.8 3.9 10. some time certainly 58 3.9 3.9 97. DK 26 1.7 MD 98. NA 1 0.1 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 99. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR256 PROBABILITY OF FUTURE VOTE FOR SGP QUEST 35h MD = GE 97 And the SGP? Refer to VAR249 for complete question text. 1. certainly never 891 59.2 63.5 1 Page 120 ICPSR 9950 2. 190 12.6 13.5 3. 100 6.6 7.1 4. 50 3.3 3.6 5. 50 3.3 3.6 6. 27 1.8 1.9 7. 23 1.5 1.6 8. 24 1.6 1.7 9. 17 1.1 1.2 10. some time certainly 31 2.1 2.2 97. DK 102 6.8 MD 98. NA 1 0.1 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 99. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR257 PROBABILITY OF FUTURE VOTE FOR PSP QUEST 35i MD = GE 97 And the PSP? Refer to VAR249 for complete question text. 1. certainly never 772 51.3 54.1 2. 208 13.8 14.6 3. 129 8.6 9.0 4. 72 4.8 5.0 5. 61 4.1 4.3 6. 41 2.7 2.9 7. 39 2.6 2.7 8. 42 2.8 2.9 9. 37 2.5 2.6 10. some time certainly 25 1.7 1.8 97. DK 78 5.2 MD 98. NA 2 0.1 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 99. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR258 PROBABILITY OF FUTURE VOTE FOR GPV QUEST 35j MD = GE 97 And the GPV? Refer to VAR249 for complete question text. 1. certainly never 895 59.4 63.5 2. 192 12.7 13.6 3. 96 6.4 6.8 4. 46 3.1 3.3 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 121 5. 47 3.1 3.3 6. 31 2.1 2.2 7. 24 1.6 1.7 8. 19 1.3 1.3 9. 34 2.3 2.4 10. some time certainly 26 1.7 1.8 97. DK 94 6.2 MD 98. NA 2 0.1 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 99. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR259 PROBABILITY OF FUTURE VOTE FOR RPF QUEST 35k MD = GE 97 And the RPF? Refer to VAR249 for complete question text. 1. certainly never 903 60.0 65.1 2. 209 13.9 15.1 3. 86 5.7 6.2 4. 40 2.7 2.9 5. 37 2.5 2.7 6. 30 2.0 2.2 7. 14 0.9 1.0 8. 27 1.8 1.9 9. 18 1.2 1.3 10. some time certainly 24 1.6 1.7 97. DK 116 7.7 MD 98. NA 2 0.1 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 99. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR260 PROBABILITY OF FUTURE VOTE FOR CD/CENTRUMPARTIJ QUEST 35l MD = GE 97 And the Centrumpartij? Refer to VAR249 for complete question text. 1. certainly never 1,338 88.8 90.6 2. 50 3.3 3.4 3. 15 1.0 1.0 4. 18 1.2 1.2 5. 15 1.0 1.0 6. 9 0.6 0.6 7. 3 0.2 0.2 1 Page 122 ICPSR 9950 8. 4 0.3 0.3 9. 6 0.4 0.4 10. some time certainly 19 1.3 1.3 97. DK 19 1.3 MD 98. NA 10 0.7 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 99. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR261 SHOULD THERE BE CONFESSIONAL PARTIES? QUEST 36a MD = GE 7 Some people feel that political parties should be completely separated from religion. Others feel that political parties should in fact be based upon religion. In that regard they think about a general Christian party or separate Roman Catholic or Protestant parties. Similar opinions are possible for trade unions, schools and broadcasting organizations. What is your opinion as far as the political parties are concerned? Please give your answer with the assistance of this card. Showcard 14 presented, listing: - completely separated from religion - general Christian - separate Roman Catholic and Protestant 1. should be secular 867 57.6 60.8 2. should be interconfessional 455 30.2 31.9 3. should be confessional 105 7.0 7.4 7. DK 55 3.7 MD 8. NA 24 1.6 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 9. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR262 SHOULD THERE BE CONFESSIONAL UNIONS? QUEST 36b MD = GE 7 And trade unions? Refer to VAR261 for introduction of question text 1. should be secular 993 65.9 70.3 2. should be interconfessional 329 21.8 23.3 3. should be confessional 90 6.0 6.4 7. DK 70 4.6 MD 8. NA 24 1.6 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 9. INAP (panel attrition) 248 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 123 VAR263 SHOULD THERE BE CONFESSIONAL SCHOOLS? QUEST 36c MD = GE 7 And schools? Refer to VAR261 for introduction of question text. 1. should be secular 629 41.8 44.2 2. should be interconfessional 478 31.7 33.6 3. should be confessional 317 21.0 22.3 7. DK 55 3.7 MD 8. NA 27 1.8 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 9. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR264 SHOULD THERE BE CONFESSIONAL RADIO OR TV? QUEST 36d MD = GE 7 And broadcasting organizations? Refer to VAR261 for introduction of question text. 1. should be secular 806 53.5 56.8 2. should be interconfessional 348 23.1 24.5 3. should be confessional 265 17.6 18.7 7. DK 57 3.8 MD 8. NA 30 2.0 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 9. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR265 RELIGION IS A GOOD GUIDE IN POLITICS QUEST 37 MD = GE 7 Do you completely agree, agree, disagree, or completely disagree with the following statement? `Religion is a good guide in politics' 1. fully agree 148 9.8 10.0 2. agree 422 28.0 28.6 3. disagree 621 41.2 42.1 4. fully disagree 285 18.9 19.3 7. DK 30 2.0 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 9. INAP (panel attrition) 248 1 Page 124 ICPSR 9950 VAR266 CONFESSIONAL ATTITUDE SCORE QUEST 36a-d,37 MD = 9 Constructed from VAR261 to VAR265. Refer to Appendix 1 for a description of the test of unidimensionality and the construction of the score. 0. low 528 35.1 35.1 1. 240 15.9 15.9 2. 193 12.8 12.8 3. 122 8.1 8.1 4. 150 10.0 10.0 5. high 273 18.1 18.1 _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 9. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR267 VALUE PRIORITIES - FIRST OUT OF FOUR ITEMS QUEST 38a MD = GE 7 In politics, it is not always possible to obtain everything one might wish all at once. Often, a choice will have to be made. This card lists several goals one could strive for in politics. Suppose you personally had to choose: what would then be your first choice? Showcard 15 presented, listing the following political goals: A. maintain order in the nation B. give people more say in the decisions of the government C. fight rising prices D. protect freedom of speech Refer to Appendix 14 for a description of the test of unidimensionality. 1. maintaining order 643 42.7 43.0 2. more say in politics 205 13.6 13.7 3. fight rising prices 131 8.7 8.8 4. freedom of speech 518 34.4 34.6 7. DK 7 0.5 MD 8. NA 2 0.1 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 9. INAP (panel attrition) 248 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 125 VAR268 VALUE PRIORITIES - SECOND OUT OF FOUR ITEMS QUEST 38b MD = GE 7 What would be your second choice? Refer to VAR267 for complete question text. 1. maintaining order 407 27.0 27.4 2. more say in politics 336 22.3 22.6 3. fight rising prices 281 18.7 18.9 4. freedom of speech 464 30.8 31.2 7. DK 9 0.6 MD 9. INAP (VAR267, codes 7,8) 9 0.6 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 9. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR269 VALUE PRIORITIES - THIRD OUT OF FOUR ITEMS QUEST 38c MD = GE 7 And what would be your third choice? Refer to VAR267 for complete question text. 1. maintaining order 274 18.2 18.6 2. more say in politics 429 28.5 29.2 3. fight rising prices 491 32.6 33.4 4. freedom of speech 276 18.3 18.8 7. DK 18 1.2 MD 9. INAP (VAR268, codes 7-9) 18 1.2 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 9. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR270 VALUE PRIORITIES - FOURTH OUT OF FOUR ITEMS QUEST 38a-c MD = 9 Constructed from VAR267 to VAR269. 1. maintaining order 169 11.2 11.5 2. more say in politics 504 33.5 34.3 3. fight rising prices 577 38.3 39.3 4. freedom of speech 220 14.6 15.0 9. INAP (VAR269, codes 7-9) 36 2.4 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 9. INAP (panel attrition) 248 1 Page 126 ICPSR 9950 VAR271 VALUE PRIORITIES MOST IMPORTANT - FIRST ANSWER QUEST 39a MD = GE 97 These cards contain a number of goals on which, according to some people, our country should focus. Each card contains a letter. Would you mention to me the letters of the three goals that for you, personally, are the most important ones? Showcards 16a-h presented, each containing one of the following political goals: A: maintain a high rate of economic growth B: make sure that this country has strong defence forces C: give people more say in how things are decided at work and in their community D: try to make our cities and countryside more beautiful E: maintain stable economy F: fight against crime G: move toward a friendlier, less impersonal society H: move toward a society where ideas are more important than money Refer to Appendix 14 for a description of the test of unidimensionality. 1. economic growth 276 18.3 18.4 2. strong defense 23 1.5 1.5 3. more say at work 192 12.7 12.8 4. beautiful cities 46 3.1 3.1 5. stable economy 400 26.6 26.7 6. fighting crime 325 21.6 21.7 7. humane society 148 9.8 9.9 8. nonmaterialist society 89 5.9 5.9 97. DK 6 0.4 MD 98. NA 1 0.1 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 99. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR272 VALUE PRIORITIES MOST IMPORTANT - SECOND ANSWER QUEST 39a MD = GE 98 Refer to VAR271 for complete question text. 1. economic growth 100 6.6 6.8 2. strong defense 21 1.4 1.4 3. more say at work 158 10.5 10.7 4. beautiful cities 49 3.3 3.3 5. stable economy 382 25.4 25.8 6. fighting crime 443 29.4 29.9 7. humane society 217 14.4 14.7 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 127 8. nonmaterialist society 111 7.4 7.5 98. NA 18 1.2 MD 99. INAP (VAR271, codes 97-98) 7 0.5 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 99. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR273 VALUE PRIORITIES MOST IMPORTANT - THIRD ANSWER QUEST 39a MD = GE 98 Refer to VAR271 for complete question text. 1. economic growth 80 5.3 5.5 2. strong defense 19 1.3 1.3 3. more say at work 165 11.0 11.4 4. beautiful cities 59 3.9 4.1 5. stable economy 188 12.5 13.0 6. fighting crime 357 23.7 24.6 7. humane society 375 24.9 25.8 8. nonmaterialist society 208 13.8 14.3 98. NA 30 2.0 MD 99. INAP (VAR272, codes 98-99) 25 1.7 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 99. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR274 VALUE PRIORITIES LEAST IMPORTANT - FIRST ANSWER QUEST 39b MD = GE 97 And which three do you find, personally, the least important? Refer to VAR271 for introduction of question text. 1. economic growth 187 12.4 12.6 2. strong defense 805 53.5 54.3 3. more say at work 101 6.7 6.8 4. beautiful cities 150 10.0 10.1 5. stable economy 32 2.1 2.2 6. fighting crime 23 1.5 1.6 7. humane society 66 4.4 4.5 8. nonmaterialist society 118 7.8 8.0 97. DK 23 1.5 MD 98. NA 1 0.1 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 99. INAP (panel attrition) 248 Note: respondents could rank the same items among both the 1 Page 128 ICPSR 9950 three most important goals and the three least important goals. 125 respondents actually did so for one or more items. VAR275 VALUE PRIORITIES LEAST IMPORTANT - SECOND ANSWER QUEST 39b MD = GE 98 Refer to VAR274 for complete question text. 1. economic growth 165 11.0 12.5 2. strong defense 264 17.5 20.0 3. more say at work 167 11.1 12.7 4. beautiful cities 341 22.6 25.9 5. stable economy 39 2.6 3.0 6. fighting crime 28 1.9 2.1 7. humane society 112 7.4 8.5 8. nonmaterialist society 202 13.4 15.3 98. NA 164 10.9 MD 99. INAP (VAR274, codes 97-98) 24 1.6 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 99. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR276 VALUE PRIORITIES LEAST IMPORTANT - THIRD ANSWER QUEST 39b MD = GE 98 Refer to VAR274 for complete question text. 1. economic growth 158 10.5 12.7 2. strong defense 99 6.6 8.0 3. more say at work 157 10.4 12.6 4. beautiful cities 270 17.9 21.7 5. stable economy 63 4.2 5.1 6. fighting crime 36 2.4 2.9 7. humane society 141 9.4 11.3 8. nonmaterialist society 319 21.2 25.7 98. NA 75 5.0 MD 99. INAP (VAR275, codes 98-99) 188 12.5 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 99. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR277 SYMPATHY SCORE LUBBERS QUEST 40a MD = GE 997 I would like to know how sympathetic you find some of our politicians. To this end, you can assign each politician between 0 and 100 points. The more sympathetic you find a politician, the more points you give to him or her. A 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 129 score of 50 means that you find someone neither sympathetic nor unsympathetic. First we mention Ruud Lubbers. How many points would you give to him? Showcard 17 presented, containing a vertical line, with categories marked 0, 10, 20, ..., 100. Category 0 labeled 'very unsympathetic; category 50 labeled 'neither sympathetic, nor unsympathetic', and category 100 labeled 'very sympathetic'. Refer to Appendix 5 for further information on politicians. 0. very unsympathetic 26 1.7 1.7 1. 3 0.2 0.2 2. 1 0.1 0.1 5. 3 0.2 0.2 7. 1 0.1 0.1 8. 1 0.1 0.1 10. 32 2.1 2.1 15. 1 0.1 0.1 20. 21 1.4 1.4 30. 51 3.4 3.4 35. 2 0.1 0.1 40. 56 3.7 3.7 45. 2 0.1 0.1 50. not (un)sympathetic 198 13.1 13.2 55. 8 0.5 0.5 60. 123 8.2 8.2 65. 7 0.5 0.5 70. 154 10.2 10.3 75. 26 1.7 1.7 76. 1 0.1 0.1 78. 1 0.1 0.1 80. 300 19.9 20.0 85. 12 0.8 0.8 90. 283 18.8 18.8 92. 1 0.1 0.1 95. 17 1.1 1.1 100. very sympathetic 171 11.4 11.4 997. DK 3 0.2 MD 998. NA 1 0.1 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 999. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR278 SYMPATHY SCORE KOK QUEST 40b MD = GE 997 1 Page 130 ICPSR 9950 And Wim Kok? Refer to VAR277 for complete question text and to Appendix 5 for further information on politicians. 0. very sympathetic 26 1.7 1.7 5. 4 0.3 0.3 6. 1 0.1 0.1 10. 37 2.5 2.5 15. 1 0.1 0.1 20. 46 3.1 3.1 21. 1 0.1 0.1 25. 1 0.1 0.1 30. 66 4.4 4.4 35. 4 0.3 0.3 40. 107 7.1 7.1 45. 5 0.3 0.3 50. not (un)sympathetic 238 15.8 15.9 55. 5 0.3 0.3 60. 189 12.5 12.6 65. 16 1.1 1.1 70. 231 15.3 15.4 75. 26 1.7 1.7 80. 230 15.3 15.3 85. 14 0.9 0.9 90. 154 10.2 10.3 95. 7 0.5 0.5 99. 1 0.1 0.1 100. very sympathetic 91 6.0 6.1 997. DK 4 0.3 MD 998. NA 1 0.1 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 999. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR279 SYMPATHY SCORE VOORHOEVE QUEST 40c MD = GE 997 And Joris Voorhoeve? Refer to VAR277 for complete question text and to Appendix 5 for further information on politicians. 0. very unsympathetic 67 4.4 4.5 1. 1 0.1 0.1 4. 2 0.1 0.1 5. 8 0.5 0.5 7. 1 0.1 0.1 10. 121 8.0 8.2 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 131 20. 139 9.2 9.4 21. 1 0.1 0.1 25. 8 0.5 0.5 30. 171 11.4 11.5 35. 7 0.5 0.5 39. 1 0.1 0.1 40. 217 14.4 14.6 45. 6 0.4 0.4 49. 1 0.1 0.1 50. not (un)sympathetic 286 19.0 19.3 55. 5 0.3 0.3 60. 171 11.4 11.5 65. 6 0.4 0.4 70. 127 8.4 8.6 75. 10 0.7 0.7 80. 81 5.4 5.5 85. 3 0.2 0.2 90. 34 2.3 2.3 95. 2 0.1 0.1 100. very sympathetic 8 0.5 0.5 997. DK 21 1.4 MD 998. NA 1 0.1 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 999. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR280 SYMPATHY SCORE VAN MIERLO QUEST 40d MD = GE 997 And Hans van Mierlo? Refer to VAR277 for complete question text and to Appendix 5 for further information on politicians. 0. very unsympathetic 8 0.5 0.5 5. 1 0.1 0.1 6. 1 0.1 0.1 10. 28 1.9 1.9 20. 31 2.1 2.1 25. 2 0.1 0.1 30. 58 3.9 3.9 35. 1 0.1 0.1 40. 78 5.2 5.3 45. 1 0.1 0.1 50. not (un)sympathetic 233 15.5 15.7 55. 4 0.3 0.3 56. 1 0.1 0.1 60. 258 17.1 17.4 65. 10 0.7 0.7 1 Page 132 ICPSR 9950 68. 1 0.1 0.1 70. 243 16.1 16.4 75. 20 1.3 1.3 80. 252 16.7 17.0 85. 25 1.7 1.7 90. 161 10.7 10.9 95. 6 0.4 0.4 99. 1 0.1 0.1 100. very sympathetic 58 3.9 3.9 997. DK 23 1.5 MD 998. NA 1 0.1 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 999. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR281 SYMPATHY SCORE DE VRIES QUEST 40e MD = GE 997 And Bert de Vries? Refer to VAR277 for complete question text and to Appendix 5 for further information on politicians. 0. very unsympathetic 30 2.0 2.1 5. 3 0.2 0.2 10. 57 3.8 4.0 15. 3 0.2 0.2 20. 54 3.6 3.8 25. 3 0.2 0.2 30. 96 6.4 6.7 35. 1 0.1 0.1 40. 157 10.4 11.0 45. 5 0.3 0.3 49. 1 0.1 0.1 50. not (un)sympathetic 342 22.7 23.9 55. 6 0.4 0.4 60. 230 15.3 16.1 65. 6 0.4 0.4 70. 229 15.2 16.0 75. 15 1.0 1.0 80. 109 7.2 7.6 85. 6 0.4 0.4 90. 64 4.2 4.5 100. very sympathetic 14 0.9 1.0 997. DK 74 4.9 MD 998. NA 1 0.1 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 133 999. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR282 SYMPATHY SCORE KORTHALS ALTES QUEST 40f MD = GE 997 And Frits Korthals Altes? Refer to VAR277 for complete question text and to Appendix 5 for further information on politicians. 0. very unsympathetic 29 1.9 2.0 4. 1 0.1 0.1 5. 2 0.1 0.1 7. 1 0.1 0.1 10. 39 2.6 2.7 15. 1 0.1 0.1 20. 60 4.0 4.2 25. 5 0.3 0.3 30. 108 7.2 7.6 35. 1 0.1 0.1 40. 164 10.9 11.5 45. 5 0.3 0.3 50. not (un)sympathetic 425 28.2 29.7 55. 7 0.5 0.5 60. 231 15.3 16.2 65. 13 0.9 0.9 70. 194 12.9 13.6 75. 8 0.5 0.6 80. 96 6.4 6.7 85. 6 0.4 0.4 90. 24 1.6 1.7 100. very sympathetic 9 0.6 0.6 997. DK 75 5.0 MD 998. NA 2 0.1 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 999. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR283 SYMPATHY SCORE DEETMAN QUEST 40g MD = GE 997 And Wim Deetman? Refer to VAR277 for complete question text and to Appendix 5 for further information on politicians. 0. very unsympathetic 70 4.6 4.8 1. 2 0.1 0.1 1 Page 134 ICPSR 9950 2. 1 0.1 0.1 5. 7 0.5 0.5 10. 140 9.3 9.5 15. 5 0.3 0.3 20. 160 10.6 10.9 25. 4 0.3 0.3 30. 201 13.3 13.7 35. 4 0.3 0.3 40. 231 15.3 15.7 45. 9 0.6 0.6 50. not (un)sympathetic 286 19.0 19.5 55. 11 0.7 0.7 60. 163 10.8 11.1 65. 8 0.5 0.5 70. 104 6.9 7.1 75. 8 0.5 0.5 80. 41 2.7 2.8 85. 1 0.1 0.1 90. 11 0.7 0.7 94. 1 0.1 0.1 98. 1 0.1 0.1 997. DK 36 2.4 MD 998. NA 1 0.1 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 999. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR284 SYMPATHY SCORE NIJPELS QUEST 40h MD = GE 997 And Ed Nijpels? Refer to VAR277 for complete question text and to Appendix 5 for further information on politicians. 0. very unsympathetic 25 1.7 1.7 5. 2 0.1 0.1 10. 51 3.4 3.4 15. 2 0.1 0.1 20. 56 3.7 3.7 25. 2 0.1 0.1 30. 90 6.0 6.0 35. 2 0.1 0.1 40. 156 10.4 10.4 45. 5 0.3 0.3 50. not (un)sympathetic 286 19.0 19.1 52. 1 0.1 0.1 55. 12 0.8 0.8 60. 295 19.6 19.7 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 135 65. 16 1.1 1.1 68. 1 0.1 0.1 70. 265 17.6 17.7 75. 23 1.5 1.5 80. 128 8.5 8.6 85. 5 0.3 0.3 86. 1 0.1 0.1 90. 60 4.0 4.0 95. 1 0.1 0.1 100. very sympathetic 12 0.8 0.8 997. DK 8 0.5 MD 998. NA 1 0.1 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 999. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR285 SYMPATHY SCORE RUDING QUEST 40i MD = GE 997 And Onno Ruding? Refer to VAR277 for complete question text and to Appendix 5 for further information on politicians. 0. very unsympathetic 23 1.5 1.6 5. 3 0.2 0.2 10. 33 2.2 2.3 15. 1 0.1 0.1 20. 49 3.3 3.4 25. 3 0.2 0.2 30. 58 3.9 4.0 35. 3 0.2 0.2 39. 1 0.1 0.1 40. 126 8.4 8.8 42. 1 0.1 0.1 45. 4 0.3 0.3 50. not (un)sympathetic 299 19.9 20.8 55. 6 0.4 0.4 60. 264 17.5 18.3 65. 10 0.7 0.7 70. 234 15.5 16.3 75. 19 1.3 1.3 80. 177 11.8 12.3 85. 8 0.5 0.6 90. 90 6.0 6.3 95. 3 0.2 0.2 97. 1 0.1 0.1 98. 1 0.1 0.1 100. very sympathetic 22 1.5 1.5 1 Page 136 ICPSR 9950 997. DK 65 4.3 MD 998. NA 2 0.1 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 999. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR286 SYMPATHY SCORE DE KORTE QUEST 40j MD = GE 997 And Rudolf de Korte? Refer to VAR277 for complete question text and to Appendix 5 for further information on politicians. 0. very unsympathetic 23 1.5 1.7 1. 1 0.1 0.1 5. 3 0.2 0.2 6. 1 0.1 0.1 10. 51 3.4 3.9 15. 3 0.2 0.2 20. 91 6.0 6.9 25. 5 0.3 0.4 30. 147 9.8 11.2 35. 4 0.3 0.3 40. 205 13.6 15.6 45. 8 0.5 0.6 50. not (un)sympathetic 389 25.8 29.5 55. 10 0.7 0.8 60. 198 13.1 15.0 65. 7 0.5 0.5 70. 115 7.6 8.7 75. 4 0.3 0.3 80. 41 2.7 3.1 83. 1 0.1 0.1 85. 3 0.2 0.2 90. 6 0.4 0.5 95. 1 0.1 0.1 997. DK 187 12.4 MD 998. NA 2 0.1 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 999. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR287 SYMPATHY SCORE SMIT-KROES QUEST 40k MD = GE 997 And Neelie Smit-Kroes? 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 137 Refer to VAR277 for complete question text and to Appendix 5 for further information on politicians. 0. very unsympathetic 38 2.5 2.5 1. 2 0.1 0.1 5. 4 0.3 0.3 10. 72 4.8 4.8 15. 1 0.1 0.1 20. 73 4.8 4.9 25. 8 0.5 0.5 30. 140 9.3 9.4 35. 8 0.5 0.5 40. 153 10.2 10.2 45. 6 0.4 0.4 50. not (un)sympathetic 255 16.9 17.1 55. 10 0.7 0.7 60. 255 16.9 17.1 65. 12 0.8 0.8 70. 212 14.1 14.2 75. 14 0.9 0.9 80. 148 9.8 9.9 85. 13 0.9 0.9 90. 58 3.9 3.9 100. very sympathetic 12 0.8 0.8 997. DK 11 0.7 MD 998. NA 1 0.1 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 999. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR288 EGOISM VERSUS ALTRUISM - MOST PEOPLE QUEST 41a MD = GE 97 Some people are primarily concerned with themselves or their own well-being. Other people continually take other people's well-being into account. This line runs from 'focused on own well-being' (at number 1) to 'focused on other people's well-being' (at number 10). And, of course, there are also classes in between. If you were to indicate how most people behave, where would you place them on this line? Please give me the number that applies to them. Showcard 18 presented, listing a horizontal line with ten categories numbered 1 to 10, category 1 labeled 'focused on own well-being' and category 10 labeled 'focused on other people's well-being'. 1 Page 138 ICPSR 9950 1. egoists 127 8.4 8.5 2. 189 12.5 12.7 3. 417 27.7 27.9 4. 346 23.0 23.2 5. 206 13.7 13.8 6. 90 6.0 6.0 7. 70 4.6 4.7 8. 33 2.2 2.2 9. 8 0.5 0.5 10. altruists 6 0.4 0.4 97. DK 12 0.8 MD 98. NA 2 0.1 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 99. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR289 EGOISM VERSUS ALTRUISM - SELFRATING QUEST 41b MD = GE 97 And where would you place yourself on the line? Refer to VAR288 for complete question text. 1. egoist 23 1.5 1.5 2. 55 3.7 3.7 3. 98 6.5 6.6 4. 155 10.3 10.4 5. 316 21.0 21.2 6. 284 18.9 19.0 7. 283 18.8 19.0 8. 181 12.0 12.1 9. 58 3.9 3.9 10. altruist 38 2.5 2.5 97. DK 14 0.9 MD 98. NA 1 0.1 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 99. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR290 WEIGHTING FACTOR WAVE 1 QUEST none MD = none This weighting factor ranges from 0.66 to 1.83. Refer to Appendix 15 for details. VAR291 WEIGHTING FACTOR WAVE 2 QUEST none MD = none This weighting factor ranges from 0.00 to 2.07. Refer to 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 139 Appendix 15 for details. VAR292 WEIGHTING FACTOR CBS QUEST none MD = none This weighting factor has been provided by cbs and ranges from 0.00 to 6.76. Refer to Appendix 15 for details. VAR293 DATE OF SECOND INTERVIEW (MMDD) QUEST none MD = 9999 Registered by built-in calendar in laptop computer. First two digits indicate month; last two digits indicate day. Date of second interview ranges from 909 (September 9) to 1113 (November 13). 9999. INAP (panel attrition) VAR294 START OF SECOND INTERVIEW (HHMMSS) QUEST none MD = 999999 Registered by built-in clock in laptop computer. First two digits indicate hour (24 hour clock used); next two digits indicate minute; last two digits indicate seconds. Start of second interview ranges from 22056 (2 hours, 20 minutes, and 56 seconds a.m.) to 225421 (10 hours, 54 minutes, and 21 seconds p.m.). 999999. INAP (panel attrition) VAR295 END OF SECOND INTERVIEW (HHMMSS) QUEST none MD = 999999 Registered by built-in clock in laptop computer. First two digits indicate hour (24 hour clock used); next two digits indicate minute; last two digits indicate seconds. End of second interview ranges from 30511 (3 hours, 5 minutes, and 11 seconds, a.m.) to 233928 (11 hours, 39 minutes, and 28 seconds p.m.). 999999. INAP (panel attrition) VAR296 DURATION OF SECOND INTERVIEW (HMMSS) QUEST none MD = 999999 Constructed from VAR294 and VAR295. First digit indicates number of hours; next two digits indicate number of minutes; last two digits indicate number of seconds. 1 Page 140 ICPSR 9950 Duration of second interview ranges from 932 (9 minutes and 32 seconds) to 35604 (3 hours, 56 minutes, and 4 seconds). 999999. INAP (panel attrition) VAR297 PRESENT AT INTERVIEW - CHILDREN UNDER 6 YEARS QUEST 42 MD = 9 Would you indicate who besides the respondent was present during the interview? Would you also indicate: - if they followed the conversation completely or in part; i.e., listened actively. - if they intruded into the interview; i.e., offered an own opinion, corrected the respondent, offered suggestions, etc.? Children under 6 years Completed by interviewer. 1. not present 1,407 93.4 93.4 2. did not listen 82 5.4 5.4 3. did listen 7 0.5 0.5 4. did participate 10 0.7 0.7 _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 9. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR298 PRESENT AT INTERVIEW - CHILDREN 6 YEARS AND OVER QUEST 43 MD = 9 Children over 6 years Completed by interviewer. Refer to VAR297 for complete question text. 1. not present 1,388 92.2 92.2 2. did not listen 77 5.1 5.1 3. did listen 35 2.3 2.3 4. did participate 6 0.4 0.4 _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 9. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR299 PRESENT AT INTERVIEW - SPOUSE OR PARTNER QUEST 44 MD = 9 Husband, wife, or partner 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 141 Completed by interviewer. Refer to VAR297 for complete question text. 1. not present 1,100 73.0 73.0 2. did not listen 194 12.9 12.9 3. did listen 172 11.4 11.4 4. did participate 40 2.7 2.7 _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 9. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR300 PRESENT AT INTERVIEW - OTHER RELATIVES QUEST 45 MD = 9 Other relatives Completed by interviewer. Refer to VAR137 for complete question text. 1. not present 1,438 95.5 95.5 2. did not listen 43 2.9 2.9 3. did listen 20 1.3 1.3 4. did participate 5 0.3 0.3 _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 9. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR301 PRESENT AT INTERVIEW - OTHER ADULTS QUEST 46 MD = 9 Other adults Completed by interviewer. Refer to VAR297 for complete question text. 1. not present 1,456 96.7 96.7 2. did not listen 32 2.1 2.1 3. did listen 17 1.1 1.1 4. did participate 1 0.1 0.1 _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 9. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR302 PRESENCE OF DISTURBING INFLUENCES QUEST 47a MD = 9 Were there any disturbing influences during the interview, such as a television set or radio that was on, other 1 Page 142 ICPSR 9950 people arriving for a visit, etc.? Completed by interviewer. 1. yes 135 9.0 9.0 2. no 1,371 91.0 91.0 _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 9. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR303 DISTURBING INFLUENCES - FIRST CODING QUEST 47b MD = GE 8 The disturbing factors were .... 1. visitors 3 0.2 2.5 2. tv, radio or music 79 5.2 64.8 3. children 12 0.8 9.8 4. telephone 6 0.4 4.9 5. other 22 1.5 18.0 8. NA 13 0.9 MD 9. INAP (VAR302, code 2) 1,371 91.0 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 9. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR304 DISTURBING INFLUENCES - SECOND CODING QUEST 47b MD = GE 6 Refer to VAR303 for complete question text. 1. visitors 1 0.1 10.0 3. children 2 0.1 20.0 5. other 7 0.5 70.0 6. no second coding 112 7.4 MD 9. INAP (VAR303, codes 8-9) 1,384 91.9 MD _____ _____ _____ 1,506 100.0 100.0 9. INAP (panel attrition) 248 VAR305 VERBATIM ANSWER MOST IMPORTANT PROBLEM QUESTION QUEST 7 WAVE 1 MD = none Refer to Appendix 3 for more detailed information on this variable. VAR306 MOST IMPORTANT PROBLEM FIRST ANSWER - 1986 CODE 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 143 QUEST 7 WAVE 1 MD = GE 91 Refer to Van der Eijk, Irwin, and Niemoller (1988) for a description of the codes. VAR307 MOST IMPORTANT PROBLEM SECOND ANSWER - 1986 CODE QUEST 7 WAVE 1 MD = GE 91 Refer to Van der Eijk, Irwin, and Niemoller (1988) for a description of the codes. VAR308 MOST IMPORTANT PROBLEM THIRD ANSWER - 1986 CODE QUEST 7 WAVE 1 MD = GE 91 Refer to Van der Eijk, Irwin, and Niemoller (1988) for a description of the codes. VAR309 MOST IMPORTANT PROBLEM FOURTH ANSWER - 1986 CODE QUEST 7 WAVE 1 MD = 99 Refer to Van der Eijk, Irwin, and Niemoller (1988) for a description of the codes. VAR310 MOST IMPORTANT PROBLEM FIFTH ANSWER - 1986 CODE QUEST 7 WAVE 1 MD = 99 Refer to Van der Eijk, Irwin, and Niemoller (1988) for a description of the codes. 1 Page 144 ICPSR 9950 PART 3 Questionnaires 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 145 3.1 Introduction This part of the codebook contains reproductions of the questionnaires and showcards that were used for both waves of interviews. As the 1989 study was the first Dutch Parliamentary Election Study for which the data were collected by means of computer-assisted interviewing, it is no longer possible to simply provide facsimiles of the original questionnaires and showcards. Instead, an attempt was made to reproduce as closely as possible the information on the computer screens as they were shown to the interviewers. Copies of the original interviewing programs, which run on any type of IBM pc computer, can be obtained from the SKON secretariat. The following remarks pertain to the information contained in this part of the codebook: -All question texts are in Dutch. English translations of these questions can be found in the variable documentation part of this codebook. -Each question was presented on a separate screen, along with the answering categories. The interviewer read the text of the question to the respondent and recorded the answer given by the respondent by typing the number of the precoded categories, or by typing the full answer if necessary. The answering categories were not read to the respondents. -The answering categories 'don't know' and 'refused to answer' were not shown on the screens, but could be entered for each question by striking the (somewhat obscure) keys '(' and ')', respectively. -The interviewer could always type extra information in a special 'memo field', which could be entered by striking a specified key combination ('Ctrl F4'). -In addition to the question text and answering categories, the screens also contained interviewer instructions. Most of these instructions were preceded by the letters 'ENQ:'. The instructions occasionally contained the CBS-abbreviation 'OP', which stands for 'person being interviewed' (onderzoekspersoon). Another important set of interviewer instructions pertains to the (range of the) codes that could be entered by the interviewer. These instructions were all shown within parentheses and read something like 'voer getal in tussen ... en ...' Of course, none of these instructions were read to the respondents. -The routing of the questions is indicated by the words 'Ga naar (question number)' after each answering category. In all cases where such an indication is absent, the interview proceeded with the question next in line. Although the 'don't know' and 'refused 1 Page 146 ICPSR 9950 to answer' codes were not shown on the screen, they have been included in the reproductions in all cases where the presence of a routing had to be indicated. These codes are not preceded by a code to emphasize that these answering categories were not shown on the computer screen. -The questionnaires contain five so-called 'question boxes', which consist of series of questions that were developed by CBS. These boxes are characterized by fairly complex routing schemes that would be very difficult to grasp if they were summarized in the 'standard' form. It was therefore decided to summarize them graphically by means of the question boxes. The descriptions of these question boxes were provided by CBS. -The text of the questions has been copied as closely as possible from the original questionnaires, except for spelling errors. All words shown in uppercase (written that way in order to instruct the interviewers to emphasize these words) were also projected that way on the computer screens. -Occasionally, part of the information obtained by means of previous questions (for example, the name of the party a respondent voted for) was imputed in the text of other questions. Whenever this was done, this is indicated by means of a square opening parentheses (() at the beginning of the imputed text and a square closing parentheses ()) at the end of the imputed text. -The questionnaires only contain those questions that were actually used to collect part of the information that is included in the data file. Questions that were asked, but which did not result in any information for the data file are not listed. This means that the questionnaires do not contain all the questions that were actually asked during the fieldwork. At the end of the first wave of interviews, a small number of questions were asked about whether and where the respondent could be contacted for a second interview. At the beginning of the second questionnaire, the respondents were asked to tell their birth date, in order to make sure that no other person was being interviewed. At the end of this wave, the respondents were asked if they agreed to be interviewed a third time around the next elections as part of the 1989-1994 panel study. In addition, CBS also added some of its own questions (refer to section 1.3 for details). The contents of this part of the codebook are as follows: the questions asked in the first wave of interviews are listed in section 3.2;, while the showcards of this wave are shown in section 3.3. The questions of the second wave of interviews are listed in section 3.4; the associated showcards are shown in section 3.5. 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 147 3.2 Questionnaire wave 1 1 Page 148 ICPSR 9950 1. Kunt u mij zeggen wie van deze personen de grootste bijdrage levertaan hat totale in Komen van het huishouden? Wat is zijn of haar geboortedatum? ENQ: Toets het bijbehorende regelnummer in. OPMERKING: Op het scherm zijn regelnummers met geboortedata van personen verschenen, zoals opgenomen in de huishoudvragenlijst. 2. ENQ: Overhandig Kaart 1 Nu een paar vragen over het nieuws in de krant. Als er in de krant binnenlands nieuws staat, bijvoorbeeld nieuws over regeringsproblemen, hoe vaak leest u dat dan? 1. (bijna) altijd 2. vaak 3. zo nu en dan 4. zelden of nooit 5. n.v.t. (leest geen krant) 3. Als er in gezelschap over zulke problemen van ons land gesproken wordt, doet u dan meestal mee met het gesprek, luistert u met belangstelling, luistert u niet of heeft u geen belangstelling? 1. doet meestal mee 2. luistert met belangstelling 3. luistert niet, geen belangstelling 4. ENQ: Overhandig Kaart 1 Als er in de krant buitenlands nieuws staat, bijvoorbeeld nieuws over spanningen of besprekingen tussen verschillende landen, hoe vaak leest u dat dan? 1. (bijna) altijd 2. vaak 3. zo nu en dan 4. zelden of nooit 5. n.v.t. (leest geen krant) 5. Bent u zeer geinteresseerd in politieke onderwerpen, tamelijk geinteresseerd of niet genteresseerd? 1. zeer geinteresseerd 2. tamelijk geinteresseerd 3. niet geinteresseerd 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 149 6. ENQ: Overhandig Kaart 2 Kunt u met behulp van dit kaartje aangeven hoe vaak u gewoonlijk het NOS-journaal (het nieuws) volgt op de t.v.? 1. (vrijwel) dagelijks 2. 3 a 4 keer per week 3. 1 a 2 keer per week 4. minder dan 1 keer per week 5. n.v.t. (geen t.v.) 7. Vervolgens zou ik u willen vragen wat u de belangrijkste problemen in ons land vindt? ENQ: Doorvragen, meer antwoorden mogelijk 8a. Zoals u misschien weet zijn er in september van dit jaar verkiezingen voor de TWEEDE KAMER. Gaat u dan wel of niet stemmen, of weet u dat nog niet? 1. gaat wel stemmen (Ga naar 8b) 2. gaat niet stemmen (Ga naar 8c) 3. weet nog niet (Ga naar 8c) (weet niet/weigert) (Ga naar 8c) 8b. Op welke partij gaat u stemmen op 6 September? ENQ: 'Groen Links' alleen intoetsen als OP dit letterlijk genoemd heeft. 1. PvdA (Ga naar 9a) 2. CDA (Ga naar 9a) 3. VVD (Ga naar 9a) 4. D66 (Ga naar 9a) 5. Groen Links (Ga naar 9a) 6. CPN (Ga naar 9a) 7. PPR (Ga naar 9a) 8. PSP (Ga naar 9a) 9. SGP (Ga naar 9a) 10. GPV (Ga naar 9a) 11. RPF (Ga naar 9a) 12. Centrumpartij (Ga naar 9a) 13. EVP (Ga naar 9a) 14. andere, nl. .... (Ga naar 9a) 15. ongeldig (Ga naar 9a) 16. blanco (Ga naar 9a) (weet niet/weigert) (Ga naar 9a) 1 Page 150 ICPSR 9950 8c. Stel dat het verplicht zou zijn om te stemmen. OP welke partij zou u dan stemmen? ENQ: 'Groen Links' alleen intoetsen als op dit letterlijk genoemd heeft. 1. PvdA 2. CDA 3. VVD 4. D66 5. Groen Links 6. CPN 7. PPR 8. PSP 9. SGP 10. GPV 11. RPF 12. Centrumpartij 13. EVP 14. andere, nl. .... 15. ongeldig 16. blanco 9a. Veel mensen voelen zich aanhanger van een bepaalde politieke partij, maar er zijn ook mensen die zich geen aanhanger van een politieke partij voelen. Voelt u zich aanhanger of voelt u zich geen aanhanger van een politieke partij? 1. aanhanger (Ga naar 9b) 2. geen aanhanger (Ga naar 9d) (weet niet/weigert) (Ga naar 9d) 9b. Van welke partij? 1. PvdA 2. CDA 3. VVD 4. D66 5. CPN 6. PPR 7. PSP 8. SGP 9. GPV 10. RPF 11. Centrumpartij 12. EVP 13. andere, nl. .... 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 151 9c. Zoudt u zichzelf een overtuigde aanhanger willen noemen of vindt u zichzelf geen overtuigde aanhanger? 1. overtuigde aanhanger (Ga naar 10a) 2. geen overtuigde aanhanger (Ga naar 10a) (weet niet/weigert) (Ga naar 10a) 9d. Is er een partij waartoe u zich meer voelt aangetrokken dan tot andere partijen? 1. ja (Ga naar 9e) 2. nee (Ga naar 10a) (weet niet/weigert) (Ga naar 10a) 9e. Welke partij is dat? 1. PvdA 2. CDA 3. VVD 4. D66 5. CPN 6. PPR 7. PSP 8. SGP 9. GPV 10. RPF 11. Centrumpartij 12. EVP 13. andere, nl. .... 10a. Bent u wel of geen LID van een politieke partij? 1. wel lid (Ga naar 10b) 2. geen lid (Ga naar 10c) (weet niet/weigert) (Ga naar 10c) 10b. Van welke partij? 1. PvdA (Ga naar 11) 2. CDA (Ga naar 11) 3. VVD (Ga naar 11) 4. D66 (Ga naar 11) 5. CPN (Ga naar 11) 6. PPR (Ga naar 11) 7. PSP (Ga naar 11) 8. SGP (Ga naar 11) 9. GPV (Ga naar 11) 1 Page 152 ICPSR 9950 10. RPF (Ga naar 11) 11. Centrumpartij (Ga naar 11) 12. EVP (Ga naar 11) 13. andere, nl. .... (Ga naar 11) (weet niet/weigert) (Ga naar 11) 10c. Bent u ooit lid geweest van een politieke partij? 1. ja 2. nee 11. ENQ: Overhandig kaart 3 Kunt u met behulp van de kaart aangeven hoe tevreden u IN HET ALGEMEEN bent met wat de regering in de afgelopen 4 jaar heeft gedaan? 1. zeer tevreden 2. tevreden 3. niet tevreden, maar ook niet ontevreden 4. ontevreden 5. zeer ontevreden 12a. Ik wil nu een paar vragen stellen over wat u vindt van het beleid dat de afgelopen 4 jaar door de regering gevoerd is. Allereerst de ALGEMENE ECONOMISCHE TOESTAND: denkt u dat de economische toestand door het gevoerde regeringsbeleid 'gunstig', 'ongunstig', of 'niet gunstig maar ook niet ongunstig' is beinvloed? 1. gunstig 2. ongunstig 3. niet gunstig/niet ongunstig 12b. En de WERKGELEGENHEID: denkt u dat de werkgelegenheid in Nederland door het gevoerde regeringsbeleid 'gunstig', 'ongunstig', of 'niet gunstig maar ook niet ongunstig' beinvloed is? 1. gunstig 2. ongunstig 3. niet gunstig/niet ongunstig 12c. En uw PERSOONLIJKE FINANCIELE SITUATIE, denkt u dat uw persoonlijke financiele situatie door het gevoerde regeringsbeleid 'gunstig', 'ongunstig', of 'niet gunstig maar 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 153 ook niet ongunstig' is beinvloed? 1. gunstig 2. ongunstig 3. niet gunstig/niet ongunstig 13a. Nu een paar vragen over zaken die regelmatig in het nieuws zijn. Allereerst over ABORTUS: het vrijwillig onderbreken van een zwangerschap. Sommige mensen vinden dat de overheid abortus onder alle omstandigheden zou moeten verbieden, andere mensen vinden dat iedere vrouw zelf het recht heeft om te beslissen of ze een abortus wil. Natuurlijk zijn er ook mensen die een mening hebben die daar tussen in ligt. ENQ: Overhandig kaart 4 Stel dat de mensen die vinden dat de overheid onder alle omstandigheden abortus zou moeten verbieden aan het BEGIN van deze lijn staan (bij het cijfer 1) en dat de mensen die vinden dat iedere vrouw het recht heeft om zelf te beslissen, aan het EINDE van deze lijn staan (bij het cijfer 7). Ik vraag u nu eerst om een aantal politieke partijen te plaatsen op deze lijn. Als u helemaal niet weet welk standpunt een partij met betrekking tot dit probleem heeft, zegt u het dan gerust. Waar zou u het CDA op deze lijn plaatsen? (voer getal in tussen 1 en 7) 13b. En de PvdA? (voer getal in tussen 1 en 7) 13c. En de VVD? (voer getal in tussen 1 en 7) 13d. En D66? (voer getal in tussen 1 en 7) 13e. En waar zou u zichzelf op deze lijn plaatsen? (voer getal in tussen 1 en 7) 1 Page 154 ICPSR 9950 14a. Zoals u misschien weet bestaat bij sommige mensen de vrees dat er binnen afzienbare tijd een tekort aan energie in de wereld zal ontstaan. Een manier om in dit tekort te kunnen voorzien is het bouwen van KERNCENTRALES. Sommigen vinden dat om die reden Nederland snel moet werken aan de uitbreiding van het aantal kerncentrales, anderen daarentegen vinden de gevaren te groot en vinden dat er in het geheel geen kerncentrales moeten worden gebouwd. ENQ: Overhandig kaart 5 Aan het BEGIN van de lijn staan nu personen die vinden dat in Nederland kerncentrales erbij moeten worden gebouwd (dus bij cijfer 1); aan het EINDE van de lijn staan de personen die vinden dat er in het geheel geen kerncentrales moeten worden gebouwd (dus bij cijfer 7). Waar zou u het CDA op deze lijn plaatsen? (voer getal in tussen 1 en 7) 14b. En de PvdA? (voer getal in tussen 1 en 7) 14c. En de VVD? (voer getal in tussen 1 en 7) 14d. En D66? (voer getal in tussen 1 en 7) 14e. En waar zou u zichzelf op deze lijn plaatsen? (voer getal in tussen 1 en 7) 15. Op dit moment heeft Nederland twee kerncentrales in werking; een in Dodewaard en een in Borssele. Vindt u dat deze kerncentrales in werking moeten blijven of vindt u dat zij buiten werking gesteld moeten worden? 1. in werking blijven 2. buiten werking stellen 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 155 16a. ENQ: Overhandig kaart 6 Nog een kaart. Sommige mensen vinden dat DE VERSCHILLEN IN INKOMENS IN ONS LAND groter moeten worden (bij cijfer 1). Anderen vinden dat deze verschillen kleiner moeten worden (bij cijfer 7). Natuurlijk zijn er ook mensen met een mening die hier ergens tussen in ligt. Waar zou u het CDA op deze lijn plaatsen? (voer getal in tussen 1 en 7) 16b. En de PvdA? (voer getal in tussen 1 en 7) 16c. En de VVD? (voer getal in tussen 1 en 7) 16d. En D66? (voer getal in tussen 1 en 7) 16e. En waar zou u zichzelf op deze lijn plaatsen? (voer getal in tussen 1 en 7) 17a. Heeft u gestemd bij de verkiezingen voor het EUROPEES PARLEMENT op 15 Juni 1989? 1. ja (Ga naar 17b) 2. nee (Ga naar 18a) (weet niet/weigert) (Ga naar 18a) 17b. Op welke partij heeft u toen gestemd? 1. PvdA/Europese Socialisten 2. CDA Europese Volkspartij 3. VVD Europese Liberaal-Democraten 4. Regenboog (PPR-PSP-CPN-EVP) 5. SGP, GPV en RPF 6. D66 7. Socialistiese Partij 8. God met ons 1 Page 156 ICPSR 9950 9. Initiatief voor Europese Democratie IDE 10. Lijst Janmaat/Centrumdemocraten 11. Blanco 12. Ongeldig 18a. De VORIGE verkiezingen voor de Tweede Kamer zijn in 1986 gehouden. Heeft u toen gestemd of niet? 1. ja, wel gestemd (Ga naar 18b) 2. nee, niet gestemd (Ga naar 19) 3. nee, mocht nog niet stemmen (Ga naar 19) (weet niet/weigert) (Ga naar 19) 18b. Op welke partij heeft u TOEN gestemd? 1. PvdA 2. CDA 3. VVD 4. D66 5. CPN 6. PPR 7. PSP 8. SGP 9. GPV 10. RPF 11. Centrumpartij 12. EVP 13. andere, nl. .... 19. Na de verkiezingen voor de Tweede Kamer die in september gehouden worden moet er een nieuwe regering worden gevormd. ENQ: Overhandig kaart 7 Op deze kaart staan vier partijen. Kunt u zeggen welke combinatie van 2 of meer van deze partijen u het liefst in de regering wilt? ENQ: 1 Combinatie aangeven van tenminste 2 partijen. (voer maximaal 4 codes in) 1. D66 2. PvdA 3. CDA 4. VVD 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 157 20. Maakt het voor u veel, weinig of niets uit welke partijen in de regering komen? 1. veel 2. weinig 3. niets 21. Op dit moment kan men reiskosten van huis naar werk aftrekken van de belasting. Om milieuvervuiling tegen te gaan wordt voorgesteld deze aftrekmogelijkheid af te schaffen. Bent u het met dit voorstel helemaal eens, bent u er het mee eens, mee oneens of helemaal mee oneens? 1. helemaal mee eens 2. eens 3. oneens 4. helemaal mee oneens 22a. De milieuvervuiling door auto, landbouw en industrie neemt steeds ernstiger vormen aan. Het terugdringen hiervan kost geld. Vraag is wie moet betalen; de vervuiler omdat die dit direct heeft veroorzaakt, of de gemeenschap, omdat het een probleem van ons allemaal is. ENQ: Kaart 8 U kunt uw standpunt aangeven met een cijfer. Hoe dichter bij 1 hoe meer de vervuiler moet bijdragen en hoe dichter bij 7 hoe meer de gemeenschap. 1 betekent: de vervuiler moet alles betalen. 7 betekent: de gemeenschap moet alles betalen. Welk cijfer geeft uw standpunt het beste weer over het terugdringen van vervuiling door AUTO'S? (voer getal in tussen 1 en 7) 22b. En welk cijfer geeft uw standpunt het beste weer over het terugdringen van vervuiling door de LANDBOUW? (voer getal in tussen 1 en 7) 22c. En welk cijfer geeft uw standpunt het beste weer over het terugdringen van vervuiling door de INDUSTRIE? (voer getal in tussen 1 en 7) 1 Page 158 ICPSR 9950 23a. Nu enkele vragen over de samenwerking tussen politieke partijen. In de afgelopen jaren was er een regering van CDA en VVD. ENQ: Kaart 9 Hoe goed of hoe slecht vindt u dat de afgelopen periode de samenwerking tussen CDA en VVD is geweest? De cijfers op de lijn geven aan hoe goed of hoe slecht. 1 staat voor zeer slecht, 7 voor zeer goed en de andere cijfers voor iets daartussen in. Kies het cijfer dat het meest met uw mening overeenkomt. (voer getal in tussen 1 en 8) 23b. Veronderstel dat er na de verkiezingen een regering komt van CDA en PvdA. Hoe goed of slecht denkt u dat zo'n samenwerking tussen CDA en PvdA zou verlopen? (voer getal in tussen 1 en 8) 23c. Veronderstel dat er na de verkiezingen een regering komt van PvdA en VVD. Hoe goed of slecht denkt u dat zo'n samenwerking tussen PvdA en VVD zou verlopen? (voer getal in tussen 1 en 8) 23d. Veronderstel dat er na de verkiezingen een regering komt van CDA en VVD. Hoe goed of slecht denkt u dat de zo'n samenwerking tussen CDA en VVD zou verlopen? (voer getal in tussen 1 en 8) 24a. En vervolgens de samenwerking BINNEN politieke partijen. ENQ: Kaart 9 De PvdA: hoe goed of slecht vindt u de samenwerking van PvdA-politici onderling? (voer getal in tussen 1 en 8) 24b. De VVD: hoe goed of slecht vindt u de samenwerking van VVD-politici onderling? (voer getal in tussen 1 en 8) 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 159 24c. Het CDA: hoe goed of slecht vindt u de samenwerking van CDA-politici onderling? (voer getal in tussen 1 en 8) 24d. En D66: hoe goed of slecht vindt u de samenwerking van D66-politici onderling? (voer getal in tussen 1 en 8) 25a. Dan nu enkele vragen over politici: Om te beginnen de fractieleiders van de grote partijen. Als u het niet weet, zegt u het dan gerust, dan gaan wij verder met de volgende vraag. ENQ: Kaart 9 Wim Kok: hoe goed of hoe slecht vindt u dat Wim Kok het doet voor de PvdA als fractieleider? (voer getal in tussen 1 en 7) 25b. Bert de Vries: hoe goed of hoe slecht vindt u dat Bert de Vries het doet voor het CDA als fractieleider? (voer getal in tussen 1 en 8) 25c. Joris Voorhoeve: hoe goed of hoe slecht vindt u dat Joris Voorhoeve het doet voor de VVD als fractieleider? (voer getal in tussen 1 en 8) 25d. Hans van Mierlo: hoe goed of hoe slecht vindt u dat Hans van Mierlo het doet voor D66 als fractieleider? (voer getal in tussen 1 en 8) 26a. Dan enkele ministers. Minister-president Lubbers: Hoe goed of slecht vindt u dat Lubbers het gedaan heeft als minister-president? (voer getal in tussen 1 en 8) 1 Page 160 ICPSR 9950 26b. Minister Korthals Altes: Hoe goed of hoe slecht vindt u dat Korthals Altes het gedaan heeft als minister van justitie? (voer getal in tussen 1 en 8) 26c. Minister Deetman: Hoe goed of slecht vindt u dat Deetman het gedaan heeft als minister van onderwijs? (voer getal in tussen 1 en 8) 26d. Minister Nijpels: Hoe goed of slecht vindt u dat Nijpels het gedaan heeft als minister van ruimtelijke ordening en milieuzaken? (voer getal in tussen 1 en 8) 26e. Minister Ruding: Hoe goed of slecht vindt u dat Ruding het gedaan heeft als minister van financien? (voer getal in tussen 1 en 8) 26f. Minister De Korte: Hoe goed of hoe slecht vindt u dat De Korte het gedaan heeft als minister van economische zaken? (voer getal in tussen 1 en 8) 26g. En minister Smit-Kroes: Hoe goed of hoe slecht vindt u dat Smit-Kroes het gedaan heeft als minister van verkeer en waterstaat? (voer getal in tussen 1 en 8) 27. ENQ: Kaart 10 Van politieke opvattingen wordt vaak gezegd dat zij LINKS OF RECHTS zijn. Wanneer u denkt aan uw eigen politieke opvattingen, waar zou u dan zichzelf op deze lijn plaatsen? Noemt u maar het cijfer dat op u van toepassing is. (voer getal in tussen 1 en 7) 28. Mag ik nog enkele vragen stellen over de periode waarin u 10 tot 16 jaar was? Werd er toen bij u thuis veel, tamelijk veel, weinig of niet over politieke onderwerpen gesproken? 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 161 1. veel 2. tamelijk veel 3. weinig 4. niet 29a. Weet u nog aan welke partij uw VADER TOEN de voorkeur gaf? 1. ja (Ga naar 29b) 2. nee (Ga naar 30a) (weet niet/weigert) (Ga naar 30a) 29b. En welke partij was dat? ENQ: Indien partijen genoemd worden die niet (meer) bestaan, dan code 16 intoetsen. 1. PvdA 2. CDA 3. VVD 4. D66 5. CPN 6. PPR 7. PSP 8. SGP 9. GPV 10. RPF 11. Centrumpartij 12. EVP 13. KVP 14. CHU 15. ARP 16. andere, nl. .... 30a. Weet u nog aan welke partij uw MOEDER TOEN de voorkeur gaf? 1. ja (Ga naar 30b) 2. nee (Ga naar 31a) (weet niet/weigert) (Ga naar 31a) 30b. En welke partij was dat? ENQ: Indien partijen genoemd worden die niet (meer) bestaan, het gegeven antwoord volledig opschrijv-en onder anders, nl. 1. PvdA 2. CDA 3. VVD 1 Page 162 ICPSR 9950 4. D66 5. CPN 6. PPR 7. PSP 8. SGP 9. GPV 10. RPF 11. CENTRUMPARTIJ 12. EVP 13. KVP 14. CHU 15. ARP 16. andere, nl. .... 31a. Heeft u na de lagere school nog een opleiding voltooid, dus met diploma of certificaat? 1. nog een opleiding voltooid (Ga naar 31b) 2. geen (Ga naar 32) (weet niet/weigert) (Ga naar 32) 31b. Wat is dan uw HOOGST voltooide opleiding? ENQ: Indien OP twijfelt over welke opleiding de hoogste is, kunt u meer dan 1 opleiding intoetsen, maximaal 3. 32. ENQ: Overhandig kaart 11 We willen nu met u spreken over uw bezigheden. Als u de mogelijkheden op de kaart bekijkt, waartoe rekent u zich dan? ENQ: Meer antwoorden mogelijk 1. betaald werk (Ga naar Box 3) 2. dienstplicht (Ga naar 34) 3. zoekt na verlies (Ga naar 34) 4. zoekt 1ste werk (Ga naar 34) 5. scholier, student (Ga naar 34) 6. huishouding (Ga naar 34) 7. gepensioneerd (Ga naar 34) 8. arbeidsongeschikt (Ga naar 34) 9. onbetaald werk (uitkering) (Ga naar 34) 10. vrijwilligerswerk (Ga naar 34) 11. iets anders (Ga naar 34) (weet niet/weigert) (Ga naar 33) (meer dan een keuze) (Ga naar 33) 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 163 33. Waartoe rekent u zich in de eerste plaats? ENQ: Het gaat om de bezigheid die de meeste tijd in beslag neemt 1. betaald werk (Ga naar Box 3) 2. dienstplicht (Ga naar 34) 3. zoekt na verlies (Ga naar 34) 4. zoekt 1ste werk (Ga naar 34) 5. scholier, student (Ga naar 34) 6. huishouding (Ga naar 34) 7. gepensioneerd (Ga naar 34) 8. arbeidsongeschikt (Ga naar 34) 9. onbetaald werk (uitkering) (Ga naar 34) 10. vrijwilligerswerk (Ga naar 34) 11. iets anders (Ga naar 34) Indien vraag 32 en vraag 34 = (Ga naar 40) weet/niet weigert Indien keuze bij vraag 32 is een combinatie waaronder "betaald werk" of vraag 33 = "betaald werk" (Ga naar Box 3) 34. Verricht u betaald werk, ook al is het maar voor 1 of enkele uren per week of voor een korte periode? ENQ: Dienstplicht niet meegerekend 1. Ja (Ga naar Box 3) 2. Nee 35. Heeft u ooit betaald werk verricht? 1. ja 2. nee (Ga naar 40) (weet niet/weigert) (Ga naar 40) 36. Sinds wanneer werkt u niet meer? 37. Wat deed u in aansluiting op uw laatste werkkring? 1. dienstplicht 2. zocht werk 3. scholier, student 4. werd omgeschoold 5. huishouding 6. gepensioneerd 7. arbeidsongeschikt 8. onbetaald werk (uitkering) 1 Page 164 ICPSR 9950 9. vrijwilligerswerk 10. iets anders (weet niet/weigert) (Ga naar 40) 38. Hoe groot is ogeveer de afstand tussen uw werk, kunt U dat in kilometers anawgeven? ENQ: minder dan 1 kilometer is code 0. Niet van toepassing, werkt aan huis is code 997 (voer getal in tussen 0 en 997) 997. n.v.t. (werkt aan huis) (Ga naar 40) (weet niet/weigert) (Ga naar 40) 39. Hoe gaat u meestal naar uw werk? Is dat voornamelijk lopend, per fiets of bromfiets, met de auto, met het openbaar vervoer, of nog anders? ENQ: Kies bij meer dan 1 antwoord de manier van reizen waarmee de meeste kilometers worden afgelegd 1. lopend 2. fiets/bromfiets 3. auto 4. openbaar vervoer 5. anders 40. Beschouwt u zichzelf als gelovig? 1. ja 2. nee 41. Rekent u zichzelf tot een bepaalde kerkelijke gezindte of levensbeschouwelijke groepering en ZO JA: tot welke? 1. Rooms-Katholiek (Ga naar 44) 2. Nederlands Hervormd (Ga naar 42) 3. Gereformeerd (Ga naar 43) 4. anders (Ga naar 44) 5. geen (Ga naar 44) (weet niet/weigert) (Ga naar 45) 42. Rekent u uzelf tot een bepaalde richting in de Nederlands Hervormde kerk, en ZO JA: tot welke? 1. Vrijzinnige richting (Ga naar 44) 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 165 2. Midden orthodox (Ga naar 44) 3. Gereformeerde Bond (Ga naar 44) 4. Confessionele richting (Ga naar 44) 5. andere richting nl. .... (Ga naar 44) 6. geen richting (Ga naar 44) (weet niet/weigert) (Ga naar 44) 43. Tot welke Gereformeerde kerken, gemeenten of gezindten rekent u zichzelf? 1. Gereformeerde Kerken in Nederland (synodaal) 2. Gereformeerde Kerken, Vrijgemaakt (artikel 31) 3. Nederlands Gereformeerde Kerken (buiten verband) 4. Christelijk Gereformeerde kerk 5. Gereformeerde Gemeenten 6. Oud Gereformeerde Gemeenten 7. anders nl. .... 44. Hoe vaak gaat u naar godsdienstige bijeenkomsten of kerkdiensten? 1. elke week of vaker 2. 2 tot 3 keer per maand 3. 1 keer per maand 4. enkele keren per jaar 5. (praktisch) nooit 45. Bent u opgegroeid in een bepaalde kerkelijke gezindte of levensbeschouwelijke groepering en ZO JA: welke? 1. ja, Rooms-Katholiek 2. ja, Nederlands-Hervormd 3. ja, Gereformeerd 4. ja, andere, nl. .... 5. nee, geen Alleen te stellen indien respondent niet zelf hoofdkostwinner is; anders naar vraag 55 ENQ: De volgende vragen hebben betrekking op diegene die het meest bijdraagt aan het gezinsinkomen 46a. Heeft hij/zij na de lagere school nog een opleiding voltooid, dus met diploma of certificaat? 1. nog een opleiding voltooid (Ga naar 46b) 1 Page 166 ICPSR 9950 2. geen (Ga naar 47) (weet niet/weigert) (Ga naar 47) 46b. Wat is dan zijn/haar HOOGST voltooide opleiding? ENQ: Indien OP twijfelt over welke opleiding de hoogste is, kunt u meer dan 1 opleiding intoetsen, maximaal 3. 47. ENQ: Overhandig kaart 11 We willen nu met u spreken over zijn/haar bezigheden. Als u de mogelijkheden op de kaart bekijkt, waartoe rekent hij/zij zich dan? ENQ: Meer antwoorden mogelijk 1. betaald werk (Ga naar Box 5) 2. dienstplicht (Ga naar 48) 3. zoekt na verlies (Ga naar 48) 4. zoekt 1ste werk (Ga naar 48) 5. scholier, student (Ga naar 48) 6. huishouding (Ga naar 48) 7. gepensioneerd (Ga naar 48) 8. arbeidsongeschikt (Ga naar 48) 9. onbetaald werk (uitkering) (Ga naar 48) 10. vrijwilligerswerk (Ga naar 48) 11. iets anders (Ga naar 48) (weet niet/weigert) (Ga naar 48) (meer dan een keuze) (Ga naar 48) 48. Waartoe rekent hij/zij zich in de eerste plaats? ENQ: Het gaat om de bezigheid die de meeste tijd in beslag neemt 1. betaald werk (Ga naar Box 5) 2. dienstplicht (Ga naar 49) 3. zoekt na verlies (Ga naar 49) 4. zoekt 1ste werk (Ga naar 49) 5. scholier, student (Ga naar 49) 6. huishouding (Ga naar 49) 7. gepensioneerd (Ga naar 49) 8. arbeidsongeschikt (Ga naar 49) 9. onbetaald werk (uitkering) (Ga naar 49) 10. vrijwilligerswerk (Ga naar 49) 11. iets anders (Ga naar 49) Indien vraag 47 en vraag 48 = weet/niet weigert (Ga naar 55) Indien keuze bij vraag 47 is een combinatie 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 167 waaronder "betaald werk" of vraag 48 = "betaald werk" (Ga naar Box 5) 49. Verricht hij/zij betaald werk, ook al is het maar voor 1 of enkele uren per week of voor een korte periode? ENQ: Dienstplicht niet meegerekend 1. ja (Ga naar Box 5) 2. nee (Ga naar 50) (weet niet/weigert) (Ga naar 50) 50. Heeft hij/zij ooit betaald werk verricht? 1. ja 2. nee (Ga naar 55) (weet niet/weigert (Ga naar 55) 51. Sinds wanneer werkt hij/zij niet meer? 52. Wat deed hij/zij in aansluiting op zijn/haar laatste werkkring? 1. dienstplicht 2. zocht werk 3. scholier, student 4. werd omgeschoold 5. huishouding 6. gepensioneerd 7. arbeidsongeschikt 8. onbetaald werk (uitkering) 9. vrijwilligerswerk 10. iets anders Allen gestels als de onderzoekspersoon niet werkt en de hoofdkostwinner werkt. 53. Hoe groot is ongeveer de afstand tussen uw huis en zijn/haar werk, kunt u dat in kilometers aangeven? ENQ: Minder dan 1 kilometer is code 0. Niet van toepassing, werkt aan huis is code 997 (voer getal in tussen 0 en 997) 997. n.v.t. (werkt aan huis) (Ga naar 55) 1 Page 168 ICPSR 9950 (weet niet/weigert) (Ga naar 55) 54. Hoe gaat hij/zij meestal naar zijn/haar werk? Is dat voornamelijk lopend, per fiets of bromfiets, met de auto, met het openbaar vervoer, of nog anders? ENQ: Kies bij meer dan 1 antwoord de manier van reizen waarmee de meeste kilometers worden afgelegd. 1. lopend 2. fiets/bromfiets 3. auto 4. openbaar vervoer 5. anders Alleen te stellen indien respondent een partner heeft; anders naar vraag 60 ENQ: De volgende vragen hebben betrekking op de partner van de respondent 55. Behoort uw partner tot een bepaalde kerkelijke gezindte of levensbeschouwelijke groepering en ZO JA: Tot welke? 1. Rooms-Katholiek (Ga naar 58) 2. Nederlands Hervormd (Ga naar 56) 3. Gereformeerd (Ga naar 57) 4. andere (Ga naar 58) 5. geen (Ga naar 58) (weet niet/weigert) (Ga naar 59) 56. Behoort uw partner tot een bepaalde richting in de Nederlands Hervormde kerk en ZO JA: Tot welke? 1. Vrijzinnige richting (Ga naar 58) 2. Midden orthodox (Ga naar 58) 3. Gereformeerde Bond (Ga naar 58) 4. Confessionele richting (Ga naar 58) 5. andere richting nl. .... (Ga naar 58) 6. geen richting (Ga naar 58) (weet niet/weigert) (Ga naar 58) 57. Tot welke Gereformeerde kerken, gemeenten of gezindten behoort uw partner? 1. Gereformeerde Kerken in Nederland (synodaal) 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 169 2. Gereformeerde Kerken, Vrijgemaakt (art. 31) 3. Nederlands Gereformeerde Kerken (buiten verband) 4. Christelijk Gereformeerde Kerk 5. Gereformeerde Gemeenten 6. Oud Gereformeerde Gemeenten 7. anders, nl. .... 58. Hoe vaak gaat uw partner naar godsdienstige bijeenkomsten of kerkdiensten? 1. elke week of vaker 2. 2 tot 3 keer per maand 3. 1 keer per maand 4. enkele keren per jaar 5. (praktisch) nooit 59. Is uw partner opgegroeid in een bepaalde kerkelijke gezindte of levensbeschouwelijke groepering en ZO JA: welke? 1. ja, Rooms-Katholiek 2. ja, Nederlands Hervormd 3. ja, Gereformeerd 4. ja, anders, nl. .... 5. nee, geen 60. ENQ: Overhandig kaart 12 Er wordt wel eens gesproken over het bestaan van verschillende sociale klassen en groepen. Als u zichzelf tot een bepaalde sociale klasse zou moeten rekenen, welke zou dat dan zijn? 1. hogere klasse 2. hogere middenklasse 3. gewone middenklasse 4. hogere arbeidersklasse 5. gewone arbeidersklasse 61. ENQ: Overhandig kaart 13 Op deze kaart staan enige inkomensgroepen. Het gaat hier om het totale netto inkomen van alle gezinsleden bij elkaar, na aftrek van belastingen en dergelijke. Eventuele bijverdiensten en de inkomsten van meeverdienende kinderen moet u dus meetellen: kinderbij- slag, sociale uitkeringen, AOW en pensioen gelden ook als inkomen. Kunt u aangeven in welke categorie het netto inkomen van uw 1 Page 170 ICPSR 9950 huishouden valt? ENQ: Indien op bezwaar maakt of aarzelt: Deze vraag is voor het onderzoek erg belangrijk. Ik kan U verzekeren dat dit natuurlijk STRIKT GEHEIM blijft. Maar voor wetenschappelijke verwerking van de gegevens van alle ondervraagden bij elkaar, is het voor dit onderzoek een uitermate belangrijk gegeven. 1. A 2. B 3. C 4. D 5. E 6. F 7. G 62. Alleen te stellen indien respondent een partner heeft; anders (Ga naar 63) ENQ: Overhandig kaart 14 Kunt u mij zeggen welke van de situaties die op deze kaart staan van toepassing zijn op u en uw partner? Geeft u maar de bijbehorende letter aan. 1. A 2. B 3. C 4. D 5. E 6. F 7. G 8. H 63. Bent u verzekerd in het ziekenfonds? (Indien OP=hoofdkostwinner; anders: Is de hoofdkostwinner ....) 1. ja 2. nee 64. Bent u eigenaar van het huis waarin u woont? (Indien OP=hoofdkostwinner; anders: Is de hoofdkostwinner ....) 1. ja 2. nee 65. Welke krant of welke kranten leest u dagelijks of vrijwel 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 171 dagelijks ? ENQ: Meer antwoorden mogelijk 1. De Telegraaf 2. Het Nieuws van de Dag 3. De Volkskrant 4. Trouw 5. NRC Handelsblad 6. Het Parool 7. Algemeen Dagblad 8. Het Vrije Volk 9. andere krant, nl. ... 10. niet van toepassing (leest geen krant) 66. Heeft u (als OP een partner heeft ook: of heeft uw partner) een auto? 1. ja 2. nee Hartelijk dank voor uw medewerking. ENQ: Deze vragen invullen zonder ze te stellen. Wilt u aangeven wie er naast de ondervraagde bij het gesprek aanwezig was/waren? Wilt u van deze persoon/personen tevens aangeven: of zij het gesprek geheel of gedeeltelijk volgden, d.w.z actief meeluisterden, danwel zich in het gesprek mengden, d.w.z. een eigen mening gaven, de ondervraagde persoon corrigeerden, antwoorden suggereerden, etcetera? 67. Kinderen jonger dan 6 jaar 1. niet aanwezig 2. volgden gesprek niet 3. volgden gesprek wel 4. mengden zich in gesprek 68. Oudere kinderen 1. niet aanwezig 2. volgden gesprek niet 3. volgden gesprek wel 4. mengden zich in gesprek 69. Man/vrouw/partner 1 Page 172 ICPSR 9950 1. niet aanwezig 2. volgden gesprek niet 3. volgden gesprek wel 4. mengden zich in gesprek 70. Overige familieleden 1. niet aanwezig 2. volgden gesprek niet 3. volgden gesprek wel 4. mengden zich in gesprek 71. Overige volwassenen 1. niet aanwezig 2. volgden gesprek niet 3. volgden gesprek wel 4. mengden zich in gesprek 72a. Waren er storende invloeden bij het gesprek, zoals bijvoorbeeld TV of radio stond aan, mensen kwamen op bezoek etcetera? 1. Wel storende invloeden (Ga naar 72b) 2. Geen storende invloeden EINDE 72b. De storende invloeden waren nl. .... STEL VAST: Dit is het einde van het interview. 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 173 3.3 Showcards wave 1 Kaart 1 (bijna) altijd vaak zo nu en dan zelden of nooit leest geen krant Kaart 2 (vrijwel) dagelijks 3 a 4 keer per week 1 a 2 keer per week minder dan 1 keer per week heeft geen televisie Kaart 3 zeer tevreden tevreden niet tevreden, maar ook niet ontevreden ontevreden zeer ontevreden Kaart 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 de overheid moet iedere vrouw onder alle heeft het recht omstandigheden zelf te beslissen abortus verbieden of zij een abortus wil of niet 1 Page 174 ICPSR 9950 Kaart 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 in Nederland moet in Nederland moeten snel worden gewerkt in het geheel aan de uitbreiding geen kerncentrales van het aantal worden gebouwd kerncentrales Kaart 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 de verschillen in de verschillen in inkomens in ons inkomens in ons land moeten land moeten groter worden kleiner worden Kaart 7 VVD CDA D66 PvdA Kaart 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 de vervuiler de gemeenschap moet alles moet alles betalen betalen Kaart 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 zeer slecht zeer goed weet niet Kaart 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 175 links rechts Kaart 11 Als U de mogelijkheden op de kaart bekijkt, waartoe rekent U zich dan? a) heeft werkkring, bedrijf of praktijk - werkt voor eigen rekening of risico - werkt als gezinslid mee in het bedrijf van echtgenoot of ouders - werkt in loondienst (werkkring houdt ook in: - werkt op een sociale werkplaats - werkt op aanvullende werken - in opleiding bij een bedrijf of instelling - stagiair met loon of salaris) b) is dienstplichtig militair eerste oefening of vervult vervangende dienstplicht c) zoekt werk na verlies werkkring d) zoekt voor het eerst werk of zoekt na langdurige onderbreking werk e) scholier, student, stagiair met alleen onkostenvergoeding f) werkt in eigen huishouding of in die van ouders, huisvrouw/huisman g) is gepensioneerd, renteniert, is met vervroegd pensioen h) is geheel of gedeeltelijk arbeidsongeschikt i) doet onbetaald werk met behoud van uitkering j) doet vrijwilligerswerk k) doet iets anders Kaart 12 hogere klasse hogere middenklasse gewone middenklasse hogere arbeidersklasse gewone arbeidersklasse 1 Page 176 ICPSR 9950 Kaart 13 A = minder dan f 21.000,- B = tussen f 21.000,- en f 24.000,- C = tussen f 24.000,- en f 30.000,- D = tussen f 30.000,- en f 36.000,- E = tussen f 36.000,- en f 44.000,- F = tussen f 44.000,- en f 54.000,- G = meer dan f 54.000,- Kaart 14 A = U heeft geen van beiden een eigen inkomen B = Alleen Uzelf heeft een inkomen C = Alleen Uw partner heeft een inkomen D = U heeft beiden een inkomen, maar Uw partner verdient veel meer E = U heeft beiden een inkomen, maar Uw partner verdient iets meer F = U heeft beiden een inkomen en U verdient beiden ongeveer evenveel G = U heeft beiden een inkomen, maar Uzelf verdient veel meer H = U heeft beiden een inkomen, maar Uzelf verdient iets meer 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 177 3.4 Questionnaire wave 2 1. Ik wil beginnen met een vraag over de campagne die aan de Kamerverkiezingen van 6 september is voorafgegaan. Als er in de krant nieuws over de verkiezingscampagne stond, hoe vaak las U dat dan? ENQ: Kaart 1 1. (bijna) altijd 2. vaak 3. zo nu en dan 4. zelden of nooit 5. leest geen krant 2. Op de vooravond van de verkiezingen werd op de televisie een debat gehouden waaraan de lijsttrekkers van de grote politieke partijen meededen. Heeft U dit debat geheel of grotendeels gezien? 1. ja 2. nee 3. Heeft U gestemd bij de Kamerverkiezingen van 6 september of niet? 1. ja (Ga naar 4) 2. nee (Ga naar 14) (weet niet/weigert) (Ga naar 17a) 4. Op welke partij? 1. PvdA (Ga naar 5a) 2. CDA (Ga naar 5a) 3. VVD (Ga naar 5a) 4. D66 (Ga naar 5a) 5. Groen Links (Ga naar 5a) 6. CPN (Ga naar 5a) 7. PPR (Ga naar 5a) 8. PSP (Ga naar 5a) 9. SGP (Ga naar 5a) 10. GPV (Ga naar 5a) 11. RPF (Ga naar 5a) 12. Centrumpartij (Ga naar 5a) 13. EVP (Ga naar 5a) 14. andere, nl. .... (Ga naar 5a) 15. ongeldig (Ga naar 5a) 1 Page 178 ICPSR 9950 16. blanco (Ga naar 5a) (weet niet/weigert) (Ga naar 12a) 5a. Waarom heeft U (antwoord vraag 4) gestemd? ENQ: Toets het letterlijke antwoord in. 5b. Kunt u dit nader toelichten? ENQ: Toets het letterlijke antwoord in. 6. Bij het stemmen op een partij kan gekozen worden uit een lijst van kandidaten. Heeft U gestemd op de eerstvermelde kandidaat of op een andere kandidaat? 1. eerstvermelde kandidaat (Ga naar 8) 2. andere kandidaat (Ga naar 7a) (weet niet/weigert) (Ga naar 8a) 7a. Wat was voor U de reden om op een andere dan de eerstvermelde kandidaat te stemmen? ENQ: Meer antwoorden mogelijk 1. het is een vrouw (Ga naar 8) 2. het is een man (Ga naar 8) 3. het is iemand die ik persoonlijk ken (Ga naar 8) 4. het is iemand die bepaalde belangen vertegenwoordigt, nl. ....(Ga naar 7b) 5. het is iemand hier uit de buurt/uit deze plaats/provincie (Ga naar 8) 6. het is zo'n goede kandidaat (Ga naar 8) 7. overig, nl. .... (Ga naar 7b) (weet niet/weigert) (Ga naar 8) 7b. Kunt U dit misschien nog nader toelichten? ENQ: Toets het letterlijke antwoord in 8. Hoe heet de kandidaat waarop U gestemd heeft? 9. Wanneer heeft U besloten om (antwoord vraag 4) te stemmen? Was dat de laatste DAGEN voor de verkiezingen, de laatste WEKEN voor 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 179 de verkiezingen, een paar MAANDEN tevoren of wist U al LANGER van tevoren hoe U zou gaan stemmen? 1. laatste dagen 2. laatste weken 3. een paar maanden tevoren 4. langer van tevoren 10. Heeft U altijd (antwoord vraag 4) gestemd of heeft U weleens op (een andere partij /een partij) gestemd? 1. altijd (antwoord vraag 4) (Ga naar 12a) 2. weleens (andere/op een) partij (Ga naar 11) 3. niet kiesgerechtigd (Ga naar 12a) 4. was kiesgerechtigd, maar heeft nooit gestemd (Ga naar 12a) (weet niet/weigert) (Ga naar 12a) 11. Welke partij was dat of welke partijen waren dat? ENQ: Meer antwoorden mogelijk (voer maximaal 16 codes in) 1. PvdA 2. CDA 3. VVD 4. D66 5. CPN 6. PPR 7. PSP 8. SGP 9. GPV 10. RPF 11. Centrumpartij 12. EVP 13. KVP 14. CHU 15. ARP 16. andere nl. .... 12a. Heeft U bij de Kamerverkiezingen van 6 september serieus overwogen om niet te gaan stemmen? 1. ja 2. nee 1 Page 180 ICPSR 9950 12b. En heeft U bij de Kamerverkiezingen van 6 september serieus overwogen om op (een andere partij dan (antwoord vraag 4/een partij) te gaan stemmen? 1. ja (Ga naar 13) 2. nee (Ga naar 17a) (weet niet/weigert) (Ga naar 17a) 13. Op welke? ENQ: Slechts 1 antwoord mogelijk 1. PvdA (Ga naar 17a) 2. CDA (Ga naar 17a) 3. VVD (Ga naar 17a) 4. D66 (Ga naar 17a) 5. Groen Links (Ga naar 17a) 6. CPN (Ga naar 17a) 7. PPR (Ga naar 17a) 8. PSP (Ga naar 17a) 9. SGP (Ga naar 17a) 10. GPV (Ga naar 17a) 11. RPF (Ga naar 17a) 12. Centrumpartij (Ga naar 17a) 13. EVP (Ga naar 17a) 14. andere, nl. .... (Ga naar 17a) (weet niet/weigert) (Ga naar 17a) 14. Waarom heeft U niet gestemd? ENQ: Toets het letterlijke antwoord van op in. 15. Wanneer werd duidelijk dat U niet zou gaan stemmen? Was dat de laatste DAGEN voor de verkiezingen, de laatste WEKEN voor de verkiezingen, een paar MAANDEN van tevoren of wist U al LANGER dat U niet zou gaan stemmen? 1. laatste dagen 2. laatste weken 3. een paar maanden tevoren 4. langer van tevoren 16. Stel dat U toch had gestemd, op welke partij had U dan gestemd? 1. PvdA 2. CDA 3. VVD 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 181 4. D66 5. Groen Links 6. CPN 7. PPR 8. PSP 9. SGP 10. GPV 11. RPF 12. Centrumpartij 13. EVP 14. andere, nl. .... 17a. Nu een paar vragen over politieke zaken die regelmatig in het nieuws zijn. Als een arts het leven van een patient op diens verzoek beeindigt noemen we dat EUTHANASIE. Euthanasie is op dit moment verboden en sommigen vinden dat het zo moet blijven. Anderen vinden dat een arts altijd euthanasie mag toepassen als de patient de wens daartoe te kennen geeft. Natuurlijk zijn er ook mensen met een mening die daar tussenin ligt. ENQ: Kaart 2 Stel: de mensen die vinden dat euthanasie verboden moet blijven staan aan het BEGIN van de lijn (bij cijfer 1) en de mensen die vinden dat de arts altijd euthanasie mag toepassen als de patient daarom vraagt staan aan het EINDE van de lijn (bij cijfer 7). Dus: begin van de lijn: euthanasie is altijd verboden; eind van de lijn: euthanasie mag. Ik ga U nu eerst vragen om politieke partijen te plaatsen op deze lijn. Als U helemaal niet weet welk standpunt een partij heeft, zegt U het dan gerust] Waar zou U het CDA op de lijn plaatsen? (voer getal in tussen 1 en 7) 17b. En waar de PvdA? (voer getal in tussen 1 en 7) 17c. En waar de VVD? (voer getal in tussen 1 en 7) 1 Page 182 ICPSR 9950 17d. En waar D66? (voer getal in tussen 1 en 7) 17e. En waar zou U zichzelf op de lijn plaatsen? (voer getal in tussen 1 en 7) 18a. Zoals U misschien weet is Nederland lid van de NAVO en liggen op een aantal plaatsen in Nederland kernwapens opgeslagen. Nu wordt over deze kernbewapening verschillend gedacht. Sommigen vinden dat Nederland hieraan helemaal niet meer moet meewerken, anderen vinden dat Nederland binnen de navo haar bestaande taken gewoon moet uitvoeren, en weer anderen vinden dat de kernbewapening moet worden versterkt. ENQ: Kaart 3 Ik lees nu een aantal uitspraken voor en wilt U mij dan zeggen met behulp van deze kaart in hoeverre U het met deze uitspraak eens of oneens bent? Nederland moet, ongeacht wat andere landen doen, alle kernwapens van z'n grondgebied verwijderen. 1. helemaal mee eens 2. eens 3. niet mee eens, maar ook niet mee oneens 4. oneens 5. helemaal oneens 18b. Nederland moet, desnoods onafhankelijk van de andere NAVO-landen, het goede voorbeeld geven en het aantal kernwapens op zijn grondgebied verminderen. 1. helemaal mee eens 2. eens 3. niet mee eens, maar ook niet mee oneens 4. oneens 5. helemaal oneens 18c. Nederland moet er naar streven dat de NAVO haar kernbewapening vermindert, ongeacht of de Sovjet-Unie dat ook doet. 1. helemaal mee eens 2. eens 3. niet mee eens, maar ook niet mee oneens 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 183 4. oneens 5. helemaal oneens 18d. Nederland moet er naar streven dat de NAVO pas haar kernbewapening vermindert als de Sovjet-Unie dat ook doet. 1. helemaal mee eens 2. eens 3. niet mee eens, maar ook niet mee oneens 4. oneens 5. helemaal oneens 18e. Nederland moet er naar streven dat de NAVO haar kernbewapening versterkt om vanuit een gunstige positie met de Sovjet-Unie te kunnen onderhandelen. 1. helemaal mee eens 2. eens 3. niet mee eens, maar ook niet mee oneens 4. oneens 5. helemaal oneens 19a. ENQ: Kaart 4 De uitspraken die ik U zojuist heb voorgelezen staan op deze kaart. Welk van de uitspraken geeft het best de opvatting van het CDA weer? ENQ: Per partij is slechts 1 antwoord mogelijk (voer getal in tussen 1 en 5) 19b. En van de PvdA? (voer getal in tussen 1 en 5) 19c. En van de VVD? (voer getal in tussen 1 en 5) 19d. En van D66? (voer getal in tussen 1 en 5) 1 Page 184 ICPSR 9950 20. Twee grote problemen van de Nederlandse economie zijn de WERKLOOSHEID en het feit dat de overheid meer geld uitgeeft dan ze ontvangt: het zogenaamde FINANCIERINGSTEKORT. Veel mensen zijn van mening dat het niet mogelijk is deze twee problemen tegelijkertijd op te lossen. Wat moet naar Uw mening de komende 4 jaar voorrang krijgen: het verminderen van de werkloosheid of het verminderen van het financieringstekort? 1. verminderen werkloosheid 2. verminderen financieringstekort 21a. NU EEN PAAR VRAGEN MET BETREKKING TOT ECONOMISCHE VRAAGSTUKKEN. Als U naar de komende 4 jaar kijkt en denkt aan UW EIGEN FINANCIELE SITUATIE: verwacht U dan dat een kabinet van CDA en VVD op Uw eigen financiele situatie een gunstige invloed, een ongunstige invloed of geen gunstige maar ook geen ongunstige invloed zal hebben? 1. gunstig 2. ongunstig 3. niet gunstig/niet ongunstig 21b. En denkt U dat een kabinet van PvdA en CDA in de komende 4 jaar op UW EIGEN FINANCIELE SITUATIE een gunstige invloed, een ongunstige invloed of geen gunstige maar ook geen ongunstige invloed zal hebben? 1. gunstig 2. ongunstig 3. niet gunstig/niet ongunstig 22a. Denkt U dat de ALGEMENE WELVAART IN NEDERLAND over 4 jaar groter zal zijn dan nu, kleiner, of ongeveer hetzelfde? 1. groter 2. kleiner 3. ongeveer hetzelfde 22b. Denkt U dat een kabinet van CDA en VVD op de ontwikkeling van de ALGEMENE WELVAART in Nederland een gunstige invloed, een ongunstige invloed of geen gunstige maar ook geen ongunstige invloed zal hebben? 1. gunstig 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 185 2. ongunstig 3. niet gunstig/niet ongunstig 22c. En denkt U dat een kabinet van CDA en PvdA een gunstige invloed, een ongunstige invloed of geen gunstige maar ook geen ongunstige invloed zal hebben op de ontwikkeling van de ALGEMENE WELVAART in Nederland? 1. gunstig 2. ongunstig 3. niet gunstig/niet ongunstig 23. Hier zijn foto's van een aantal politici. ENQ: Kaart 5a Wilt U van iedereen zeggen: de naam, de partij en de functie binnen die partij? ENQ: Als OP de naam niet weet vertel OP dan wie het is en voer bij naam 'weet niet' in. Vraag vervolgens naar partij en functie. Foto A: naam? Foto A: partij? Foto A: functie? ENQ: Kaart 5b Foto B: naam? Foto B: partij? Foto B: functie? ENQ: Kaart 5c Foto C: naam? Foto C: partij? Foto C: functie? ENQ: Kaart 5d Foto D: naam? Foto D: partij? Foto D: functie? 24a. ENQ: Kaart 6 Ik noem nu telkens de naam van een mogelijke kandidaat voor de 1 Page 186 ICPSR 9950 post van ministerpresident. Wilt U aangeven hoeveel vertrouwen U in deze persoon zou hebben als ministerpresident? Noemt U maar het cijfer dat van toepassing is. Lubbers? (voer getal in tussen 1 en 7) 24b. Kok? (voer getal in tussen 1 en 7) 24c. Voorhoeve? (voer getal in tussen 1 en 7) 25. ENQ: Kaart 7 Van politieke opvattingen wordt vaak gezegd dat zij LINKS OF RECHTS zijn. Wanneer U denkt aan Uw eigen politieke opvattingen, waar zou U dan zichzelf op deze lijn plaatsen? Noemt U maar het cijfer dat op U van toepassing is. (voer getal in tussen 1 en 10) 26a. Ook van politieke PARTIJEN wordt gezegd dat zij LINKS of RECHTS zijn. ENQ: Kaart 8 Wilt U aangeven in welke mate U vindt dat een partij links of rechts is? De PvdA? (voer getal in tussen 1 en 10) 26b. En de VVD? (voer getal in tussen 1 en 10) 26c. En D66? (voer getal in tussen 1 en 10) 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 187 26d. En de PPR? (voer getal in tussen 1 en 10) 26e. En de CPN? (voer getal in tussen 1 en 10) 26f. En het CDA? (voer getal in tussen 1 en 10) 26g. En Groen Links? (voer getal in tussen 1 en 10) 26h. En de SGP? (voer getal in tussen 1 en 10) 26i. En de PSP? (voer getal in tussen 1 en 10) 26j. En het GPV? (voer getal in tussen 1 en 10) 26k. En de RPF? (voer getal in tussen 1 en 10) 26l. En de Centrumpartij? (voer getal in tussen 1 en 10) 27a. Ik lees U nu enkele uitspraken voor. Wilt U voor elke uitspraak zeggen of dit volgens U zo is of niet zo is? ENQ: Kaart 9 Kamerleden bekommeren zich niet om de mening van mensen zoals 1 Page 188 ICPSR 9950 ik. 1. dat is zo 2. dat is niet zo 27b. De politieke partijen zijn alleen maar geinteresseerd in mijn stem en niet in mijn mening. 1. dat is zo 2. dat is niet zo 27c. Mensen zoals ik hebben geen enkele invloed op de regeringspolitiek. 1. dat is zo 2. dat is niet zo 27d. Er stemmen zoveel mensen bij de verkiezingen dat mijn stem er niet toe doet. 1. dat is zo 2. dat is niet zo 28a. Sommigen zeggen dat er veel is aan te merken op de politiek, anderen zeggen dat het wel meevalt. Kunt U zeggen in hoeverre u het met de volgende uitspraken eens of oneens bent? ENQ: Kaart 10 Tegen beter weten in beloven politici meer dan ze kunnen waarmaken. 1. helemaal mee eens 2. mee eens 3. mee oneens 4. helemaal mee oneens 28b. Ministers en staatssecretarissen zijn vooral op hun eigenbelang uit. 1. helemaal mee eens 2. mee eens 3. mee oneens 4. helemaal mee oneens 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 189 28c. Kamerlid word je eerder door je politieke vrienden dan door je bekwaamheden. 1. helemaal mee eens 2. mee eens 3. mee oneens 4. helemaal mee oneens 29. Stel: de Tweede Kamer behandelt een wetsvoorstel dat U zeer onrechtvaardig of verkeerd vindt. Hoe groot is de kans dat U zou proberen er iets tegen te doen? Is die kans zeer groot, groot, klein of zeer klein? 1. zeer groot 2. groot 3. klein 4. zeer klein 30a. ENQ: Kaart 11 Op deze kaart staat wat U zou kunnen doen als de Tweede Kamer een wetsvoorstel behandelt dat volgens U onrechtvaardig of verkeerd is. Kunt U mij van elke mogelijkheid zeggen of U er wel eens gebruik van gemaakt hebt? U kunt daarvoor een van de cijfers noemen die onder aan de kaart staan. Contact opgenomen met ministers. 1. wel eens gebruikt 2. nooit gebruikt 30b. Contact opgenomen met lid van Tweede Kamer. 1. wel eens gebruikt 2. nooit gebruikt 30c. Meegedaan aan handtekeningenactie. 1. wel eens gebruikt 2. nooit gebruikt 1 Page 190 ICPSR 9950 30d. Organisatie ingeschakeld. 1. wel eens gebruikt 2. nooit gebruikt 30e. Radio/televisie ingeschakeld. 1. wel eens gebruikt 2. nooit gebruikt 30f. Geprobeerd politieke partij in te schakelen. 1. wel eens gebruikt 2. nooit gebruikt 30g. Contact opgenomen met burgemeester of wethouder. 1. wel eens gebruikt 2. nooit gebruikt 30h. Contact opgenomen met gemeenteraadslid. 1. wel eens gebruikt 2. nooit gebruikt 30i. Meegedaan aan actiegroep. 1. wel eens gebruikt 2. nooit gebruikt 30j. Meegedaan aan demonstratie. 1. wel eens gebruikt 2. nooit gebruikt 30k. De krant ingeschakeld. 1. wel eens gebruikt 2. nooit gebruikt 30l. Een bezwaarschrift ingediend. 1. wel eens gebruikt 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 191 2. nooit gebruikt 30m. Contact opgenomen met ambtenaar van ministerie. 1. wel eens gebruikt 2. nooit gebruikt 31. Tijdens de campagne die aan verkiezingen voorafgaat worden voor de partijen allerlei activiteiten ondernomen. Wij hebben hier een lijst van zulke activiteiten. ENQ: Kaart 12 Wilt U zeggen aan hoeveel verschillende soorten activiteiten U heeft deelgenomen bij de CAMPAGNE VOOR DE KAMERVERKIEZINGEN VAN 6 SEPTEMBER? ENQ: het gaat om de LAATST gehouden verkiezingen 1. een activiteit 2. twee activiteiten 3. drie activiteiten 4. vier activiteiten 5. vijf activiteiten 6. zes activiteiten 7. geen enkele 32a. Bent U lid van een vakbond? 1. ja (Ga naar 32b) 2. nee (Ga naar 33) (weet niet/weigert) (Ga naar 33) 32b. Van welke? 32c. Is deze vakbond aangesloten bij het FNV, het CNV of geen van beide? 1. FNV 2. CNV 3. geen van beide 33. Zijn andere leden van Uw huishouden lid van een vakbond? 1. ja 2. nee 1 Page 192 ICPSR 9950 34. Bent U lid van een beroeps- of standsorganisatie? 1. ja 2. nee 35a. Voor sommigen is het heel zeker dat zij altijd op dezelfde partij zullen stemmen. Anderen bekijken elke keer opnieuw aan welke partij zij hun stem geven. Ik noem U een aantal partijen. Wilt U voor elke partij aangeven hoe waarschijnlijk het is dat U er ooit op zult stemmen? Noemt U maar het cijfer dat van toepassing is. ENQ: Kaart 13 Als U een partij niet kent of het niet weet, zeg het gerust, we gaan dan verder met de volgende partij. De PvdA? (voer getal in tussen 1 en 10) 35b. En de VVD? (voer getal in tussen 1 en 10) 35c. En D66? (voer getal in tussen 1 en 10) 35d. En de PPR? (voer getal in tussen 1 en 10) 35e. En de CPN? (voer getal in tussen 1 en 10) 35f. En het CDA? (voer getal in tussen 1 en 10) 35g. En Groen Links? (voer getal in tussen 1 en 10) 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 193 35h. En de SGP? (voer getal in tussen 1 en 10) 35i. En de PSP? (voer getal in tussen 1 en 10) 35j. En het GPV? (voer getal in tussen 1 en 10) 35k. En de RPF? (voer getal in tussen 1 en 10) 35l. En de Centrumpartij? (voer getal in tussen 1 en 10) 36a. Sommigen vinden dat politieke partijen geheel los moeten staan van godsdienst. Anderen vinden dat politieke partijen juist op godsdienst gebaseerd moeten zijn. Daarbij denkt men aan ALGEMEEN CHRISTELIJKE partijen of aan afzonderlijke ROOMS-KATHOLIEKE en PROTESTANTS-CHRISTELIJKE partijen. Dezelfde opvattingen zijn ook mogelijk voor de vakbonden, scholen en omroepen. Wat is Uw opvatting voor wat betreft de politieke partijen? Geeft U Uw antwoord maar aan de hand van deze kaart. ENQ: Kaart 14 1. geheel los van godsdienst 2. algemeen christelijk 3. afzonderlijk rooms-katholiek en protestants-christelijk 4. niet van toepassing (andere godsdienst) 36b. En voor de vakbond? 1. geheel los van godsdienst 2. algemeen christelijk 3. afzonderlijk rooms-katholiek en protestants-christelijk 4. niet van toepassing (andere godsdienst) 1 Page 194 ICPSR 9950 36c. En voor de school? 1. geheel los van godsdienst 2. algemeen christelijk 3. afzonderlijk rooms-katholiek en protestants-christelijk 4. niet van toepassing (andere godsdienst) 36d. En voor de omroep? 1. geheel los van godsdienst 2. algemeen christelijk 3. afzonderlijk rooms-katholiek en protestants-christelijk 4. niet van toepassing (andere godsdienst) 37. Bent U het met de volgende uitspraak helemaal eens, eens, oneens of helemaal oneens? ...HET GELOOF IS VOOR DE POLITIEK EEN GOEDE WEGWIJZER... 1. helemaal mee eens 2. mee eens 3. mee oneens 4. helemaal mee oneens 38a. In de politiek is het niet altijd mogelijk alles wat men zich voorgenomen heeft in een keer te bereiken. Er zal vaak een keuze gemaakt moeten worden. Op deze kaart staan enkele doelstellingen die men in de politiek kan nastreven. ENQ: Kaart 15 Stel dat U persoonlijk hieruit moet kiezen: wat is dan Uw EERSTE keuze? 1. de orde in dit land handhaven 2. de politieke inspraak van de burgers vergroten 3. prijsstijgingen tegengaan 4. de vrijheid van meningsuiting beschermen 38b. Wat zou Uw tweede keus zijn? 1. de orde in dit land handhaven 2. de politieke inspraak van de burgers vergroten 3. prijsstijgingen tegengaan 4. de vrijheid van meningsuiting beschermen 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 195 38c. En wat zou U op de derde plaats zetten? 1. de orde in dit land handhaven 2. de politieke inspraak van de burgers vergroten 3. prijsstijgingen tegengaan 4. de vrijheid van meningsuiting beschermen 39a. ENQ: Kaart 16a-h Op deze kaarten staan enkele doelen waarop ons land zich volgens sommige mensen moet richten. Op iedere kaart staat een letter. Wilt U de letters opnoemen van de DRIE doelstellingen die voor U persoonlijk het MEEST belangrijk zijn? (voer maximaal 3 codes in) 1. A 2. B 3. C 4. D 5. E 6. F 7. G 8. H 39b. En welke drie vindt U persoonlijk het MINST belangrijk? (voer maximaal 3 codes in) 1. A 2. B 3. C 4. D 5. E 6. F 7. G 8. H 40a. Ik zou graag van U weten hoe sympathiek U enkele van onze politici vindt. U kunt iedere politicus hiervoor punten geven tussen de 0 en de 100. Hoe sympathieker U een politicus vindt, hoe meer punten U hem of haar geeft. 50 Betekent dat U iemand niet sympathiek, maar ook niet onsympathiek vindt. ENQ: Kaart 17 Als eerste nemen we Ruud Lubbers. Hoeveel punten zou U hem geven? 1 Page 196 ICPSR 9950 (voer getal in tussen 0 en 100) 40b. En Wim Kok? (voer getal in tussen 0 en 100) 40c. En Joris Voorhoeve? (voer getal in tussen 0 en 100) 40d. En Hans van Mierlo? (voer getal in tussen 0 en 100) 40e. En Bert de Vries? (voer getal in tussen 0 en 100) 40f. En Frits Korthals Altes? (voer getal in tussen 0 en 100) 40g. En Wim Deetman? (voer getal in tussen 0 en 100) 40h. En Ed Nijpels? (voer getal in tussen 0 en 100) 40i. En Onno Ruding? (voer getal in tussen 0 en 100) 40j. En Rudolf de Korte? (voer getal in tussen 0 en 100) 40k. En Neelie Smit-Kroes? (voer getal in tussen 0 en 100) 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 197 41a. Sommige mensen denken bij wat ze doen in de eerste plaats aan zichzelf of hun eigen welzijn. Andere mensen houden in hun gedrag steeds rekening met het welzijn van anderen. ENQ: Kaart 18 Deze lijn loopt van 'gericht op het eigen welzijn' (bij cijfer 1) tot 'gericht op het welzijn van anderen' (bij cijfer 10). En er zijn natuurlijk ook mogelijkheden daar tussenin. Als U zou moeten aangeven hoe DE MEESTE MENSEN zich gedragen, waar zou U hen dan plaatsen op deze lijn? Noemt U maar het cijfer dat van toepassing is. (voer een getal intussen 1 en 10) 41b. En waar zou U zichzelf op de lijn plaatsen? (voer getal in tussen 1 en 10) ENQ: Dit is het einde van de vragenlijst Hartelijk dank voor Uw medewerking. ENQ: Deze vragen invullen zonder ze te stellen. Wilt u aangeven wie er naast de ondervraagde bij het gesprek aanwezig was/waren? Wilt u van deze persoon/personen tevens aangeven: of zij het gesprek geheel of gedeeltelijk volgden, d.w.z actief meeluisterden: danwel zich in het gesprek mengden, d.w.z. een eigen mening gaven, de ondervraagde persoon corrigeerden, antwoorden suggereerden etcetera? 42. Kinderen jonger dan 6 jaar 1. Niet aanwezig 2. Volgden gesprek niet 3. Volgden gesprek wel 4. Mengden zich in gesprek 43. Oudere kinderen 1. Niet aanwezig 2. Volgden gesprek niet 3. Volgden gesprek wel 4. Mengden zich in gesprek 44. Man/vrouw/partner 1 Page 198 ICPSR 9950 1. Niet aanwezig 2. Volgden gesprek niet 3. Volgden gesprek wel 4. Mengden zich in gesprek 45. Overige familieleden 1. Niet aanwezig 2. Volgden gesprek niet 3. Volgden gesprek wel 4. Mengden zich in gesprek 46. Overige volwassenen 1. Niet aanwezig 2. Volgden gesprek niet 3. Volgden gesprek wel 4. Mengden zich in gesprek 47a. Waren er storende invloeden bij het gesprek, zoals bijvoorbeeld: TV of radio stond aan, mensen kwamen op bezoek etcetera? 1. Wel storende invloeden (Ga naar 47b) 2. Geen storende invloeden EINDE (weet niet/weigert) EINDE 47b. De storende invloeden waren nl. .... STEL VAST: Dit is het einde van het interview. 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 199 3.5 Showcards wave 2 Kaart 1 (bijna) altijd vaak zo nu en dan zelden of nooit leest geen krant Kaart 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 het moet verboden een arts mag blijven dat een altijd als een arts het leven patient daartoe van een patient de wens te kennen op diens verzoek geeft diens kan beeindigen leven beeindigen Kaart 3 helemaal mee eens mee eens niet mee eens maar ook niet mee oneens mee oneens helemaal mee oneens Kaart 4 1. Nederland moet, ongeacht wat andere landen doen, alle kernwapens van z'n grondgebied verwijderen. 2. Nederland moet, desnoods onafhankelijk van de andere NAVO-landen, het goede voorbeeld geven en het aantal kernwapens op zijn grondgebied verminderen. 3. Nederland moet er naar streven dat de NAVO haar kernbewapening 1 Page 200 ICPSR 9950 vermindert, ongeacht of de Sovjet-Unie dat ook doet. 4. Nederland moet er naar streven dat de NAVO pas haar kernbewapening vermindert als de Sovjet-Unie dat ook doet. 5. Nederland moet er naar streven dat de NAVO haar kernbewapening versterkt om vanuit een gunstige positie met de Sovjet-Unie te kunnen onderhandelen. Kaart 5a-d 5a: Beckers 5b: Korthals Altes 5c: Kombrink 5d: de Vries Kaart 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 helemaal geen zeer veel vertrouwen vertrouwen Kaart 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 links rechts Kaart 8 PvdA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 links rechts VVD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 links rechts D66 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 201 links rechts PPR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 links rechts CPN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 links rechts CDA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 links rechts Groen Links 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 links rechts SGP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 links rechts PSP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 links rechts GPV 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 links rechts RPF 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 links rechts 1 Page 202 ICPSR 9950 Centrumpartij 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 links rechts Kaart 9 1 = dat is zo 2 = dat is niet zo Kaart 10 helemaal mee eens mee eens mee oneens helemaal mee oneens Kaart 11 - contact opgenomen met ministers 1 2 - contact opgenomen met lid van Tweede Kamer 1 2 - Meegedaan aan handtekeningenactie 1 2 - Organisatie ingeschakeld 1 2 - Radio/televisie ingeschakeld 1 2 - Geprobeerd politieke partij in te schakelen 1 2 - Contact opgenomen met burgemeester of wethouder 1 2 - Contact opgenomen met gemeenteraadslid 1 2 - Meegedaan aan actiegroep 1 2 - Meegedaan aan demonstratie 1 2 - De krant ingeschakeld 1 2 - Een bezwaarschrift ingediend 1 2 - Contact opgenomen met ambtenaar van ministerie 1 2 1 = wel eens gebruikt 2 = nooit gebruikt Kaart 12 Een raambiljet of een verkiezingsbord thuis opgehangen Raambiljetten of ander verkiezingsmateriaal verspreid 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 203 Gesprekken met anderen gevoerd om hen over te halen op een bepaalde partij te stemmen Actief meegeholpen aan de organisatie van een verkiezingsvergadering of een speciale bijeenkomst Aan een politieke partij geld gegeven speciaal voor haar verkiezingsactiviteiten Een verkiezingsvergadering, -bijeenkomst of -forum bezocht Kaart 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ik zal zeker ik zal zeker nooit op deze weleens op partij stemmen deze partij stemmen Kaart 14 geheel los van godsdienst algemeen christelijk afzonderlijk rooms-katholiek en protestants-christelijk Kaart 15 de orde in dit land handhaven de politieke inspraak van de burgers vergroten prijsstijgingen tegengaan de vrijheid van meningsuiting beschermen Kaart 16a-h (elke uitspraak op een apart kaartje) a. handhaven van een grote economische groei b. zorgen voor een sterk leger 1 Page 204 ICPSR 9950 c. geven van meer inspraak aan mensen bij beslissingen op hun werk en in hun woonplaats d. verfraaien van onze steden en het platteland e. handhaven van een stabiele economie f. optreden tegen de misdaad g. bouwen aan een vriendelijker en minder onpersoonlijke samenleving h. bouwen aan een samenleving waarin ideen belangrijker zijn dan geld Kaart 17 100 :zeer sympathiek 90 80 70 60 50 :niet sympathiek, maar ook niet onsympathiek 40 30 20 10 0 :zeer onsympathiek Kaart 18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 gericht op gericht op het eigen het welzijn welzijn van anderen 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 205 APPENDICES 1 Page 206 ICPSR 9950 APPENDIX 1: CONSTRUCTION OF SCALE SCORES This appendix is used in conjunction with VAR008, VAR035, VAR178, VAR201, VAR202, VAR223, VAR227, VAR242, and VAR266 The data file contains several series of variables which can be considered as indicators of a single latent construct. In many instances, the researcher will feel the need to assess the homogeneity (that is, unidimensionality) of these items, and, if possible, to combine them into a single score to be used in subsequent analyses. To facilitate the use of the data, such tests have already been performed. This appendix reports the construction of such scores of homogeneous sets of items on: -political interest; -policy satisfaction; -nuclear weapons opinion; -political knowledge; -political efficacy; -political cynicism; -civic participation; -confessional attitude. All these sets of variables were analyzed with a scaling model known as 'Mokken scaling' (Mokken 1971; Niemoller and Van Schuur 1983). Within the Mokken model, items and individuals are viewed as occupying positions on a single latent continuum, which, for example, can run from 'not at all interested in politics' to 'very much interested in politics'. To be analyzed by means of the Mokken model, items have to be dichotomized. The dichotomized items vary in terms of their 'difficulty'; that is, for some items it takes less of the latent attribute to give a 'positive' answer than for other items. The model assumes a cumulative relationship between the responses given to the items and the latent attribute. For these reasons, Mokken scaling can best be viewed as a stochastic variant of the well-known cumulative Guttman scale. The following three cautionary remarks apply to all reported analyses: ALL ITEMS WERE DICHOTOMIZED Until the late 1980s, items had to be dichotomized before they could be analyzed by means of the Mokken model. Thanks to recent advancements in the field of Mokken scaling (e.g., Sijtsma 1988; Sijtsma, Debets, and Molenaar 1990), this is no longer the case. It has now become possible to consider each category as a so-called 'item step', and to think of these item steps (rather than items) as being ordered with individuals on the same latent continuum. However, within the context of this codebook, no such polytomous (i.e., multicategory) analyses were performed, although it should be 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 207 realized that the dichotomous model is just a special case of the polytomous model. The main reason for not using the polytomous model was to maintain comparability with previous Dutch Parliamentary Election Studies, in which all items were dichotomized. DIFFERENT SCALE DEFINITIONS ARE POSSIBLE The definition of a scale, and hence of a scale score, hinges on the decision which of the manifest responses are considered as an expression of the latent construct to be measured (or in other words, which responses are defined as 'positive'). The dichotomization into 'positive' and 'negative' responses can usually be made in various ways, each of which will yield its own coefficient of scalability, and its own distribution of scores. The scale definitions used here are conventional ones; that is, definitions which have proven to be useful in previous research in the Netherlands, and which make sense a priori as definitions of the construct under consideration. This, of course, does not preclude the possibility that for specific purposes other dichotomizations than those reported here might be preferable. NOT ALL SETS OF ITEMS WERE SCALED The analyses performed and reported here were undertaken to facilitate the use of the data. However, no claim is made that all possible sets of items which might form a scale were tested in this respect. For a number of scales it is possible to include more items than reported here. The reason for not doing so is, again, to maintain comparability with similar scales in earlier Dutch Parliamentary Election Studies. Analysts are therefore encouraged to perform their own scale analyses for sets of items which are not included in this appendix. The following section describes the results of the scale analyses. The results were obtained by means of the computer program msp (Mokken Scale analysis for Polychotomous items, Debets and Brouwer 1989). The results are reported below in terms of the difficulties of the items (i.e., the proportion of the sample providing a 'positive' response) and the scalability coefficients H and H . The first of these coefficients (i.e., H) yields information about the (unidimensional) scalability of the entire set of items, whereas the second (H ) reports the (unidimensional) scalability of each item vis-a-vis the other items combined. In general, the following guidelines are used for the interpretation of the size of these coefficients: H < .30 - no scale 1 Page 208 ICPSR 9950 .40 > H >= .30 - weak scale .50 > H >= .40 - medium scale H >= .50 - strong scale H < .30 - nonscalable item .40 > H >= .30 - weak item .50 > H >= .40 - medium item H >= .50 - strong item Scale scores have only been constructed and included in the data file if the scale conforms to the requirement that H >= .40 and the H's >= .30. An explanation of how to read the results of the analyses is provided solely for the political interest scale. All other reported results can be interpreted in an analogous way. POLITICAL INTEREST The data file contains at least four items that can be viewed as indicators of respondents' level of political interest. These items are participation in political discussions, self-exposure to national and foreign news in newspapers, and subjective political interest (see the variable documentation part of the codebook for details, VAR004 to VAR007). Scale analysis yields the following results: Codes of 'positive' Item Label responses Difficulty Hi VAR004 Reads about national news? 1 .31 .64 VAR005 Talks about national problems? 1,2 .88 .68 VAR006 Reads about foreign news? 1,2 .45 .68 VAR007 Interested in politics? 1 .14 .61 Scale coefficient for entire set of four items: H = .65. Political interest score constructed, named VAR008, range 0-4. The information above refers to: -the variable names and labels used in the analysis (columns 'item' and 'label'). -the codes of the answers which were designated as indicative for the presence of a certain degree of political interest (column 'codes of 'positive' responses'). All other responses together constitute the 'negative' responses (reflecting the absence of the specified degree of political interest). The latter also include 'don't know' and 'not ascertained.' -the proportion of the sample which answered positively on the 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 209 respective items (column 'difficulty'). For example, 31% of the sample answered positively on VAR004 (that is, 31% of the sample answered by means of code 1, which stands for '(nearly) always'). -the scalability of the set, and of the separate items. As H is equal to .65, the items together constitute a strong scale; the Hi values indicate that all items fit very well in this scale. The results of the scale analysis allow the construction of a political interest score (VAR008) by counting the number of times a respondent gave a 'positive' response on the four items involved. As there are four items under consideration, no less than zero and no more than four 'positive' answers can be given. Hence the values of the sum score range from zero to four. The distribution of the respondents over these scores (VAR008) is given in the variable documentation part of this codebook. POLICY SATISFACTION The data file contains three variables in which respondents are asked to evaluate government policy (see the variable documentation part of the codebook, VAR032 to VAR034). The 'positive' answers are those which indicate satisfaction with government policy, or the evaluation that government policy has been beneficial to economic development, or to employment. Codes of 'positive' Item Label responses Difficulty Hi VAR032 Satisfaction with government 1,2 .35 .45 VAR033 Effect government policy on economic situation 1 .53 .54 VAR034 Effect government policy on employment 1 .33 .39 Scale coefficient for entire set of three items: H = .45. Policy satisfaction score constructed, named VAR035, range 0-3. Readers should be aware that the Dutch Parliamentary Election Study 1986 contains a policy satisfaction score that was constructed on the basis of four items, rather than three. In addition to the three variables described above, the 1986 policy scores were also based on an item in which respondents were asked to indicate what effect past government policies had had on their own personal finances. This item was also included in the questionnaire of the first wave of the 1989 study and has been included in the data file as VAR036. However, scale analysis for the four items (rather than the three items reported above) showed the H for this item to be equal to .29, indicating a nonscalable item, and the overall H coefficient to be equal to .39. As there are good theoretical reasons for not expecting 1 Page 210 ICPSR 9950 this item to scale in 1989 (and, indeed, to scale well in 1986), it has not been included as an item for the construction of the policy scale scores. The theoretical reasons involved have to do with idiosyncratic features of both elections and will not be described here. NUCLEAR WEAPONS OPINION The data file contains five items with information on how strongly respondents (dis)agreed with five statements concerning Dutch policy on nuclear armaments (see the variable documentation part of the codebook, VAR173 to VAR177). Mokken scale analysis yields the following results: Codes of 'positive' Item Label responses Difficulty Hi VAR173 Nuclear weapons - first item 1,2 .42 .47 VAR174 Nuclear weapons - second item 1,2 .63 .48 VAR175 Nuclear weapons - third item 1,2 .59 .51 VAR176 Nuclear weapons - fourth item 4,5 .41 .45 VAR177 Nuclear weapons - fifth item 5 .29 .41 Scale coefficient for entire set of five items: H = .47. Nuclear weapons opinion score constructed, named VAR178, range 0-5. POLITICAL KNOWLEDGE The data file contains twelve indicators for political knowledge. During the interviews, the respondents were presented a sheet with four photographs of politicians, and were asked to say who the person in question is, which party he or she belongs to, and what his or her political function is (see variable documentation part of the codebook, VAR189 to VAR200; refer to Appendix 5 for a description of the politicians). Following the 'standard' procedure in the Dutch Parliamentary Election Studies, the resulting twelve variables were recoded into four new variables. All of these new variables are dichotomous: code 1 was assigned if and only if the respondent gave the correct answer to all three questions pertaining to a single picture (i.e., name, party, and political function correct); code 0 was assigned in all other cases. These new variables, here referred to as A through D, were subsequently subjected to a Mokken scale analysis. The results of this analysis are as follows: Item Label Difficulty Hi A Beckers - name, party and political function correct .45 .38 B Korthals Altes - name, party and 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 211 political function correct .38 .42 C Kombrink - name, party and political function correct .14 .63 D De Vries - name, party and political function correct .45 .41 Scale coefficient for entire set of four items: H = .43. Political knowledge score (4 items) constructed, named VAR201, range 0-4. In addition to this `standard' analysis, an alternative analysis was performed on the basis of the twelve original variables, the results of which are as follows: Codes of 'positive' Item Label responses Difficulty Hi VAR189 Photo a - Beckers 1 .77 .53 VAR190 Party of Beckers 1 .69 .51 VAR191 Political function of Beckers 1 .55 .46 VAR192 Photo b - Korthals Altes 1 .65 .54 VAR193 Party of Korthals Altes 1 .47 .50 VAR194 Political function of Korthals Altes 1 .72 .53 VAR195 Photo c - Kombrink 1 .20 .72 VAR196 Party of Kombrink 1 .36 .61 VAR197 Political function of Kombrink 1 .26 .66 VAR198 Photo d - De Vries 1 .77 .61 VAR199 Party of De Vries 1 .85 .69 VAR200 Political function of De Vries 1 .47 .51 Scale coefficient for entire set of twelve items: H = .56. Political knowledge score (12 items) constructed, named VAR202, range 0-12. The use of the political knowledge score (4 items) is recommended in cases where the categories should contain a fair amount of cases, as is for example the case in tabular analyses. The use of political knowledge score (12 items) is recommended in cases where such a requirement is less critical, as is for example the case in correlational analyses. POLITICAL EFFICACY The data file contains a set of four items designed to tap respondents' sense of political efficacy (see the variable documentation part of this codebook, VAR219 to VAR222). Mokken scale analysis yields the following results: Codes of 'positive' Item Label responses Difficulty Hi 1 Page 212 ICPSR 9950 VAR219 Political efficacy - first item 2 .59 .49 VAR220 Political efficacy - second item 2 .56 .49 VAR221 Political efficacy - third item 2 .53 .44 VAR222 Political efficacy - fourth item 2 .92 .55 Scale coefficient for entire set of four items: H = .48. Political efficacy score constructed, named VAR223, range 0-4. POLITICAL CYNICISM The data file contains three items on political cynicism (see the variable documentation part of this codebook, VAR224 to VAR226). Mokken scale analysis yields the following results: Codes of 'positive' Item Label responses Difficulty Hi VAR213 Political cynicism - first item 1,2 .84 .55 VAR214 Political cynicism - second item 1,2 .30 .40 VAR215 Political cynicism - third item 1,2 .36 .37 Scale coefficient for entire set of three items: H = .41. Political cynicism score constructed, named VAR227, range 0-3. CIVIC PARTICIPATION The data file contains thirteen variables that can be regarded as indicators of civic participation. Each of these variables contains information about whether the respondents had ever engaged in a specific form of civic participation (see the variable documentation part of this codebook, VAR229 to VAR241). Codes of 'positive' Item Label responses Difficulty Hi VAR229 Did (not) contact cabinet ministers 1 .04 .31 VAR230 Did (not) contact member of parliament 1 .08 .44 VAR231 Did (not) sign a petition 1 .62 .68 VAR232 Did (not) try to activate interest group 1 .19 .48 VAR233 Did (not) try to activate radio or tv 1 .05 .36 VAR234 Did (not) try to activate political party 1 .11 .47 VAR235 Did (not) contact mayor or alderman 1 .14 .42 VAR236 Did (not) contact municipal councillor 1 .19 .46 VAR237 Did (not) join civic action group 1 .20 .42 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 213 VAR238 Did (not) join demonstration 1 .27 .37 VAR239 Did (not) try to activate newspaper 1 .09 .47 VAR240 Did (not) lodge a complaint 1 .17 .36 VAR241 Did (not) contact department official 1 .07 .44 Scale coefficient for entire set of thirteen items: H = .44. Civic participation score constructed, named VAR242, range 0-13. It should be noted that the skewness of many of the items (for 12 out of the 13 items, the proportion of positive responses is smaller than .30) may have affected scalability in a negative sense. Furthermore, the large number of zero scores on the scale may obscure the distinctions between separate, but correlated, subdimensions, if those would exist. For these reasons, the scale scores provided in the data file should be used with some caution; if the participation domain itself is the subject of investigation, the analyst is recommended to analyze the dimensionality of these items in more depth. CONFESSIONAL ATTITUDE The data file contains a series of five items concerning religion as a guide in politics and whether or not social institutions should be confessional or secular in character (see the variable documentation part of this codebook, VAR261 to VAR265). The underlying continuum can be interpreted as support for the organization of social institutions on a religious basis, which may be either confessional or interconfessional. Codes of 'positive' Item Label responses Difficulty Hi VAR261 Should there be confessional parties? 2,3 .37 .70 VAR262 Should there be confessional unions? 2,3 .28 .77 VAR263 Should there be confessional schools? 2,3 .53 .74 VAR264 Should there be confessional radio or tv? 2,3 .41 .63 VAR265 Is religion a good guide in politics? 1,2 .38 .56 Scale coefficient for entire set of four items: H = .67. Confessional attitude score constructed, named VAR266, range 0-5. 1 Page 214 ICPSR 9950 APPENDIX 2: DAILY NEWSPAPER This appendix is used in conjunction with VAR010 to VAR013 The data file contains four variables concerning the name(s) of the newspapers respondents read on a daily basis. This appendix contains a description of the coding categories that were used and a description of the frequency distributions of the coded variables. The first eight codes were presented directly on the screen of the interviewer's laptop computer. The names of these newspapers could easily be stored by typing the associated code. For all other newspapers, the names had to be typed directly into the computer. These names were checked and cleaned with the aid of a catalogue that contains a listing of all current and former newspapers, weekly magazines and other periodicals (CCD 1989). Up to four different answers were coded. Codes 1 to 7 refer to general public daily newspapers, while the other codes refer to regional daily newspapers, or to newspapers directed at specific publics (e.g., code 9, which involves a paper which is primarily directed at agrarians). VAR010 contains the newspaper that was mentioned first by the respondent; VAR011, VAR012, and VAR013 contain the names of the newspaper that were mentioned second, third, and fourth, respectively. The frequency distributions of the variables are as follows: Code Newspaper VAR010 VAR011 VAR012 VAR013 1. Telegraaf 264 16 6 0 2. Nieuws van de Dag 10 6 0 0 3. Volkskrant 179 20 6 1 4. Trouw 47 5 4 2 5. NRC Handelsblad 82 32 4 1 6. Parool 25 7 3 1 7. Algemeen Dagblad 134 16 5 1 8. Vrije Volk 25 8 0 0 9. Agrarisch Dagblad 0 2 0 0 10. Alkmaarsche Courant 6 2 0 1 11. Amersfoortsche Courant 14 4 0 0 12. Arnhemsche Courant 5 1 1 0 13. Barneveldse krant 3 2 0 0 14. Het Binnenhof 6 0 0 0 15. Brabants Dagblad 50 8 2 0 16. Brabants Nieuwsblad 14 2 0 0 17. Dagblad Kennemerland 5 0 0 0 18. Dagblad voor Noord-Limburg 14 0 0 0 19. Dagblad van het oosten 13 3 0 0 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 215 20. Dagblad voor West-Friesland 6 5 0 1 21. Dagblad Tubantia 19 2 1 0 22. Delftsche Courant 0 3 0 0 23. Deventer Dagblad 2 0 0 0 24. De Dordtenaar 13 1 0 0 25. Drentsche en Asser Courant 6 2 1 0 26. Edesche Courant 1 9 0 0 27. Eindhovensch Dagblad 21 6 1 0 28. Emmer Courant 13 2 0 0 29. Enkhuizer Courant 12 4 1 0 30. Het Financieele Dagblad 1 5 3 0 31. Friesch Dagblad 15 9 0 0 32. De Gelderlander 73 4 0 1 33. Gooi-en Eemlander 4 1 0 0 34. Goudse Courant 6 3 0 0 35. De Graafschap-bode 3 8 0 0 36. Haagsche Courant 23 5 3 1 37. Haarlems Dagblad 14 4 0 0 38. Helderse Courant 5 1 0 0 39. Helmonds Dagblad 18 1 0 0 40. Hengelosch Dagblad 3 0 0 0 41. Hoogeveensche Courant 1 9 0 0 42. Leeuwarder Courant 37 7 2 1 43. Leidsch Dagblad 10 3 2 0 44. Leidsche Courant 3 7 0 0 45. Limburger 59 4 2 0 46. Limburgs Dagblad 21 3 0 1 47. Nederlands Dagblad 11 2 1 0 48. Nieuwe Apeldoornse Courant 12 1 0 0 49. Nieuw Kamper Dagblad 3 0 0 0 50. Nieuwe Noordhollandse Courant 1 7 0 0 51. Niewsblad van het Noorden 25 0 0 1 52. Het Nieuwsblad: Dagblad voor Midden Brabant 29 4 0 1 53. Nijmeegsch Dagblad 0 1 0 0 54. Noord-Hollands Dagblad 1 4 0 0 55. Overijssels Dagblad 1 1 0 0 56. Provinciaals Zeeuwsche Courant 16 5 0 0 57. Reformatorisch Dagblad 21 6 0 0 58. Rotterdams Nieuwsblad 9 3 0 0 59. De Stem 19 3 0 0 60. Tielsche Krant 2 1 0 0 61. Twentsche Courant 7 1 0 0 62. De Typhoon 3 3 0 0 63. Utrechts Nieuwsblad 22 5 1 0 64. De Vallei 0 1 0 0 65. Veluwsch Dagblad 1 0 0 0 66. De Waarheid 1 1 1 1 67. Winschoter Courant 25 1 0 0 68. Zaanlander 2 0 0 0 69. Zutphens Dagblad 1 1 0 0 1 Page 216 ICPSR 9950 70. Zwolsche Courant 23 2 0 0 90. Does not read a newspaper 207 0 0 0 95. No second, third, or fourth answer 0 1,210 242 36 97. DK 1 0 0 0 98. NA 26 15 2 2 99. INAP 0 234 1,459 1,703 _____ _____ _____ _____ 1,754 1,754 1,754 1,754 INAP codes were assigned in all cases after the respondent had indicated that he or she did not read papers (code 90), could not tell the name of the paper he or she claims to read on a daily basis (code 97), no further answers had been given (code 95), or no answer had been ascertained (code 98). 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 217 APPENDIX 3: MOST IMPORTANT NATIONAL PROBLEMS This appendix is used in conjunction with VAR014 to VAR018 and Var305 to Var310 The data file contains five variables concerning the problems that the respondents thought were "the most important in our country" (VAR014 to VAR018). The values of these five variables were assigned on the basis of a newly developed coding scheme. This coding scheme will be described in this appendix, along with the frequency distribution for each of the five variables. The interviewers were instructed to type the answers to the most important problem question directly into their laptop computers. These 'verbatim' answers were coded in order of appearance as recorded by the interviewer. Up to five different answers were coded. The coding scheme used for coding the national problems is a much more detailed one than those used in previous Dutch Parliamentary Election Studies. There are two important reasons for developing a new coding scheme. First, the older coding schemes were rather limited in terms of the political problems that could be dealt with successfully. Second, it was felt that the older coding schemes were rather crude, and that a more detailed coding scheme would facilitate analyses that could not be performed on the basis of the older codes. Therefore, a coding scheme was developed whose coded answers stay as close as possible to the original 'verbatim' answers as recorded by the interviewer. In order to facilitate longitudinal analyses, the 'verbatim' answers have also been coded on the basis of the coding scheme that was employed in the Dutch Parliamentary Election Study 1986 (refer to Van der Eijk, Irwin, and Niemoller (1988) for a description of the coding scheme). These variables were coded by the Netherlands Central Bureau of Statistics and were added to the end of the data file (Var306 to Var310). The 'verbatim' answers as recorded by the interviewers have also been stored in a separate alphanumeric variable (Var305). This variable was cleaned and corrected for spelling errors. Users should be aware that these answers are all in Dutch, and that English translations are not available. The following remarks apply to the codes obtained by means of the new coding scheme: -Each code contains five digits. The first three digits indicate the general substantive problem (e.g., aids, defense, aliens). The fourth digit pertains to a more detailed distinction (e.g., defense cuts, defense expenses), while the fifth digit pertains to still finer distinctions (e.g., defense expenses too high, defense expenses too 1 Page 218 ICPSR 9950 low). Users are recommended to collapse the codes along the third or the fourth digit if all they need is a crude categorization of the most important problems. -The interviewers were not explicitly instructed to mark separate political problems. In a small number of cases, this has led to some difficulties in determining the exact number of problems mentioned by the respondent. This problem was solved by relying on the context of the complete answer given by the respondent. -A considerable proportion of the political problems in the coding scheme are deeply rooted in the Dutch political context. Consequently, it is not always easy to provide a satisfactory English translation for these problems. Therefore, the English descriptions of the codes are followed by their original descriptions in Dutch. -Some of the codes in the new coding scheme were not assigned to any of the respondents. These codes have nonetheless been included to preserve the consistency of the coding scheme and to facilitate its future use. The new coding scheme, with its translation in Dutch, is presented below. The distinction in terms of the first three digits, the fourth digit, and the fifth digit of the codes is shown graphically by the use of indents. Code Important problem (English)Important problem (Dutch) 1000. Cultural policy Cultureel beleid 1500. Media Media 1510. policy beleid 1520. commercial television commerciele tv 1530. negative impact negatieve invloed 1540. unfair reporting oneerlijke berichtgeving 2000. Ethical problems Ethische problemen 2010. abortion abortus 2020. euthanasia euthanasie 2500. Aids Aids 3000. Bureaucracy Burocratie 3010. (increasing) government (toenemende) overheidsbemoeienis role 3020. (too many) rules regelgeving (te veel) 3500. Single people Alleenstaanden 3510. loneliness eenzaamheid 4000. Tax (pressure) Belasting(druk) 4010. too high te hoog 4020. system stelsel 4030. sales tax btw 4500. Social levies Sociale lasten 4510. too high te hoog 5000. Population growth Bevolkingsgroei 5010. population policies bevolkingspolitiek 5020. overpopulation overbevolking 5030. population density bevolkingsdichtheid 5500. Elderly people Bejaarden en ouderen 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 219 5510. policy beleid 5520. cuts bezuinigingen 5530. elderly homes bejaardenhuizen 5531. cuts bezuinigingen 5532. too few te weinig 5533. too few personnel te weinig personeel 5540. elderly care bejaardenverzorging 5541. cuts bezuinigingen 5542. increase toename 5543. salary personnel salariering personeel 5544. negligence of care verwaarlozing verpleging 5545. too little te weinig 5550. nursery homes verpleeghuizen 5560. loneliness eenzaamheid 5570. provision for old age oudedagsvoorziening 5580. pension pensioen 5590. finances financien 6000. Greying Vergrijzing 6010. social services sociale voorzieningen 6500. Physically and mentally Lichamelijk en geestelijk handicapped gehandicapten 6510. care verzorging 7000. Health Gezondheid 7010. mental health geestelijke gezondheid 7500. Health care Gezondheidszorg 7510. cuts bezuinigingen 7520. shortage of personnel personeelstekort 7530. shortage of money geldtekort 7540. salaries salariering 8000. Hospitals Ziekenhuizen 8010. cuts bezuinigingen 8020. behavior of doctors gedrag van artsen 8500. Health costs Ziektekosten 8510. increase stijging 8520. insurance verzekering 8530. health insurance ziekenfonds (mandatory) 9000. Refugees Vluchtelingen 9010. flood (toe)stroom 9500. Asylum seekers Asielzoekers 9510. flood (toe)stroom 9520. relief opvang 10000. Aliens Vreemdelingen 10010. policy beleid 10500. Guest workers (foreign) Gastarbeiders (buitenlandse werknemers) 11000. (Ethnic) minorities, (Etnische) minderheden, allochtonen immigrants 11010. policy beleid 11020. integration integratie 11030. guidance, attention begeleiding, aandacht 11040. relationship with verhouding tot autochtonen 1 Page 220 ICPSR 9950 autochthones 11500. Foreigners Buitenlanders 11510. (too) many (te) veel 11520. flood (toe)stroom 11530. relief opvang 11540. cultural differences cultuurverschillen 11550. adjustment problems aanpassingsmoeilijkheden 11560. illegal illegalen 11570. preferential treatment voortrekken 11580. muslims moslims 11590. family reunifications gezinshereniging 11600. second and third tweede en derde generatie generation 12000. Multicultural society Multi-culturele samenleving 12500. Racial issue Rassenvraagstuk 13000. Discrimination Discriminatie 13010. races rassen 13020. foreigners buitenlanders 13030. gays homo's 13040. Dutch people nederlanders 13500. Racism Racisme 14000. Corruption Corruptie 14010. government overheid 14020. corporate bedrijfsleven 14500. Fraud Fraude 14510. fighting bestrijding 15000. Crime Criminaliteit (Misdaad) 15010. fighting bestrijding 15020. increase toename 15030. regional regionaal 15040. international internationaal 15050. big cities grote steden 15060. youth jeugd 15070. white collar witte boorden 15500. Violence (aggression) Geweld (agressie) 15510. increase toename 15520. living environment woonomgeving 15530. sexual sexueel 16000. (Un)safety (On)veiligheid 16010. on streets op straat 16020. living environment woonomgeving 16030. women vrouwen 16500. Vandalism Vandalisme 16510. fighting bestrijding 16520. malice baldadigheid 16530. soccer voetbal 17000. Child abuse Kindermishandeling 17010. incest incest 17500. Animals: sorrow, Dierenleed, -bescherming, -mishandeling protection, abuse 18000. Alcohol Alcohol 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 221 18500. Drugs Drugs 18510. fighting bestrijding 18520. trade handel 18530. use gebruik 18540. addiction verslaving 19000. Judiciary Justitie 19010. reduction of personnel inkrimping personeel 19020. maintaining order handhaving van rechtsorde 19030. administration of justice rechtspraak 19040. penalties too light straffen te licht 19500. Police (force) Politie(apparaat) 19510. policy beleid 19520. cuts bezuinigingen 19530. reduction of personnel inkrimping personeel 19540. too little protection te weinig bescherming 19550. help for victims slachtofferhulp 20000. Defense Defensie 20010. cuts bezuinigingen 20020. armament bewapening 20030. nuclear arms kernwapens 20040. disarmament ontwapening 20050. expenses uitgaven 20051. too high te hoog 20052. too low te laag 20500. Peace Vrede 21000. International relations Internationale betrekkingen 21010. foreign policy buitenlandse politiek 21020. detente ontspanningspolitiek 21030. east-west relationship oost west verhouding 21040. developing countries ontwikkelingslanden en -hulp and aid 21050. wars oorlogen 21060. communism communisme 21070. hunger honger 21500. European community Europese gemeenschap 21510. abolish afschaffen 21520. integration integratie 22000. Economy, economic problems Economie, economische problemen 22010. inflation inflatie 22020. growth (recovery) ontwikkeling (groei, herstel, op peil houden) 22500. Corporate climate Ondernemersklimaat 23000. Child care Kinderopvang 23500. Emancipation Emancipatie 23510. subordination of women achterstelling vrouwen 23520. equal rights men and gelijke rechten man en vrouw women 23530. too far te ver doorgevoerd 24000. Governmental policy Regeringsbeleid 24500. Cuts Bezuinigingen 25000. (State) finances (Staats)financien 1 Page 222 ICPSR 9950 25010. budget deficit financierings/begrotingstekort 25020. budget begroting 25030. financial policy financiele beleid 25040. financial situation financiele toestand 25500. Government expenses Overheidsuitgaven 25510. limits beperking 25520. distribution verdeling 25530. spending besteding 25540. too many subsidies te veel subsidies 26000. Youth Jeugd 26010. supervision over gezag over 26020. work ethic arbeidsethos 26030. wages too high te hoge lonen 26040. independence zelfstandigheid 26050. future toekomst 26500. Study loans Studiefinanciering 26510. cuts korting 26520. paying back terugbetaling 27000. Energy Energie 27010. nuclear energy Kernenergie 27020. nuclear plants Kerncentrales 27500. Agriculture and fishing Landbouw en visserij 27510. butter boter 27520. milk problem melkprobleem 27530. too few reform products te weinig natuurprodukten 27540. manure mest 28000. Environment (pollution) Milieu (vervuiling) 28010. policy beleid 28020. costs kosten 28030. trash problem afvalprobleem 28040. pesticides bestrijdingsmiddelen 28050. nature conservation natuurbehoud 28060. soil bodem 28070. dumping and release of storten en lozen gif toxins 28080. air lucht 28090. acid rain zure regen 28100. ozone layer ozonlaag 28110. car auto 28500. Traffic Verkeer 28510. policy beleid 28520. driving a car too autorijden te duur expensive 28530. congestion files 28540. infrastructure infrastructuur 28550. mobility mobiliteit 28560. public transportation openbaar vervoer 28561. increase price of prijsverhoging tickets 28570. refunds of travel reiskostenvergoeding expenses 1 ICPSR 9950 Page 223 28580. traffic safety verkeersveiligheid 28590. speeding snelheidsovertredingen 28600. car use autogebruik 29000. Work Werken 29010. not willing to niet willen 29020. stimulate stimuleren 29030. illegal work zwart werken 29040. too little attention for te weinig aandacht voor werkenden workers 29500. Employment Werkgelegenheid 29510. difficult to hire moeilijk personeel te krijgen personnel 29520. children kinderen 29530. women vrouwen 29540. distribution werkverdeling 30000. Unemployment Werkloosheid 30010. fighting bestrijding 30011. mandatory education verplichte scholing 30020. layoffs gedwongen ontslagen 30030. youth jongeren 30040. older people ouderen 30050. foreigners buitenlanders 30060. social aspects sociale aspecten 30070. long-term langdurige 30500. Job relations Arbeidsverhoudingen 30510. collective labor CAO (arbeidsvoorwaarden) agreement 30511. health care system gezondheidszorg 30520. strikes (actions) stakingen (acties) 30521. health care gezondheidszorg 30530. unions vakbonden 31000. Income Inkomen 31010. relations verhouding 31020. distribution verdeling 31021. equal, decreasing gapgelijk, nivellering income 31022. unequal, increasing gapongelijk, denivellering income 31023. just rechtvaardig 31024. unjust onrechtvaardig 31030. difference (becoming verschil ((wordt) (te) groot) too big) 31031. poor - rich arm - rijk 31032. wages - benefits loon - uitkeringen 31033. youth benefit - minimum jeugduitkering - jeugdminimumloon wage 31040. low incomes (the lage inkomens (minder financially weak) draagkrachtigen) 31041. subordination achterstelling 31050. minimum incomes minima 31051. subordination, pay cut achterstelling, korten 1 Page 224 ICPSR 9950 31052. too low te laag 31060. base income basisinkomen 31070. wages lonen 31080. minimum wages minimumlonen 31081. too low te laag 31082. no increase niet verhogen 31500. Poverty Armoede 31510. increase toename 32000. Those on welfare Uitkeringsgerechtigden 32010. too many (te) veel 32500. Social services, Sociale voorzieningen, uitkeringen, benefits, security zekerheid 32510. policy beleid 32520. unfair onrechtvaardig 32530. breakdown afbraak 32540. affordability betaalbaarheid 32550. level hoogte 32560. too high te hoog 32570. too low te laag 32580. too many te veel 32590. youth jongeren 32591. too high te hoog 32600. single mothers on welfare bijstandmoeders 32601. too low te laag 32610. welfare norm bijstandsnorm 32620. disabled pension WAO 32630. pension AOW 32631. cuts korten 32640. wrong people verkeerde mensen 32650. abuse misbruik 33000. Disenfranchised Sociaal zwakkeren 33500. Division of society Tweedeling maatschappij 34000. Link between wages and Koppeling (uitkering en lonen) social benefit